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Everything posted by iRETEMAG

  1. Hi people I get error because of network. What you use at virtualbox network settings?
  2. Microsoft Loopback Adapter and Sysinstall > Networking Worked! WinSCP too... I used Winrar 5.0 and Mega. But I have this error when I do: cd /usr/home/game sh start.sh
  3. What is the best software to create querys to weapons, with attack value, magical attack and other bonus?
  4. Where I can do this? I don't have the compiled files we are using now.
  5. Thank you very much, it worked. Just need a litle changes in functions. Regards. Can you post the quest working?
  6. My Item_Proto database refines vnums: My constinfo.py: My game: 34083 Also: I get green image (like positive add), but say ("This Item cannot be equipped") when I add to the new accessories.
  7. I think devs getting close, thank you. But I add you for future.
  8. in this way. go root->constInfo.py find JewelAccessoryInfos add this [ 50634, 14420, 16220, 17220 ], [ 50635, 14500, 16500, 17500 ], [ 50636, 14520, 16520, 17520 ], [ 50637, 14540, 16540, 17540 ], [ 50638, 14560, 16560, 17560 ], [ 50639, 14570, 16570, 17570 ], and find ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_LIST add this 50634, 50635, 50636, 50637, 50638, 50639, Same error. I add: # option IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE = 1 CONSOLE_ENABLE = 0 PVPMODE_ENABLE = 1 PVPMODE_TEST_ENABLE = 0 PVPMODE_ACCELKEY_ENABLE = 1 PVPMODE_ACCELKEY_DELAY = 0.5 PVPMODE_PROTECTED_LEVEL = 30 FOG_LEVEL0 = 4800.0 FOG_LEVEL1 = 9600.0 FOG_LEVEL2 = 12800.0 FOG_LEVEL = FOG_LEVEL0 FOG_LEVEL_LIST=[FOG_LEVEL0, FOG_LEVEL1, FOG_LEVEL2] CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_SHORT = 2500.0 CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LONG = 3500.0 CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LIST=[CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_SHORT, CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LONG] CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE = CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_SHORT CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX = 0 ENVIRONMENT_NIGHT="d:/ymir work/environment/moonlight04.msenv" group_add = "" group_new_name = "" group_chat_enable = 0 group_chat = "" groups = {} ip = "" #ip = "" #ip = "" ch = "1" ch_name= "Testserver" ch_nr = {} #ch_nr[0] = 13070 auth = 11002 #auth = 11002 #ch_nr[0] = 31965 ch_nr[0] = 13070 ch_nr[1] = 13023 ch_nr[2] = 13033 ch_nr[3] = 13043 ch_nr[4] = 13053 ch_nr[5] = 13063 #chwechsel chrenew = 0 id = "" pw = "" char_place = 0 ladebild = 0 #ende # Craftingsystem by xGr33n & Apo CRAFTING_NPC_ID = 0 CRAFTING_NPC_ID_OLD = 0 CRAFTING_RESULT = 0 CRAFTING_NEED = 0 # constant HIGH_PRICE = 500000 MIDDLE_PRICE = 50000 ERROR_METIN_STONE = 28960 SUB2_LOADING_ENABLE = 1 EXPANDED_COMBO_ENABLE = 1 CONVERT_EMPIRE_LANGUAGE_ENABLE = 1 USE_ITEM_WEAPON_TABLE_ATTACK_BONUS = 0 ADD_DEF_BONUS_ENABLE = 1 LOGIN_COUNT_LIMIT_ENABLE = 0 USE_SKILL_EFFECT_UPGRADE_ENABLE = 1 VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD = 1 GUILD_MONEY_PER_GSP = 100 GUILD_WAR_TYPE_SELECT_ENABLE = 1 TWO_HANDED_WEAPON_ATT_SPEED_DECREASE_VALUE = 0 HAIR_COLOR_ENABLE = 1 ARMOR_SPECULAR_ENABLE = 1 WEAPON_SPECULAR_ENABLE = 1 SEQUENCE_PACKET_ENABLE = 1 KEEP_ACCOUNT_CONNETION_ENABLE = 1 MINIMAP_POSITIONINFO_ENABLE = 0 CONVERT_EMPIRE_LANGUAGE_ENABLE = 0 USE_ITEM_WEAPON_TABLE_ATTACK_BONUS = 0 ADD_DEF_BONUS_ENABLE = 0 LOGIN_COUNT_LIMIT_ENABLE = 0 PVPMODE_PROTECTED_LEVEL = 15 TWO_HANDED_WEAPON_ATT_SPEED_DECREASE_VALUE = 10 isItemDropQuestionDialog = 0 def GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(): global isItemDropQuestionDialog return isItemDropQuestionDialog def SET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(flag): global isItemDropQuestionDialog isItemDropQuestionDialog = flag import app import net ######################## def SET_DEFAULT_FOG_LEVEL(): global FOG_LEVEL app.SetMinFog(FOG_LEVEL) def SET_FOG_LEVEL_INDEX(index): global FOG_LEVEL global FOG_LEVEL_LIST try: FOG_LEVEL=FOG_LEVEL_LIST[index] except IndexError: FOG_LEVEL=FOG_LEVEL_LIST[0] app.SetMinFog(FOG_LEVEL) def GET_FOG_LEVEL_INDEX(): global FOG_LEVEL global FOG_LEVEL_LIST return FOG_LEVEL_LIST.index(FOG_LEVEL) ######################## def SET_DEFAULT_CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE(): global CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE app.SetCameraMaxDistance(CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE) def SET_CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_INDEX(index): global CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE global CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LIST try: CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE=CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LIST[index] except: CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE=CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LIST[0] app.SetCameraMaxDistance(CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE) def GET_CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_INDEX(): global CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE global CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LIST return CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LIST.index(CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE) ######################## import chrmgr import player import app def SET_DEFAULT_CHRNAME_COLOR(): global CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX chrmgr.SetEmpireNameMode(CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX) def SET_CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX(index): global CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX=index chrmgr.SetEmpireNameMode(index) def GET_CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX(): global CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX return CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX def SET_VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD(index): global VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD = index def GET_VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD(): global VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD return VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD def SET_DEFAULT_CONVERT_EMPIRE_LANGUAGE_ENABLE(): global CONVERT_EMPIRE_LANGUAGE_ENABLE net.SetEmpireLanguageMode(CONVERT_EMPIRE_LANGUAGE_ENABLE) def SET_DEFAULT_USE_ITEM_WEAPON_TABLE_ATTACK_BONUS(): global USE_ITEM_WEAPON_TABLE_ATTACK_BONUS player.SetWeaponAttackBonusFlag(USE_ITEM_WEAPON_TABLE_ATTACK_BONUS) def SET_DEFAULT_USE_SKILL_EFFECT_ENABLE(): global USE_SKILL_EFFECT_UPGRADE_ENABLE app.SetSkillEffectUpgradeEnable(USE_SKILL_EFFECT_UPGRADE_ENABLE) def SET_TWO_HANDED_WEAPON_ATT_SPEED_DECREASE_VALUE(): global TWO_HANDED_WEAPON_ATT_SPEED_DECREASE_VALUE app.SetTwoHandedWeaponAttSpeedDecreaseValue(TWO_HANDED_WEAPON_ATT_SPEED_DECREASE_VALUE) ######################## import item ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_LIST = [50623, 50624, 50625, 50626, 50627, 50628, 50629, 50630, 50631, 50632, 50633, 50634, 50635, 50636, 50637, 50638, 