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Everything posted by giovy010102

  1. Your server is lag HW. Please take a look our process llist or use kill -9 function
  2. Is dhcp problem. Please reload ur modem or assign a static IP.
  3. I have fixed. Is Game problem and config. I have edited some lines and work perfect.
  4. Is timebomb problem thanks solved. Now new problem. When i try to login the client shut automatically.. no syserror and log... but in syslog rhis is error : RESULT_LOGIN_BY_KEY FAIL player_index's NULL : ID:10005693
  5. I have compiled wolfman. The DB Work perfect.. but game no. The Game Start and stop Here : PUBLIC_IP: interface em0 HOSTNAME: channel1_core5 AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1) CommonSQL connected Setting Locale "germany" (Path: locale/germany) Setting DB to locale latin1 AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1) PlayerSQL connected LogSQL connected SKILL_POWER_BY_LEVEL 0 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 50 52 54 56 58 60 63 66 69 72 82 85 88 91 94 98 102 106 110 115 125 125 125 125 125 SKILL_POWER_BY_JOB 0 0 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 50 52 54 56 58 60 63 66 69 72 82 85 88 91 94 98 102 106 110 115 125 125 125 125 125 SKILL_POWER_BY_JOB 1 0 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 50 52 54 56 58 60 63 66 69 72 82 85 88 91 94 98 102 106 110 115 125 125 125 125 125 SKILL_POWER_BY_JOB 2 0 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 50 52 54 56 58 60 63 66 69 72 82 85 88 91 94 98 102 106 110 115 125 125 125 125 125 SKILL_POWER_BY_JOB 3 0 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 50 52 54 56 58 60 63 66 69 72 82 85 88 91 94 98 102 106 110 115 125 125 125 125 125 SKILL_POWER_BY_JOB 4 0 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 50 52 54 56 58 60 63 66 69 72 82 85 88 91 94 98 102 106 110 115 125 125 125 125 125 SKILL_POWER_BY_JOB 5 0 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 50 52 54 56 58 60 63 66 69 72 82 85 88 91 94 98 102 106 110 115 125 125 125 125 125 SKILL_POWER_BY_JOB 6 0 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 50 52 54 56 58 60 63 66 69 72 82 85 88 91 94 98 102 106 110 115 125 125 125 125 125 SKILL_POWER_BY_JOB 7 0 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 50 52 54 56 58 60 63 66 69 72 82 85 88 91 94 98 102 106 110 115 125 125 125 125 125 There is missing some...?
  6. in short: When i put normal core whitout lycan this windows show the item. [Hidden Content] when i put eolfman do not show anymore.
  7. i have problem whit item_proto... can you give me the query on item_proto client ..?
  8. in short: I'm looking equip I wear. But you see the character.
  9. I have a problem: All the items you wear, not seen in the window of the character .But instead you see the character. And as if that is empty .. I changed core (without wolfman) and everything works. while with no wolfman. What can it be? Thanks for the help.
  10. war yes and the fix is "int type = GUILD_WAR_TYPE_FIELD;" to"unsigned int type = GUILD_WAR_TYPE_FIELD;". dice no
