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Posts posted by DragonBlack94

  1. Hello I would like to modify this mission by putting it in time, where example after 1 hour it is canceled if you do not finish it

    Anyone kind enough to help me?


    quest Metin80 begin
    	state start begin
    		when login or levelup with pc.get_level() >= 80 begin
    	state inizio_metin begin
    		when 8058.kill begin  
    			pc.setqf("metin_killati" , pc.getqf("metin_killati")+1)
    			if pc.getqf("metin_killati") == 30 then
    		        addimage(-140, -350, "ground.tga")
    				say_title("Missione livello 80!")
    				say("Hai distrutto 30 metin del freddo!")
    				say("Come promesso ecco la ricompensa:") 
    				say_reward("Ricevi: 12.000.000 Exp.")
    				say_reward("Ricevi: 14.000.000 Yang.")
    				say_reward("Ricevi: Cintura con Rune.")
    				say_reward("Ricevi: Baule Alchimia x10.")
    				say_reward("Ricevi: Moneta LastBreath x50.")
    				pc.give_exp2 ( 12000000 )
    				pc.changegold ( 14000000 )
    				pc.give_item2("18060", 1)
    				pc.give_item2("33029", 10)
    				pc.give_item2("25105", 50)
    		when letter begin
    			send_letter_ex("Metin 85", "purple,blink,ex", "scroll_open_purple.tga")
    		when button or info begin
    			if pc.getqf("metin_killati") < 30 then
    			    addimage(-140, -350, "ground.tga")
    				say_title("Distruggi 30 metin del freddo!")
    				say("Ciao ".. pc.get_name() .."")
    				say("Se distruggi 30 metin del freddo riceverai[ENTER]una bella ricompensa.")
    				say("Dovrai distruggere:")
    				say("Metin 80")
    				say_reward("Attualmente hai distrutto: ".. pc.getqf("metin_killati") .." metin del freddo.")
    	state fine_metin begin



  2. I have implemented the files, how come these errors come out? you do not see the npc

    1123 21:22:33938 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[60398] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/guild/ace_peoplemen/ace_peoplemen.msm] ERROR
    1123 21:22:33938 :: CRaceManager::GetRaceDataPointer: cannot load data by dwRaceIndex 60398
    1123 21:22:33938 :: CPythonCharacterManager::CreateInstance VID[54] Race[60398]


    Hi I have a problem with mobs so I'll explain: they are the same mobs of the same author only that the mobs which have the small name example "cat" and not "Cat" you read them to me instead "Cat" with a big "C" does not show them to me in game. Is there a way to solve this problem? In fact, if I put everything small "cat.gr2" even in the .msm, the path does not show them to me anyway. If I open the .gr2 file, I go into texture showing me the path with the large letter "Cat". Possible to solve?



  4. i already tried to spawn mob but it still doesn't work

    May  8 10:32:31 :: RunState: LUA_ERROR: [string "Carta_mostro"]:2: attempt to index global `spawn_boss' (a nil value)
    SYSERR: May  8 10:32:31 :: WriteRunningStateToSyserr: LUA_ERROR: quest Carta_mostro.start click

    SYSERR: May  8 10:40:00 :: mob_spawn_group: invalid argument
    SYSERR: May  8 10:40:00 :: SpawnMob: SpawnMob: no mob data for vnum 0

  5. Hi I have a problem I would like to create an item that when you click spaws a random boss among those chosen, can you help me?


    quest Carta_mostro begin
    	state start begin
    		when 50283.use begin
    			say_title ( "Carta Mostro:")
    			say ( "Questo e' la carta mostro, vuoi aprirla?" )
    			local yesno = select ( "Apri" , "Non aprire" )
    				local dragon = number(1,4)
    				local dragon1 = number(2,5)
    				local dragon2 = {102,103,104,105}



    • Metin2 Dev 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, LordZiege said:

    You added special_item_group part for the chest? otherwise it wont work.

    Yes, I did if I click on the trunk it opens normally, but if I drag the key on it they swap places in the inventory without any function.

    type chest: 23
    type key: 18

    if instead I copy the type of the chest / golden key the chest does not open and if I drag the key above they move from slot without any function


  7. I tried to insert for example value 50 to both items but the result does not change. (value 0)

    16 minutes ago, LordZiege said:

    You should use the same value in value0 and not the value of the chest/key wtf. Learn to read exactly.


    He descriped it completly correctly.

    I put those values in (value0) by copying them from the gold chest / key. But as I said I also tried to put the same value (50) the result does not change.

  8. Chest:
    INSERT INTO `item_proto` VALUES ('50134', 0xC0CCC6C4C0C720BBF3C0DA, 0x4D6973746572696F736F204261756C65207A61666669726F, '20', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '50152', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '0', '0', '0');


    INSERT INTO `item_proto` VALUES ('50152', 0xC0CCC6C4C0C720BBF3C0DA, 0x436869617665207A61666669726F, '21', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '50134', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '0', '0', '0');

    Need anything else?

  9. Hi guys I have a question, I would like to smuggle the chests (open with the key). If I drag sapphire key example onto the sapphire chest, they swap places without opening.

    type chest: 23
    type key: 18

    Need a quest? or do you need to add a function in the source?

    If you know how to solve it, please explain the process or ask me a quest to get them to open.

    I will thank you from my heart!!!! ❤️

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