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Posts posted by PeaceMaker

  1. On 4/27/2024 at 2:02 PM, bLaNqii said:

    I see why this community is the way it is.

    Don't think there's anything wrong specifically with this community. That's just how the world works ?
    If you're not open for critics then you should probably not make something public that you cannot defend...

    I understand that it's made for designers but you're giving them false hopes.

  2. On 4/13/2024 at 6:03 PM, bLaNqii said:

    This tool is intended for designers, I discussed with many and they are adding a logo for each customer (server/player name).
    This way, you can no longer remove that logo, extract meshes or change the texture as you want.

    If any client is able to load your "encrypted" files then granny preprocessor would also load them and that means you can reexport those models without whatever encryption you're adding to those files.

    • kekw 2
  3. On 4/11/2024 at 10:26 AM, bLaNqii said:

    No changes are required in the client source.

    DDS Encryption: Block unwanted access from Paint, Paint.NET, Photoshop, and converters.

    GR2 Encryption: Prevent unauthorized conversions from Noesis, GRNReader, FBX converters, and more.

    Whats the point of the GR2 "encryption" if any client can read the "encrypted" files?

  4. 16 hours ago, silvano3 said:

    thanks for replying friend
    Well, yes, I am in a virtual machine on Windows. On my router's website, my virtual machine appears ( and then I set it to open ports with DMZ
    What has already crossed my mind is that this dmz doesn't work well since people from outside my network enter, log in and exit during character selection

    Seems like what you implemented is half working, if people are able to get to character selection then auth port forwarded properly, you just need to do the same for all other ports used by your game. Have a look at CONFIG from each channel/core

    • Good 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Reya said:

    Im already waiting for over 3 years. This company is scaming customer.

    Stop using this you will be the next for sure!

    If someone needs a proof, just message me.


    Holding more then 6.800€ !


    I pushed this topic to inform people in 2024 even not using e-payouts!

    Using since 2019 and no issues so far ?‍♂️

  6. On 3/15/2024 at 4:10 AM, silvano3 said:

    Well I'm using AVA2 files in local server they are working with IPv4 (
    I opened the router ports with DMZ
    How can I configure the server to work with public IP (ex:
    In the CONFIG files I have everything with localhost and there is no BIND_IP or PUBLIC_IP
    I already tried this but I can't log in

    Can someone explain to me how I can do this

    A few screenshots of your setup would help guide you better but let's assume you're running on windows with a virtual machine hosting FreeBSD, you will need to make sure that your network adapter is bridged to the physical interface you're connecting with to your router.

    You will also need to enable Promiscuous Mode so that your virtual machine is available on the network and seen by your router.
    Go back to your router and change your port forwarding rules directly to the virtual machine.


    • Good 1
  7. On 11/10/2023 at 7:33 PM, masodikbela said:

    Apart from that there is a really easy way to distinct if something is from the latest aeldra files or not, as no other server has text selection and proper bi-direction text implemented as far as I know and it was fairly new in aeldra from around May 2022. Just open a PM window or normal chat window and try to select/copy texts from it or pasting texts containing both english and arabic texts.


    Donald Trump GIF by Election 2016


    We had that since 2021


  8. On 3/1/2023 at 1:00 PM, Timx66 said:


    belongs to Aeldra. 
    For those who are interested, I will not reveal who I am....
    But you should know this.


    Proof 1:
    (Aeldra has been supporting Toplist since the beginning, even though they didn't get any traffic through it).


    Proof 2:
    The font of the logo (compare logo of Toplist and Aeldra) is identical, in general you can tell that the same person is working on both projects.


    Proof 3:
    Source Codes.
    Compares Toplist and Aeldra, both have identical source code profiles.
    Both even have partial copy & paste work, like "<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="assets/img/fav.png" />" --- that so much code is 1:1 identical, and since this is manually entered code, is certainly no coincidence.


    Proof 4 - the best:
    Go to Aeldra's website, and go all the way down. In the footer, where are the links, highlight everything. You will then find a hidden text "metin2 p server toplist" which links to the .net toplist. This is to promote their own toplist, in SEO. In case they removed it in the meantime, here is the archived proof:

    Apparently the high user count and No. 1 is not enough for them, now they also want to have their own No. 1 toplist, and then control everything that has to do with Metin2 - meaning us.

    Just want to inform you about it, think it's good to know that belongs to Aeldra. If Aeldra's toplist becomes No 1, they get full power over the Metin2 scene. They will then decide which competition is allowed and which is not. They will surely downgrade or ban big servers, unlike the other toplist, where a lot of people might use bots but at least no admin really cares. Which is better in that regard after all. Also in the other toplist all is made by cron, suspicious votes cause loosing votes and so on, as I remember there is no admin even active or doing anything. But on .net toplist, there is a very active admin.. Aeldra..