  11. Bro works good I can add wolfman here Do u have source? P.s U have fogot to add devil lib
  12. Is ServerPart problem. The core isn't compiled whit wolfman.
  13. error : Performing C++ SOURCE FILE Test boost_filesystem_copy_links_without_NO_SCOPED_ENUM failed with the following output: Change Dir: C:/Users/Giovanni/Desktop/Nuova cartella (4)/Server/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp Run Build Command:"C:/Program Files/MSBuild/12.0/bin/MSBuild.exe" "cmTryCompileExec1113592569.vcxproj" "/p:Configuration=Debug" "/p:VisualStudioVersion=12.0" Microsoft (R) Build Engine versione 12.0.30723.0 [Microsoft .NET Framework versione 4.0.30319.18444] Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Tutti i diritti riservati. Compilazione avviata 02/12/2014 14:25:08. Progetto "C:UsersGiovanniDesktopNuova cartella (4)ServerbuildCMakeFilesCMakeTmpcmTryCompileExec1113592569.vcxproj" sul nodo 1 (destinazioni predefinite). PrepareForBuild: Creazione directory "cmTryCompileExec1113592569.dirDebug". Creazione directory "C:UsersGiovanniDesktopNuova cartella (4)ServerbuildCMakeFilesCMakeTmpDebug". Creazione directory "cmTryCompileExec1113592569.dirDebugcmTryCom.570751AB.tlog". InitializeBuildStatus: Creazione di "cmTryCompileExec1113592569.dirDebugcmTryCom.570751AB.tlogunsuccessfulbuild". Ô stato specificato "AlwaysCreate". ClCompile: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 12.0VCbinx86_armCL.exe /c /I"C:UsersGiovanniDesktopNuova cartella (4)ServerExternboost-1_57include" /Zi /W3 /WX- /MP /Od /Ob0 /Oy- /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D boost_filesystem_copy_links_without_NO_SCOPED_ENUM /D _DEBUG /D "CMAKE_INTDIR="Debug"" /D _ARM_WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP_SDK_AVAILABLE=1 /D _MBCS /Gm- /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Fo"cmTryCompileExec1113592569.dirDebug" /Fd"cmTryCompileExec1113592569.dirDebugvc120.pdb" /Gd /TP /analyze- /errorReport:queue -std=c++11 "C:UsersGiovanniDesktopNuova cartella (4)ServerbuildCMakeFilesCMakeTmpsrc.cxx" Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler versione 18.00.30723 per ARM Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Tutti i diritti riservati. cl /c /I"C:UsersGiovanniDesktopNuova cartella (4)ServerExternboost-1_57include" /Zi /W3 /WX- /MP /Od /Ob0 /Oy- /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D boost_filesystem_copy_links_without_NO_SCOPED_ENUM /D _DEBUG /D "CMAKE_INTDIR="Debug"" /D _ARM_WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP_SDK_AVAILABLE=1 /D _MBCS /Gm- /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Fo"cmTryCompileExec1113592569.dirDebug" /Fd"cmTryCompileExec1113592569.dirDebugvc120.pdb" /Gd /TP /analyze- /errorReport:queue -std=c++11 "C:UsersGiovanniDesktopNuova cartella (4)ServerbuildCMakeFilesCMakeTmpsrc.cxx" cl : warning della riga di comando D9002 : l'opzione sconosciuta '-std=c++11' verr… ignorata src.cxx C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 12.0VCincludexlocale(337): warning C4530: utilizzato gestore eccezioni C++, ma la semantica di rimozione non Š abilitata. Specificare /EHsc [C:UsersGiovanniDesktopNuova cartella (4)ServerbuildCMakeFilesCMakeTmpcmTryCompileExec1113592569.vcxproj] Link: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 12.0VCbinx86_armlink.exe /ERRORREPORT:QUEUE /OUT:"C:UsersGiovanniDesktopNuova cartella (4)ServerbuildCMakeFilesCMakeTmpDebugcmTryCompileExec1113592569.exe" /INCREMENTAL /NOLOGO kernel32.lib user32.lib /MANIFEST /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /manifest:embed /DEBUG /PDB:"C:/Users/Giovanni/Desktop/Nuova cartella (4)/Server/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/Debug/cmTryCompileExec1113592569.pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /TLBID:1 /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /IMPLIB:"C:/Users/Giovanni/Desktop/Nuova cartella (4)/Server/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/Debug/cmTryCompileExec1113592569.lib" /MACHINE:ARM /machine:ARM /debug cmTryCompileExec1113592569.dirDebugsrc.obj LINK : fatal error LNK1104: impossibile aprire il file 'libboost_filesystem-vc120-mt-gd-1_57.lib' [C:UsersGiovanniDesktopNuova cartella (4)ServerbuildCMakeFilesCMakeTmpcmTryCompileExec1113592569.vcxproj] Compilazione progetto "C:UsersGiovanniDesktopNuova cartella (4)ServerbuildCMakeFilesCMakeTmpcmTryCompileExec1113592569.vcxproj" (destinazioni predefinite) NON COMPLETATA. Compilazione NON RIUSCITA. "C:UsersGiovanniDesktopNuova