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Everything posted by BlackCat

  1. Hello good afternoon, I need help with this interface the lycan appears to me in the females and in the males the female warrior appears but bugada I wanted it to appear in the males could someone here help me thank you [Hidden Content] my discord:!!Emanuel!!-!!Silva!!#5124 import ui, net, app, grp, wndMgr, chr, playerSettingModule, localeInfo, snd, musicInfo, systemSetting PLAYER_SLOT_COUNT = 5 BLACKLIST = ["POCCIX"] PLAYER_VALUES = { #M F 0 : 0, 1 : 5, 2 : 2, 3 : 7, 4 : 4, 5 : 1, 6 : 6, 7 : 3, 8 : 8, } names = { 0 : { "name" : "Warrior", "desc" : [ "Thanks to their skills as,", "well as their heavy armour", "Warriors play an important", "role in close combat", "situations. They strive." ],}, 1 : { "name" : "Ninja", "desc" : [ "Ninjas are professional,", "killers, who can attack.", "through ambush. In order to", "maximise on both strength", "and mobility, these." ],}, 2 : { "name" : "Sura", "desc" : [ "Suras are fighters who", "gained magical powers by", "agreeing to grow the Seed of", "Evil in their arms. The", "magic they now control. " ],}, 3 : { "name" : "Shaman", "desc" : [ "The wisdom achieved through,", "long years of intense study", "allow the Shamans to use", "Spells and Magic to attack,", "their foes. When in a fight." ],}, 4 : { "name" : "Woflman", "desc" : [ "Lycans are huge,", "Wolf beings that were once by", "an incurable virus your", "lost human form,", "and mutated into a beast." ],}, } class CreateCharacterWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): START_STAT = ( ## CON INT STR DEX [ 4, 3, 6, 3, ], ## Warrior [ 3, 3, 4, 6, ], ## Assassin [ 3, 5, 5, 3, ], ## Sura [ 4, 6, 3, 3, ], ## Shaman [ 4, 3, 6, 3, ], ## Warrior [ 3, 3, 4, 6, ], ## Assassin [ 3, 5, 5, 3, ], ## Sura [ 4, 6, 3, 3, ], ## Shaman [ 6, 2, 6, 2, ], ## Woflman ) class CharacterRenderer(ui.Window): def OnRender(self): grp.ClearDepthBuffer() grp.SetGameRenderState() grp.PushState() grp.SetOmniLight() grp.SetViewport(0.50, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0) app.SetCenterPosition(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) app.SetCamera(1550.0, 15.0, 180.0, 95.0) grp.SetPerspective(10.0, (float(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()) / 2.0 / float(wndMgr.GetScreenHeight())), 1000.0, 3000.0) (x, y) = app.GetCursorPosition() grp.SetCursorPosition(x, y) chr.Deform() chr.Render() grp.RestoreViewport() grp.PopState() grp.SetInterfaceRenderState() def __init__(self, stream = None): ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) self.stream = stream playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("INIT") net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_CREATE, self) self.__LoadScript("jack_work/code/ui_jack_create.py") self.rotation = 0 self.current_slot = 0 self.female_add = 0 self.shapeIndex = 0 self.reservingRaceIndex = -1 self.is_female = FALSE self.Open() def __del__(self): ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_CREATE, 0) def Open(self): playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("INIT") app.SetCamera(500.0, 10.0, 180.0, 95.0) self.Show() if musicInfo.createMusic != "": snd.SetMusicVolume(systemSetting.GetMusicVolume()) snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.createMusic) app.ShowCursor() self.__SelectSlot(0) def Close(self): self.edit_name.Enable() self.stream=0 if musicInfo.createMusic != "": snd.FadeOutMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.createMusic) chr.DeleteInstance(0) self.Hide() app.HideCursor() def __LoadScript(self, fileName): try: pyLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() pyLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, fileName) except: import exception exception.Abort("ui_jack_create.py ## __LoadScript.LoadScriptFile") try: self.edit_name = self.GetChild("edit_name") self.content_create = self.GetChild("content_create") self.btn_create = self.GetChild("btn_create") self.btn_left = self.GetChild("btn_left") self.btn_right = self.GetChild("btn_right") self.img_race = self.GetChild("img_race") self.edit_name.SetMax(16) self.gender_btn = { 0 : self.GetChild("btn_gender_01"), 1 : self.GetChild("btn_gender_02"), } self.shape_btn = { 0 : self.GetChild("btn_shape_01"), 1 : self.GetChild("btn_shape_02"), } self.texts = { 0 : self.GetChild("text_desc_01"), 1 : self.GetChild("text_desc_02"), 2 : self.GetChild("text_desc_03"), 3 : self.GetChild("text_desc_04"), 4 : self.GetChild("text_desc_05"), } self.character_render_window = self.GetChild("character_render_window") self.chrRenderer = self.CharacterRenderer() self.chrRenderer.SetParent(self.character_render_window) self.chrRenderer.Show() except: import exception exception.Abort("ui_jack_create.py ## __LoadScript.GetChild") try: self.btn_create.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__CreateCharacter)) self.btn_right.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectSlot), 1) self.btn_left.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectSlot), -1) for i in range(len(self.gender_btn)): self.gender_btn[i].