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Posts posted by Ulthar

  1. 1 hour ago, KolenMG said:

    The issue is that when you start the server then you close it, after starting again, in console appears "Connection refused" and  in the syslog, appears: socket_connect: HOST, could not connect. 

    >>>>>>>The workaround for this issue is by rebooting the machine. <<<<<<<<

    When u write "start", wait 2-4 sec and then write "1" for start one CH.

    For mounts:
    take a look in proto for: 71124 and copy-paste that line and just change the mob-ID where u need, and ofc the item ID too.

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  2. 13 hours ago, KolenMG said:

    Looks great! Can't wait to try it! I have a serverfile and I did what I could in regards of systems implementations and gameplay changes. However, since I'm still newbie (noobie) I've encountered a lot of problems in implementing few more systems, wasting hundreds of hours already trying to solve some errors. I've just discovered this topic and I think this will help me a lot! 

    By any chance do we have a list of player facing bugs, or at least do we know some major bugs that should I need to fix after installing this SVF? 🙂 

    Also, thank you again, @ Ultharfor what are you sharing with the community! 

    Thanks for your friendly words! 😄

    Currently, the base problem is the guild icons. If the guild icon saved badly, the character is not able to log-in, sadly. (Its not TMP4 or my fault, its default what is need to be fixed at the very first.) Any other problem (if) have, thats cannot be huge problems, cuz i tested and tested and tested everything what i can. Ofc, im human too and i make mistakes for sure.
    One word is like a hundred, If you set up the server, you are able to do a lot thing without needed to fix the systems which already in. 😄 


    Sry, my english is broken.


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  3. 3 minutes ago, Filachilla said:

    Because when you check char_skill.cpp, M1 is the maximum.. It's akin to fishing.. Notice that it's not even in the skill_proto (thus has no level), and this isn't a tutorial copy and paste. This is a clean foundation where you need to go through all the skills and their index and adapt it to your game."

    thanks for the long aswer. ofc. 😄

  4. 1 hour ago, Love or Hate said:

    Sorry for reactivating the topic, but I have one problem after implementing this system. The server went live, there were no major problems. But when I want to add a value of yang exceeding 4,3kkk, I automatically "reverts" these yang. I'm explaining it on film.


    This is the hidden content, please

    Can anyone tell me what I could do to get rid of that mistake?

    You missed something in he source part. You forgot to increase a value, im sure 😄

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  5. On 11/18/2023 at 9:21 PM, FrozenShower said:

    1118 23:12:26178 :: 
    game.py(line:260) Open
    game.py(line:771) StartGame
    game.py(line:929) RefreshCharacter
    interfaceModule.py(line:830) RefreshCharacter
    uiCharacter.py(line:1235) RefreshCharacter
    uiCharacter.py(line:1282) __SetSkillSlotData
    uiCharacter.py(line:983) RefreshSkill
    uiCharacter.py(line:959) __RefreshSkillPage

    GameWindow.Open - <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'>:skill.GetSkillType - Failed to find skill by 119

    1118 23:12:26179 :: ============================================================================================================
    1118 23:12:26179 :: Abort!!!!

    119 skill?

    Those, who also have this problem:

    in: UserInterface/PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp

    	if (i >= 112 && i <= 115 && rPlayerSkill.bLevel)
                rkPlayer.SetSkill(7, i);
            if (i >= 116 && i <= 119 && rPlayerSkill.bLevel)
                rkPlayer.SetSkill(8, i);

    Change it to:

            if (i >= 112 && i <= 115 && rPlayerSkill.bLevel)
                rkPlayer.SetSkill(7, i);
            if (i >= 116 && i <= 119 && rPlayerSkill.bLevel)
                rkPlayer.SetSkill(8, i);


    • Love 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Mind Rapist said:

    Getting a strange error:


    SYSERR: Nov 17 06:11:06 :: LoadGroup: Invalid group syntax token size: 3 != 2 (DO NOT SPACE IN NAME)
    SYSERR: Nov 17 06:11:06 :: LoadGroup:   0 group
    SYSERR: Nov 17 06:11:06 :: LoadGroup:   1 οΏ½οΏ½ζΌ®

    SYSERR: Nov 17 06:11:06 :: LoadGroup:   2 {

    I only found spaces in names in group.txt and everything was inside "". I replaced spaces with _ and removed all "" characters but still getting this error.

    Also when I type close in the terminal and then start again I get connection_refused, Could not connect to mysql. If I reboot FreeBSD it starts normally until I close again.

    Toss me an anydesk, cuz i didnt get this error. Interesting. 😄 Add me on discord and we can take a look.

    FIXED: dragon_soul_table.txt was the problem.


  7. Download Center

    This is the hidden content, please
    This is the hidden content, please

    The files are uploaded to Google Drive.


    Im here again. I made more changes and im going to share it with you.
    This V2 have more changes, take a look:

    Currently, I dont know any problem with the systems/modifications what I added, but if something is missing, please let me know and I'll try to add it/fix it.




    username: root
    password: 123456789


    username: root
    password: dev


    username: admin
    password: admin




    P.S.: Every single system what I added, can be found on metin2.dev.
    MYSQL version: 5.6
    BSD what i always using and used while built this sf up, is: 13.2

    Last but not least, have a nice day.

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  8. 4 hours ago, xrhstos000 said:

    maybe something going on with the others localstrings dude you have main hungary and you fix only that in other strings client and serverside you dont add the  changes maybe bcs of that we have this bug.... you can upload new localstring in english? and new client locale with completed english changes? and we fix the other locales alone but if we dont have the english main updated we cant fix the hungary in greek or english :#

    you message make no sense, cuz this offline shop is already public and u can take a look whats in the tutorial 😄 so u can make it to your language

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