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Posts posted by PeaceMaker

  1. i think the script they give isnt complete 


    too bad im not good with php would be great if someone can help


    $whitelistedIp     = "";
    $serverId         = "123";
    $privateKey     = "123";
    // check if the whitelisted IP is right and the POST elements exist
    if ($whitelistedIp == $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] && isset($_POST["TYPE"]) && isset($_POST["TIMESTAMP"]) && isset($_POST["HASH"]))
        // it's a vote
        if ($_POST["TYPE"] == "VOTE" && isset($_POST["USER_ID"]))
            // check the received hash
            if ($_POST["HASH"] == md5(sprintf("%s|%s|%s|%s|%s", $_POST["TYPE"], $serverId, $_POST["TIMESTAMP"], $_POST["USER_ID"], $privateKey)))
                // yeah right hash
                $userId = $_POST["USER_ID"]; // the user id
                // TODO: do what you want to do
                // no, no, no ... wrong hash ;-(
                echo "WRONG HASH";
        // it's a click
        else if ($_POST["TYPE"] == "CLICK")
            if ($_POST["HASH"] == md5(sprintf("%s|%s|%s|%s", $_POST["TYPE"], $serverId, $_POST["TIMESTAMP"], $privateKey)))
                // yeah right hash
                // TODO: do what you want to do
                // no, no, no ... wrong hash ;-(
                echo "WRONG HASH";
        // it's nothing
            echo "NOTHING IS RIGHT";
  2. hello i had a channel crash few minutes ago , i checked the syserr and i had this error : 


    SYSERR: Feb 19 00:46:53 :: GetWear: CHARACTER::GetWear: invalid wear cell 208
    SYSERR: Feb 19 00:46:53 :: Unequip: m_pOwner->GetWear() != this
    i believe there's a fix in source for this error  can anyone help me please ? 
    thanks in advance 
  3. The block chat function have a double check, modify this line on cmd_gm.cpp

    if (ch && (ch->GetGMLevel() < GM_HIGH_WIZARD && ch->GetQuestFlag("chat_privilege.block") <= 0))

    change by

    if (ch && ch->GetQuestFlag("chat_privilege.block") <= 0)

    same for block_chat_list

    thank , what about the pkmode can you help me to fix it please ? 

  4. What do you mean it's not working?


    Check the event rules in Metin2 Brazil:




    It's in portuguese but the Google translation into english is pretty good.

    i understand you , but i tried to kill like 250 player and nothing happens , no single announce about score 

    do you maybe know when the national war ends on what score i mean?

  5. I'm not sure what you mean, Nation War works and has worked always in all game revisions. The quest is public many years ago.

    well ,ive tryed alot and the mobs isnt getting spawned , in all maps , it was working with vanilla core but now its not working anymore with self compiled gamefile :/

    and about the scoring i mean the one that you have on wom2 :  https://metin2.download/picture/02CSn7e75fKYC99WJWL1zy1thH0kn948/.png

  6. hello , i was using vanilla core recently and now i made my own gamefile , but it seems that threeway_war.cpp got some problems ,

    with vanilla core when i start the quest , the mobs get spawned and when i use the other game file the mobs dosent appear at alll .. 


    could anyone post a working threeway_war.cpp please ? 


    thanks in advance


    Just edit the CMD file (or create it) on each channel and put only the mute command for LOW_WIZARD. If the LOW_WIZARD have the gm logo just edit this function in char.cpp

    if (GetGMLevel() >= GM_LOW_WIZARD)
                m_bPKMode = PK_MODE_PROTECT;

    replace by

    if (GetGMLevel() > GM_LOW_WIZARD)
                m_bPKMode = PK_MODE_PROTECT;

    thank you

  8. hello i was using a forget password script which is based on default php mail() function but for some reason the host has disabled this function and im not able to use this script , ( mail not sending )

    i messaged the host to renable it and they refused and asked me to use SMTP mail , i succeeded with that on forum ( mybb) but with this script i have no idea how to convert it to SMTP mail so im asking if anyone have any idea how to do it 


    thats the script im using:

    <div class="main main_title">
    			>> Reset Pass By Email
    		</div><div class="main main_content">
      if(isset($_POST['sfform']) && $_POST['sfform']=="reset") {
        if(!empty($_POST['account']) && !empty($_POST['sicherheitsf']) && !empty($_POST['sicherheitsa'])) {
          $acc = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['account']);
          $frage = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sicherheitsf']);
          $antwort = mysql_real_escape_string(md5($_POST['sicherheitsa']));
          $sqlCmd = "SELECT id FROM account.account WHERE login='".$acc."' AND question1='".$frage."' AND answer1='".$antwort."' LIMIT 1";
          $sqlQry = mysql_query($sqlCmd,$sqlServ);
          if(mysql_num_rows($sqlQry)>0) {
            $newPass = substr(md5(rand(999,99999)),0,8);
            $setPass = "UPDATE account.account SET password=PASSWORD('".$newPass."') WHERE login='".$acc."' LIMIT 1";
            $qryPass = mysql_query($setPass);
            if($qryPass) {
              echo'<p class="meldung" style="color:Green">Your Password has been successfully reseted.<br/><br/>The New password for the account <b>'.$acc.'</b> is: </p><p style="color : red"><b>'.$newPass.'</b>.</p><p class="meldung" style="color:Green"><br/><br/>Have Fun playing.</p>';
            else {
              echo'<p class="meldung">A new password could not be set.If you see this message, please contact an admin.</p>';
        else {
          echo'<p class="meldung">No data has been entered.</p>';
      if(isset($_POST['emailreset']) && $_POST['emailreset']=="reset") {
        if(!empty($_POST['account']) && checkMail($_POST['email'])) {
          $acc = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['account']);
          $email = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']);
          $newPass = substr(md5(rand(999,99999)),0,8);
          $getUser = "SELECT id FROM account.account WHERE login='".$acc."' AND email='".$email."' LIMIT 1";
          $qryUser = mysql_query($getUser);
          if(mysql_num_rows($qryUser)>0) {
            $setPass = "UPDATE account.account SET password=PASSWORD('".$newPass."') WHERE login='".$acc."' LIMIT 1";
            $qryPass = mysql_query($setPass);
            if($qryPass) {
              echo'<p class="meldung" style="color:Green">Your password has been successfully reset. You will receive an e-mail with your new password.</p>';
              $absender = $serverSettings['titel']." Password-service";
              $email = $serverSettings['pass_mail'];
              $empfaenger = $_POST['email'];
              $mail_body = "Hello,
              Your password has been successfully reset.
              Account: ".$acc."
              New Password: ".$newPass."
              Have fun playing,
              Sincerely, ".$serverSettings['titel']."-Team
              This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not reply to this address.";
              $titel = "Password of ".$serverSettings['titel'];
              $header .= "X-Priority: 3n";
              $header .= "X-Mailer: mtVision Homepage Mailern";
              $header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0n";
              $header .= "From: ".$absender." <".$serverSettings['pass_mail'].">n";
              $header .= "Reply-To: ".$serverSettings['pass_mail']."n";
              //$header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bitn"; 
              $header .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1n";
              if(!mail($empfaenger, $titel, $mail_body, $header)) {
                echo'<p class="meldung">Fail with this mail server, please contact an admin.</p>';
            else {
              echo'<p class="meldung">A new password could not be set.If you see this message, please contact an admin.</p>';
          else {
            echo'<p class="meldung">The combination specified does not exist.</p>';
        else {
          echo'<p class="meldung">You have not entered all data correctly.</p>';
      <h3>Reset by security question</h3>
      <p>To reset your account, Enter the right answer according to the question you chose when registering.</p>
      <form action="index.php?s=lostpw" method="POST">
            <th class="topLine">Account:</th>
            <td class="tdunkel"><input type="text" name="account" size="16" maxlength="16"/></td>
            <th class="topLine">Secret Question:</th>
            <td class="thell">
              <select name="sicherheitsf">
                  foreach($sFrage AS $fragew => $frage) {
                    echo'<option value="'.$fragew.'">'.$frage.'</option>';
            <th class="topLine">Answer:</th>
            <td class="tdunkel"><input type="text" name="sicherheitsa" size="16" maxlength="16"/></td>
            <th class="topLine" colspan="2" style="text-align:center;"><input type="submit" name="sfform" value="reset"/></th>
      <h3>Reset By Email</h3>
      <p>You need to specify the registered email linked to the account to be able to reset your password.</p>
      <form action="index.php?s=lostpw" method="POST">
            <th class="topLine">Account:</th>
            <td class="tdunkel"><input type="text" name="account" size="16" maxlength="16"/></td>
            <th class="topLine">E-Mail:</th>
            <td class="tdunkel"><input type="text" name="email" size="25" maxlength="25"/></td>
            <th colspan="2" class="topLine" style="text-align:center;"><input type="submit" name="emailreset" value="reset"/></th>
    		<div class="main main_bottom">

    thank you in advance ,

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