cartella (4)ServerbuildCMakeFilesCMakeTmpcmTryCompileExec1113592569.vcxproj" (destinazione predefinita) (1) -> (destinazione: ClCompile) -> C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 12.0VCincludexlocale(337): warning C4530: utilizzato gestore eccezioni C++, ma la semantica di rimozione non Š abilitata. Specificare /EHsc [C:UsersGiovanniDesktopNuova cartella (4)ServerbuildCMakeFilesCMakeTmpcmTryCompileExec1113592569.vcxproj] "C:UsersGiovanniDesktopNuova cartella (4)ServerbuildCMakeFilesCMakeTmpcmTryCompileExec1113592569.vcxproj" (destinazione predefinita) (1) -> (destinazione: Link) -> LINK : fatal error LNK1104: impossibile aprire il file 'libboost_filesystem-vc120-mt-gd-1_57.lib' [C:UsersGiovanniDesktopNuova cartella (4)ServerbuildCMakeFilesCMakeTmpcmTryCompileExec1113592569.vcxproj] Avvisi: 1 Errori: 1 Tempo trascorso 00:00:02.49 Source file was: #include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp> #include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp> int main() { boost::filesystem::copy_file(boost::filesystem::path(), boost::filesystem::path()); }
  14. I Have this error : char.cpp:2406: error: 'class CBuffOnAttributes' has no member named 'GiveAllAttributes' and stop to make the core. How i can fix? Here is full error : In file included from char.cpp:25: shop_manager.h:40:7: warning: no newline at end of file In file included from char.cpp:62: PetSystem.h:163:31: warning: no newline at end of file In file included from char_battle.cpp:27: shop_manager.h:40:7: warning: no newline at end of file In file included from char_item.cpp:47: belt_inventory_helper.h:108:42: warning: no newline at end of file In file included from PetSystem.cpp:8: PetSystem.h:163:31: warning: no newline at end of file PetSystem.cpp:637:2: warning: no newline at end of file char_state.cpp: In member function 'virtual void CHARACTER::StateMove()': char_state.cpp:901: warning: unused variable 'rider' cube.cpp: In function 'bool Cube_make(CHARACTER*)': cube.cpp:544: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions cube.cpp: In function 'void Cube_MakeCubeInformationText()': cube.cpp:716: warning: unused variable 'npcVNUM' cube.cpp: In function 'void Cube_InformationInitialize()': cube.cpp:783: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions cmd_gm.cpp: In function 'void do_use_item(CHARACTER*, const char*, int, int)': cmd_gm.cpp:4464: warning: 'cell' may be used uninitialized in this function cmd_gm.cpp: In function 'void do_set_stat(CHARACTER*, const char*, int, int)': cmd_gm.cpp:3980: warning: 'n' may be used uninitialized in this function cmd_gm.cpp: In function 'void do_mob_ld(CHARACTER*, const char*, int, int)': cmd_gm.cpp:855: warning: 'x' may be used uninitialized in this function cmd_gm.cpp:855: warning: 'y' may be used uninitialized in this function constants.cpp:292: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 constants.cpp:293: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 constants.cpp:294: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 constants.cpp:295: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 constants.cpp:296: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 constants.cpp:297: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 constants.cpp:298: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 constants.cpp:299: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 constants.cpp:300: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 constants.cpp:301: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 constants.cpp:302: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 constants.cpp:303: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 constants.cpp:304: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 constants.cpp:305: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 constants.cpp:306: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 constants.cpp:307: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 constants.cpp:308: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 constants.cpp:309: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 constants.cpp:310: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 constants.cpp:311: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 constants.cpp:312: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 config.cpp: In function 'void config_init(const std::string&)': config.cpp:453: warning: NULL used in arithmetic config.cpp:477: warning: NULL used in arithmetic config.cpp:501: warning: NULL used in arithmetic config.cpp:523: warning: unused variable 'line' In file included from desc_manager.cpp:15: ClientPackageCryptInfo.h:117:41: warning: no newline at end of file PetSystem.cpp: In member function 'virtual bool CPetActor::_UpdateFollowAI()': PetSystem.cpp:246: warning: unused variable 'bDoMoveAlone' PetSystem.cpp: In member function 'CPetActor* CPetSystem::Summon(DWORD, CItem*, const char*, bool, DWORD)': PetSystem.cpp:552: warning: unused variable 'petVID' desc_client.cpp: In member function 'void CLIENT_DESC::UpdateChannelStatus(DWORD, bool)': desc_client.cpp:299: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions In file included from input_main.cpp:16: shop_manager.h:40:7: warning: no newline at end of file input_main.cpp:3339:2: warning: no newline at end of file input_auth.cpp: In member function 'int CInputAuth::auth_OpenID(const char*, const char*, char*)': input_auth.cpp:465: warning: unused variable 'last' In file included from input_db.cpp:13: shop_manager.h:40:7: warning: no newline at end of file input_db.cpp:2723:2: warning: no newline at end of file In file included from item.cpp:22: belt_inventory_helper.h:108:42: warning: no newline at end of file item.cpp:2089:2: warning: no newline at end of file item_manager.cpp: In member function 'TItemTable* ITEM_MANAGER::GetTable(DWORD)': item_manager.cpp:612: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions In file included from item.cpp:22: belt_inventory_helper.h: In static member function 'static BYTE CBeltInventoryHelper::GetBeltGradeByRefineLevel(int)': belt_inventory_helper.h:28: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions item.h: In constructor 'CItem::CItem(DWORD)': item.h:286: warning: 'CItem::m_pkRealTimeExpireEvent' will be initialized after item.h:283: warning: 'LPEVENT CItem::m_pkExpireEvent' item.cpp:25: warning: when initialized here item.cpp: In function 'const bool CanPutIntoRing(CItem*, CItem*)': item.cpp:1730: warning: unused variable 'vnum' item.cpp: In member function 'int CItem::GiveMoreTime_Per(float)': item.cpp:2019: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions item.cpp: In member function 'int CItem::GetDuration()': item.cpp:2074: warning: array subscript has type 'char' input_main.cpp: In member function 'void CInputMain::Move(CHARACTER*, const char*)': input_main.cpp:1499: warning: unused variable 'fDist' monarch.cpp:276:2: warning: no newline at end of file p2p.cpp:286:2: warning: no newline at end of file party.cpp:1737:2: warning: no newline at end of file questlua.cpp: In member function 'bool quest::FPartyCheckFlagLt::operator()(CHARACTER*)': questlua.cpp:78: warning: 'returnBool' may be used uninitialized in this function In file included from questlua_pet.cpp:11: PetSystem.h:163:31: warning: no newline at end of file questlua_pet.cpp:157:2: warning: no newline at end of file In file included from questlua_npc.cpp:9: shop_manager.h:40:7: warning: no newline at end of file questlua_npc.cpp: In function 'int quest::npc_get_vid_attack_mul(lua_State*)': questlua_npc.cpp:293: warning: unused variable 'q' questlua_npc.cpp: In function 'int quest::npc_set_vid_attack_mul(lua_State*)': questlua_npc.cpp:309: warning: unused variable 'q' questlua_npc.cpp: In function 'int quest::npc_get_vid_damage_mul(lua_State*)': questlua_npc.cpp:324: warning: unused variable 'q' questlua_npc.cpp: In function 'int quest::npc_set_vid_damage_mul(lua_State*)': questlua_npc.cpp:340: warning: unused variable 'q' shop.cpp:595:2: warning: no newline at end of file questnpc.cpp: In member function 'bool quest::NPC::HandleEvent(quest::PC&, int)': questnpc.cpp:500: warning: unused variable 'pPC' In file included from trigger.cpp:8: shop_manager.h:40:7: warning: no newline at end of file shop.cpp: In member function 'virtual bool CShop::IsSellingItem(DWORD)': shop.cpp:586: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions utils.cpp: In function 'bool WildCaseCmp(const char*, const char*)': utils.cpp:244: warning: NULL used in arithmetic utils.cpp:256: warning: NULL used in arithmetic utils.cpp:270: warning: NULL used in arithmetic FileMonitor_FreeBSD.cpp:136:2: warning: no newline at end of file In file included from ClientPackageCryptInfo.cpp:2: ClientPackageCryptInfo.h:117:41: warning: no newline at end of file In file included from dragon_soul_table.cpp:4: dragon_soul_table.h:74:7: warning: no newline at end of file ../../../Extern/include/cryptopp/algparam.h: In constructor 'CryptoPP::ConstByteArrayParameter::ConstByteArrayParameter(const T&, bool) [with T = std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >]': ../../../Extern/include/cryptopp/filters.h:793: instantiated from here ../../../Extern/include/cryptopp/algparam.h:26: warning: unused variable 'cryptopp_assert_26' ../../../Extern/include/cryptopp/algparam.h: In member function 'void CryptoPP::AlgorithmParametersTemplate<T>::MoveInto(void*) const [with T = CryptoPP::RandomNumberGenerator*]': cipher.cpp:397: instantiated from here ../../../Extern/include/cryptopp/algparam.h:322: warning: unused variable 'p' dragon_soul_table.cpp: In member function 'bool DragonSoulTable::ReadAdditionalApplys()': dragon_soul_table.cpp:223: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions dragon_soul_table.cpp: In member function 'bool DragonSoulTable::CheckApplyNumSettings()': dragon_soul_table.cpp:283: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions dragon_soul_table.cpp: In member function 'bool DragonSoulTable::CheckWeightTables()': dragon_soul_table.cpp:311: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions dragon_soul_table.cpp: In member function 'bool DragonSoulTable::CheckRefineGradeTables()': dragon_soul_table.cpp:343: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions dragon_soul_table.cpp:372: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions dragon_soul_table.cpp: In member function 'bool DragonSoulTable::CheckRefineStepTables()': dragon_soul_table.cpp:397: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions dragon_soul_table.cpp:427: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions dragon_soul_table.cpp: In member function 'bool DragonSoulTable::CheckRefineStrengthTables()': dragon_soul_table.cpp:453: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions dragon_soul_table.cpp: In member function 'bool DragonSoulTable::CheckDragonHeartExtTables()': dragon_soul_table.cpp:494: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions dragon_soul_table.cpp:513: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions dragon_soul_table.cpp:522: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions dragon_soul_table.cpp: In member function 'bool DragonSoulTable::CheckDragonSoulExtTables()': dragon_soul_table.cpp:545: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions group_text_parse_tree.h: In member function 'bool CGroupNode::CGroupNodeRow::GetValue(const std::string&, T&) const [with T = std::string]': dragon_soul_table.cpp:129: instantiated from here group_text_parse_tree.h:220: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions group_text_parse_tree.h: In member function 'bool CGroupNode::CGroupNodeRow::GetValue(const std::string&, T&) const [with T = BYTE]': dragon_soul_table.cpp:134: instantiated from here group_text_parse_tree.h:220: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions group_text_parse_tree.h: In member function 'bool CGroupNode::CGroupNodeRow::GetValue(const std::string&, T&) const [with T = int]': dragon_soul_table.cpp:201: instantiated from here group_text_parse_tree.h:220: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions group_text_parse_tree.h: In member function 'bool CGroupNode::CGroupNodeRow::GetValue(const std::string&, T&) const [with T = float]': dragon_soul_table.cpp:260: instantiated from here group_text_parse_tree.h:220: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions group_text_parse_tree.h: In member function 'bool CGroupNode::CGroupNodeRow::GetValue(int, T&) const [with T = float]': dragon_soul_table.cpp:828: instantiated from here group_text_parse_tree.h:228: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ClientPackageCryptInfo.h: In constructor 'CClientPackageCryptInfo::CClientPackageCryptInfo()': ClientPackageCryptInfo.h:50: warning: 'CClientPackageCryptInfo::m_pSerializedCryptKeyStream' will be initialized after ClientPackageCryptInfo.h:48: warning: 'int CClientPackageCryptInfo::m_nCryptKeyPackageCnt' ClientPackageCryptInfo.cpp:9: warning: when initialized here group_text_parse_tree.h: In member function 'bool CGroupNode::CGroupNodeRow::GetValue(int, T&) const [with T = int]': group_text_parse_tree.h:159: instantiated from 'bool CGroupNode::GetValue(const std::string&, const std::string&, T&) const [with T = int]' group_text_parse_tree.h:203: instantiated from 'bool CGroupNode::GetGroupValue(const std::string&, const std::string&, const