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__ChangeGender),i) for i in range(len(self.shape_btn)): self.shape_btn[i].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__ChangeShape),i) self.edit_name.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__CreateCharacter)) self.edit_name.SetEscapeEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelCreate)) except: import exception exception.Abort("ui_jack_create.py ## __LoadScript.SetEvent") def __Close(self): self.CancelCreate() def __ChangeGender(self, id): for i in range(len(self.gender_btn)): self.gender_btn[i].SetUp() self.gender_btn[id].Down() if id == 0: self.is_female = TRUE else: self.is_female = FALSE self.__SelectSlot(self.current_slot) def __ChangeShape(self, id): for i in range(len(self.shape_btn)): self.shape_btn[i].SetUp() self.shape_btn[id].Down() chr.ChangeShape(id) chr.SetMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_WAIT) self.shapeIndex = id def __MakeCharacter(self, race): chr.CreateInstance(0) chr.SelectInstance(0) chr.SetVirtualID(0) chr.SetNameString("") chr.SetRace(race) chr.SetArmor(0) chr.SetHair(0) chr.Refresh() chr.SetMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_WAIT) chr.SetRotation(0.0) def __SelectSlot(self, slot): if (self.current_slot + slot) < 0: self.current_slot = 4 elif (self.current_slot + slot) > 4: self.current_slot = 0 else: self.current_slot += slot chr.DeleteInstance(0) if self.is_female: self.female_add = 4 else: self.female_add = 0 chr.DeleteInstance(0) for i in range(len(self.texts)): self.texts[i].SetText(names[self.current_slot]["desc"][i]) self.__MakeCharacter(PLAYER_VALUES[self.current_slot + self.female_add]) self.__ChangeShape(0) raceImgDict = { 0 : "jack_work/images/select/img_race_warrior.tga", 1 : "jack_work/images/select/img_race_ninja.tga", 2 : "jack_work/images/select/img_race_sura.tga", 3 : "jack_work/images/select/img_race_shaman.tga", 4 : "jack_work/images/select/img_race_warrior.tga", 5 : "jack_work/images/select/img_race_ninja.tga", 6 : "jack_work/images/select/img_race_sura.tga", 7 : "jack_work/images/select/img_race_shaman.tga", 8 : "jack_work/images/select/img_race_wolfman.tga", } self.img_race.LoadImage(raceImgDict[self.current_slot + self.female_add]) def OnKeyDown(self, key): if 203 == key: self.__SelectSlot(-1) if 205 == key: self.__SelectSlot(1) if 28 == key: self.__CreateCharacter() return TRUE def __CreateCharacter(self): self.DisableWindow() textName = self.edit_name.GetText() if FALSE == self.__CheckCreateCharacter(textName): return if musicInfo.selectMusic != "": snd.FadeLimitOutMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.selectMusic, systemSetting.GetMusicVolume()*0.05) self.reservingStartTime = app.GetTime() self.reservingRaceIndex = chr.GetRace() chr.PushOnceMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_SELECTED) def __CheckCreateCharacter(self, name): if len(name) == 0: self.PopupMessage(localeInfo.CREATE_INPUT_NAME, self.EnableWindow) return FALSE if name.find(localeInfo.CREATE_GM_NAME)!=-1: self.PopupMessage(localeInfo.CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME, self.EnableWindow) return FALSE if net.IsInsultIn(name): self.PopupMessage(localeInfo.CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME, self.EnableWindow) return FALSE if name.upper() in BLACKLIST: self.PopupMessage("Cannot create with this name!", self.EnableWindow) return FALSE return TRUE def EnableWindow(self): self.btn_create.Enable() self.gender_btn[0].Enable() self.gender_btn[1].Enable() self.shape_btn[0].Enable() self.shape_btn[1].Enable() self.edit_name.SetFocus() chr.BlendLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_WAIT, 0.1) def DisableWindow(self): self.btn_create.Disable() self.gender_btn[0].Disable() self.gender_btn[1].Disable() self.shape_btn[0].Disable() self.shape_btn[1].Disable() self.edit_name.Disable() def OnCreateSuccess(self): self.stream.SetSelectCharacterPhase() # return def OnCreateFailure(self, type): if 1 == type: self.PopupMessage(localeInfo.CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME, self.EnableWindow) else: self.PopupMessage(localeInfo.CREATE_FAILURE, self.EnableWindow) def PopupMessage(self, msg, func=0): if not func: func=self.EmptyFunc self.stream.popupWindow.Close() self.stream.popupWindow.Open(msg, func, localeInfo.UI_OK) def EmptyFunc(self): pass def TestOutput(self, txt): import dbg dbg.TraceError("TESTOUTPUT :::: %s" % (txt)) def OnPressExitKey(self): self.CancelCreate() def CancelCreate(self): self.stream.SetSelectCharacterPhase() # app.Exit() def OnUpdate(self): chr.Update() chr.SetRotation(self.rotation) self.rotation += 0.4 if -1 != self.reservingRaceIndex: if app.GetTime() - self.reservingStartTime >= 1.5: chrSlot=self.stream.GetCharacterSlot() textName = self.edit_name.GetText() if self.is_female: self.female_add = 4 else: self.female_add = 0 net.SendCreateCharacterPacket(chrSlot, textName, PLAYER_VALUES[self.current_slot + self.female_add], self.shapeIndex, 0, 0, 0, 0) self.reservingRaceIndex = -1
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