    This is nonsense, stop spreading empty lies.

    But even if what you're saying is correct, metin2pserver.net is still a much better alternative than it's competitor metin2pserver.info anyways.

    1- The page has a modern design and is easier to browse around.
    2- They have a discord server where you can get in touch with the owner (Zerial)
    3- The owner actually implements custom features to his api to support more server.
    4- The page welcomes competition unlike metin2pserver.info.

    They have recently stopped giving 200 votepoints for backlinks if your server homepage have also metin2pserver.net backlink which is completely ridiculous.
    It reminds me of Origin2 blocking fortnite on player's PC so they can play their game more ?


    Either way, metin2pserver.info is in decline and everyone should be adopting metin2pserver.net

    On 3/1/2023 at 1:08 PM, ASIKOO said:

    It's for all these reasons that I created https://metin2.top, even if it is difficult to compete with all the existing toplists.

    Unfortunately the toplists are either managed by a metin2 private server administrator (like https://top-metin2.com), or they are abandoned without any novelty and new features... ? 

    I think metin2.top could potentially be one the top dog if you spend some time on advertising it and getting in touch with server admins convincing them why they should use it. It would of course take a bit of effort to make it show up on top of the list of search engines results but It shouldn't be impossible...

  9. On 1/16/2023 at 9:47 PM, Gurgarath said:

    May you elaborate?

    I guess you already answered yourself in your last post ? 
    Ninja is indeed faster when it comes to parsing large build files and it's only beneficial when it's a humongous project such as chromium.

    The down side of having it on a metin2 project is that it wont' make a difference when it comes to build time... And of course GNU make syntax is simpler and easier to read.

  10. On 1/10/2023 at 7:18 PM, Alexoukos said:

    Hello everyone, I am experimenting with the metin2 server [40250] files. I have opened a vm with

    the server and I can join without a problem from my pc. When my friend tries to connect, he is able to log in but unable to join game (he is getting kicked out before loading)

    I have port forwarding enabled with all the ports I could find.

    Does anyone know where I can find all the ports that are being used?

    I have tried netstat (https://metin2.download/picture/zaL2W5uXYK1goKpo7jeqXjRxWYY52Jq7/.png)

    I think I have all the ports open. Is there any way to debug the client or get an error log or something? I am pretty new metin2 servers.


    It sounds like you're missing a port that isn't being forwarded or perhaps is blocked by your router's firewall.

    When logging in to a certain channel, only the auth port and channel port specified in your client is exposed. But if your character is on another core of that channel and that core's port isn't forwarded then you can't get through...

    What I would do to debug this is,

    1- Find out which map the character he's trying to login is on.
    2- Find which channel / core this map is hosted on.
    3- Grab the channel port of that map (game) and find out using netstat if it's being forwarded.

    If it is then you're only left out with the firewall issue. Otherwise just forward the port properly


    On 3/15/2022 at 2:16 PM, Flourine said:

    Destiny probably has damaged brain.

    He accused me that i sent .dat files (which i havent btw.) thanks to which will be possible to unpack his client and inject hlbot from @ Cycu

    Some of screens ( i shouldnt but i already dont care since he behaves like bitch)







    Greetings from Italy.


    Bad boy 

    • Scream 1
  12. On 1/13/2021 at 9:55 PM, Mali61 said:

    M2 Download Center

    This is the hidden content, please
    ( Internal )

    This is the hidden content, please
    ( GitHub )


    This is for those who use the official character select window.
    There is only the source part.

    You can check the 2018 root for the pack side.



    Great idea, but the execution is not the best ?
    What you could do instead is simply swap the order of of the pid in player_index when selecting the character. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, morfhere said:

    Code: https://pastebin.com/HSV97uW6

    error:global name 'vnum' is not defined


    sorry my english is bad

        def __GetAttributeColor(self, index, bonus, value, vnum):
            if value > 0:
                if index >= 5:
                    if self.MAX_5_BONUS(bonus) and value == self.MAX_5_BONUS[bonus]:
                        return self.SPECIAL_POSITIVE_COLOR_MAX5
                        return self.SPECIAL_POSITIVE_COLOR2
                    if vnum > 0 and MAX_7_BONUS(bonus) and value == MAX_7_BONUS[bonus]:
                        return self.SPECIAL_POSITIVE_COLOR_MAX7
                        return self.SPECIAL_POSITIVE_COLOR
            elif value == 0:
                return self.NORMAL_COLOR
                return self.NEGATIVE_COLOR


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