50639,] #ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_LIST = [50623, 50623, 50624, 50624, 50625, 50625, 50626, 50627, 50628, 50629, 50630, 50631, 50632, 50633, # 50623, 50623, 50624, 50624, ] JewelAccessoryInfos = [ # jewel wrist neck ear [ 50634, 14420, 16220, 17220 ], [ 50635, 14500, 16500, 17500 ], [ 50636, 14520, 16520, 17520 ], [ 50637, 14540, 16540, 17540 ], [ 50638, 14560, 16560, 17560 ], [ 50639, 14570, 16570, 17570 ], ] def GET_ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_VNUM(vnum, subType): ret = vnum item_base = (vnum / 10) * 10 for info in JewelAccessoryInfos: if item.ARMOR_WRIST == subType: if info[1] == item_base: return info[0] elif item.ARMOR_NECK == subType: if info[2] == item_base: return info[0] elif item.ARMOR_EAR == subType: if info[3] == item_base: return info[0] if vnum >= 16210 and vnum <= 16219: return 50625 if item.ARMOR_WRIST == subType: WRIST_ITEM_VNUM_BASE = 14000 ret -= WRIST_ITEM_VNUM_BASE elif item.ARMOR_NECK == subType: NECK_ITEM_VNUM_BASE = 16000 ret -= NECK_ITEM_VNUM_BASE elif item.ARMOR_EAR == subType: EAR_ITEM_VNUM_BASE = 17000 ret -= EAR_ITEM_VNUM_BASE type = ret/20 if type<0 or type>=len(ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_LIST): type = (ret-170) / 20 if type<0 or type>=len(ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_LIST): return 0 return ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_LIST[type] ## 자동물약 (HP: #72723 ~ #72726, SP: #72727 ~ #72730) # 해당 vnum이 자동물약인가? def IS_AUTO_POTION(itemVnum): return IS_AUTO_POTION_HP(itemVnum) or IS_AUTO_POTION_SP(itemVnum) # 해당 vnum이 HP 자동물약인가? def IS_AUTO_POTION_HP(itemVnum): if 72723 <= itemVnum and 72726 >= itemVnum: return 1 elif itemVnum >= 76021 and itemVnum <= 76022: ## 새로 들어간 선물용 화룡의 축복 return 1 elif itemVnum == 79012: return 1 return 0 # 해당 vnum이 SP 자동물약인가? def IS_AUTO_POTION_SP(itemVnum): if 72727 <= itemVnum and 72730 >= itemVnum: return 1 elif itemVnum >= 76004 and itemVnum <= 76005: ## 새로 들어간 선물용 수룡의 축복 return 1 elif itemVnum == 79013: return 1 return 0 INPUT_IGNORE = 0 VID = 0 STHX = 0 HPXD = 0 PLAYER_HP = 0 PLAYER_MAX_HP = 0 PLAYER_SP = 0 PLAYER_MAX_SP = 0 PLAYER_NAME = "" CApiSetHide = 0 SendString = ""
  9. when you add accessories in bracelet, earrings, necklace, accessory disappears? No. Just say (This Item cannot be equipped.)
  10. ​Game 34083 Where I can find the "item.cpp" ? (that's all) item.cpp in source mainline. I don't know how fix in 34083 core I don't have this at my server
  11. Since the insidepro (website) close the generator, here you have another one to make a password to navicat: [Hidden Content] Put your password in the field. Copy the password under MySQL V4/5/+ Don't forget to add the symbol *
  12. Hi! I start creating servers many years ago, but, I stopped. Where I can find this "LINE/srcs/Server/src/game/item.cpp" in my server? Where I can edit? I don't get it, someone explain to me?
  13. ​Game 34083 Where I can find the "item.cpp" ? (that's all)
  14. Someone can change a little the quest and make the same player kill dont count or go out from the map?
  15. I get segmentation fault (Core dumped) quest mapapvp begin state start begin when login with pc.get_map_index() == 70 begin say("Welcome to PVP Map") say("You need to kill 3 players.") say("When you kill 3 players you get the reward.") set_state("mapapvp1") pc.setqf("conta_kills",1) end end state mapapvp1 begin when kill with npc.is_pc() begin if pc.getqf("conta_kills") == 3 then pc.change_money(250000) warp_to_village() else pc.setqf("conta_kills", pc.getqf("conta_kills")+1) end end end end
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