std::string&, T&) const [with T = int]' dragon_soul_table.cpp:612: instantiated from here group_text_parse_tree.h:228: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions group_text_parse_tree.h: In member function 'bool CGroupNode::CGroupNodeRow::GetValue(int, T&) const [with T = unsigned int]': group_text_parse_tree.h:159: instantiated from 'bool CGroupNode::GetValue(const std::string&, const std::string&, T&) const [with T = unsigned int]' group_text_parse_tree.h:203: instantiated from 'bool CGroupNode::GetGroupValue(const std::string&, const std::string&, const std::string&, T&) const [with T = unsigned int]' dragon_soul_table.cpp:884: instantiated from here group_text_parse_tree.h:228: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions In file included from DragonSoul.cpp:9: dragon_soul_table.h:74:7: warning: no newline at end of file group_text_parse_tree.h: In constructor 'CGroupTextParseTreeLoader::CGroupTextParseTreeLoader()': group_text_parse_tree.h:93: warning: 'CGroupTextParseTreeLoader::m_dwcurLineIndex' will be initialized after group_text_parse_tree.h:91: warning: 'CGroupNode* CGroupTextParseTreeLoader::m_pRootGroupNode' group_text_parse_tree.cpp:5: warning: when initialized here group_text_parse_tree.cpp: In member function 'bool CGroupTextParseTreeLoader::LoadGroup(CGroupNode*)': group_text_parse_tree.cpp:99: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions group_text_parse_tree.cpp: In member function 'bool CGroupNode::GetRow(int, const CGroupNode::CGroupNodeRow**) const': group_text_parse_tree.cpp:206: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions buff_on_attributes.cpp: In member function 'void CBuffOnAttributes::ChangeBuffValue(BYTE)': buff_on_attributes.cpp:112: warning: unused variable 'old_value' buff_on_attributes.cpp:113: warning: unused variable 'new_value' char_dragonsoul.cpp:143:2: warning: no newline at end of file DragonSoul.cpp: In function 'int Gamble(std::vector<float, std::allocator<float> >&)': DragonSoul.cpp:19: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions DragonSoul.cpp:25: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions DragonSoul.cpp: In member function 'bool DSManager::RefreshItemAttributes(CItem*)': DragonSoul.cpp:203: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions DragonSoul.cpp: In member function 'bool DSManager::PutAttributes(CItem*)': DragonSoul.cpp:273: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions DragonSoul.cpp: In member function 'bool DSManager::ExtractDragonHeart(CHARACTER*, CItem*, CItem*)': DragonSoul.cpp:350: warning: unused variable 'sum' DragonSoul.cpp: In member function 'bool DSManager::PullOut(CHARACTER*, TItemPos, CItem*&, CItem*)': DragonSoul.cpp:435: warning: unused variable 'dwVnum' DragonSoul.cpp:469: warning: format '%d' expects type 'int', but argument 3 has type 'double' DragonSoul.cpp:469: warning: format '%d' expects type 'int', but argument 4 has type 'double' DragonSoul.cpp: In member function 'bool DSManager::DoRefineGrade(CHARACTER*, TItemPos (&)[15])': DragonSoul.cpp:555: warning: unused variable 'prob_sum' DragonSoul.cpp: In member function 'bool DSManager::DoRefineStep(CHARACTER*, TItemPos (&)[15])': DragonSoul.cpp:763: warning: unused variable 'sum' In file included from shop_manager.cpp:22: shop_manager.h:40:7: warning: no newline at end of file char_dragonsoul.cpp: In member function 'bool CHARACTER::DragonSoul_ActivateDeck(int)': char_dragonsoul.cpp:91: warning: control reaches end of non-void function shutdown_manager.cpp:173:2: warning: no newline at end of file shutdown_manager.cpp: In member function 'int CShutdownManager::SearchDesc(DESC*)': shutdown_manager.cpp:90: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions shopEx.cpp: In member function 'virtual int CShopEx::Buy(CHARACTER*, BYTE)': shopEx.cpp:159: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions item_manager_read_tables.cpp: In member function 'bool ITEM_MANAGER::ReadMonsterDropItemGroup(const char*)': item_manager_read_tables.cpp:637: warning: unused variable 'pkGroup' shop_manager.cpp: In function 'bool ConvertToShopItemTable(CGroupNode*, TShopTableEx&)': shop_manager.cpp:473: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions group_text_parse_tree.h: In member function 'bool CGroupNode::CGroupNodeRow::GetValue(int, T&) const [with T = unsigned int]': group_text_parse_tree.h:175: instantiated from 'bool CGroupNode::GetValue(const std::string&, int, T&) const [with T = DWORD]' shop_manager.cpp:381: instantiated from here group_text_parse_tree.h:228: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions group_text_parse_tree.h: In member function 'bool CGroupNode::CGroupNodeRow::GetValue(int, T&) const [with T = std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >]': group_text_parse_tree.h:175: instantiated from 'bool CGroupNode::GetValue(const std::string&, int, T&) const [with T = std::string]' shop_manager.cpp:387: instantiated from here group_text_parse_tree.h:228: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions group_text_parse_tree.h: In member function 'bool CGroupNode::CGroupNodeRow::GetValue(int, T&) const [with T = unsigned char]': group_text_parse_tree.h:136: instantiated from 'bool CGroupNode::GetValue(size_t, const std::string&, T&) const [with T = BYTE]' shop_manager.cpp:442: instantiated from here group_text_parse_tree.h:228: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions item_manager_read_tables.cpp:627: warning: 'pkGroup' may be used uninitialized in this function ../../../Extern/include/cryptopp/misc.h: At global scope: ../../../Extern/include/cryptopp/misc.h:548: warning: 'std::string CryptoPP::StringNarrow(const wchar_t*, bool)' defined but not used char.cpp: In member function 'void CHARACTER::ComputePoints()': char.cpp:2406: error: 'class CBuffOnAttributes' has no member named 'GiveAllAttributes' gmake: *** [OBJDIR/char.o] Error 1 gmake: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... In file included from char_item.cpp:47: belt_inventory_helper.h: In static member function 'static BYTE CBeltInventoryHelper::GetBeltGradeByRefineLevel(int)': belt_inventory_helper.h:28: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions char_item.cpp: In member function 'bool CHARACTER::IsEmptyItemGrid(TItemPos, BYTE, int) const': char_item.cpp:640: warning: comparison is always false due to limited range of data type char_item.cpp: In member function 'bool CHARACTER::UseItemEx(CItem*, TItemPos)': char_item.cpp:2388: warning: format '%lu' expects type 'long unsigned int', but argument 4 has type 'DWORD' char_item.cpp:2388: warning: unknown conversion type character '}' in format char_item.cpp:2388: warning: too many arguments for format char_item.cpp:2392: warning: format '%lu' expects type 'long unsigned int', but argument 4 has type 'DWORD' char_item.cpp:2392: warning: unknown conversion type character '}' in format char_item.cpp:2392: warning: too many arguments for format char_item.cpp:2404: warning: format '%lu' expects type 'long unsigned int', but argument 3 has type 'DWORD' char_item.cpp:2404: warning: unknown conversion type character '}' in format char_item.cpp:2404: warning: too many arguments for format char_item.cpp:2408: warning: format '%lu' expects type 'long unsigned int', but argument 3 has type 'DWORD' char_item.cpp:2408: warning: unknown conversion type character '}' in format char_item.cpp:2408: warning: too many arguments for format char_item.cpp:2435: warning: format '%lu' expects type 'long unsigned int', but argument 4 has type 'DWORD' char_item.cpp:2435: warning: unknown conversion type character '}' in format char_item.cpp:2435: warning: too many arguments for format char_item.cpp:2443: warning: format '%lu' expects type 'long unsigned int', but argument 3 has type 'DWORD' char_item.cpp:2443: warning: unknown conversion type character '}' in format char_item.cpp:2443: warning: too many arguments for format char_item.cpp:5094: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions char_item.cpp: In member function 'bool CHARACTER::UseItem(TItemPos, TItemPos)': char_item.cpp:5166: warning: unused variable 'wDestCell' char_item.cpp:5167: warning: unused variable 'bDestInven' char_item.cpp: In member function 'bool CHARACTER::EquipItem(CItem*, int)': char_item.cpp:6167: warning: array subscript has type 'char' char_item.cpp: In member function 'void CHARACTER::BuffOnAttr_AddBuffsFromItem(CItem*)': char_item.cpp:6231: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions char_item.cpp: In member function 'bool CHARACTER::CanEquipNow(CItem*, const TItemPos&, const TItemPos&)': char_item.cpp:7432: warning: unused variable 'itemType' char_item.cpp:7433: warning: unused variable 'itemSubType' char_item.cpp: In member function 'void CHARACTER::BuffOnAttr_ValueChange(BYTE, BYTE, BYTE)': char_item.cpp:6278: warning: 'pBuff' may be used uninitialized in this function
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