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Posts posted by TMP4

  1. 35 minutes ago, pbugyon said:

    not found. i don't know how to translate the server and the client. 


    How to translate??? By your hands lol. Do you even need such old serverfile? You better look another serverfile, maybe your desired language exists in the leaked GF files so you can have a newer server and your langugage out of box...

  2. 3 hours ago, Protheus said:

    I do not know, whether it's only me, or anybody else, but I'm struggling with starting channels.

    If I only start channel 1, it works fine, but when I start more than one channel, only the last one gets started.
    Example: I start 3 channels, but only channel 3 is running and 1-2 are off. When I try to switch it off using close.sh, I get a message saying:

    Stopping auth..
    Stopping channel1/first..
    kill: 2107: No such process
    Stopping channel1/game2..
    kill: 2099: No such process
    Stopping channel1/game1..
    kill: 2103: No such process
    Stopping channel2/first..
    Stopping channel2/game2..
    Stopping channel2/game1..
    Stopping channel3/first..
    Stopping channel3/game2..
    Stopping channel3/game1..
    Stopping channel4/first..
    server is not running.
    Stopping channel4/game2..
    server is not running.
    Stopping channel4/game1..
    server is not running.
    Stopping game99..
    Stopping db..

    Any idea what could be wrong?

    I can start all ch just fine.


    • syserr of ch1 cores
    • syslog of ch1 cores
    • output of ch1 cores (in putty)
    • system specs (cpu, ram)

    to find out what's your problem.

  3. @ kenoZ


    If you still don't understand:

    		### Use ###
    		elif item.ITEM_TYPE_USE == itemType:
    		elif  item.ITEM_TYPE_QUEST == itemType:
    			if itemVnum >= 53001 and itemVnum <= 53026:
    				for g in xrange(item.ITEM_APPLY_MAX_NUM):
    					(affectType, affectValue) = item.GetAffect(g)
    					affectString = self.__GetAffectString(affectType, affectValue)
    					if affectString:
    						affectColor = self.GetChangeTextLineColor(affectValue)
    						self.AppendTextLine(affectString, affectColor)


    • Good 1
  4. As I worked out you have 2 questions:

    1. Does it make GF harder to sue you if you don't live in Germany?
    2. How to avoid copyright infringement with a private metin2 server?

    1. It depends on your country, but if you live in the EU, it's basicly the same. Don't rely on the fact that you don't live in Germany.
    2. It's like asking how you can avoid committing a crime when you purposely committing a crime. If you want to legally run a metin2 server, contact Webzen and be one of Metin2's publishers. You probably have to choose a country where Metin2 doesn't published yet, but like SG did, you server can still be international-ish anyway.

    If you still want to do your stuff illegally but you want to feel safer, choose a country where GF doesn't have the rights over distributing Metin2 (outside EU), open a company and do your business there with the hope Webzen will not sue you. AFAIK Webzen has not yet initiated legal proceedings against private servers.

  5. 4 minutes ago, metolis said:

    TLDR: no problem after restoring original files, might've been rooted in other edits.
    Hello, thanks for getting back to me, the syserr used to happen when a new guild was created, invested exp for it to be able to choose a logo and then restarting the client without choosing any logo. However, I also modified src for a system, so I assume that might've had something to do with it because now, after restoring the original files, no syserr comes up when recreating the previous steps. 

    I would also like to ask about this binary output when rebuilding:

      Hide contents

    17>Couldn't open D:\ClientVS22\vs_files\UserInterface\predefined C++ types (compiler internal), continuing without source annotations
    17>Couldn't open D:\ClientVS22\vs_files\UserInterface\predefined C++ types (compiler internal), continuing without source annotations
    17>Couldn't open D:\ClientVS22\vs_files\UserInterface\predefined C++ types (compiler internal), continuing without source annotations
    17>Finished generating code
    17>UserInterface.vcxproj -> D:\ClientVS22\binary\Metin2Distribute.exe
    ========== Rebuild All: 17 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========

    Is this a problem?

    That's fine until you see "Rebuild All: 17 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped". You probably ask because of the first 3 lines, those are just  information, not error message.

    • Love 1
  6. 2 hours ago, metolis said:

    Hello, I've noticed a small problem with Guilds, first time when I created a guild and it had no logo selected, the Client syserr would give:

    I tried updating DeviL to 1.8.0 which resulted in not being able to select a logo anymore, clicking Ok would not change the logo it already had. Any idea on how to make Guild logo work after updating DeviL?, the error doesn't occur with this version it seems.

    No, I cannot help you with DevIL 1.8. Mali downgraded the DeviL for a reason.

    When that syserr happens? Because I could not reproduce.




    Also I don't think updating the DeviL to 1.8 will make you any difference since that syserr happens when the client asks for a non existing guild logo.

    • Love 1
  7. 22 minutes ago, Petrezselyem said:

    What if I don't have lib32 in my usr folder?

    x32 vps:

    • /usr/lib -> contains x32 libs

    x64 vps:

    • /usr/lib -> contains x64 libs
    • /usr/lib32 -> contains x32 libs

    But downloading a random lib pack would probably not works anymore. It worked when all of us used precompiled game & db, but now we building them for ourself so the required libs depends on the building environent and configs.

    Your best bet is to extract the libs from the VM you use for compiling, or install the required packages via pkg.

    • Love 1
  8. 27 minutes ago, danblf said:

    heloo i want to change items  price in npc so i tried to change gold value in item_proto from database but whenever i reboot and start server game edits the databese agin and item price doesnt change. what am i doing wrong ? @ TMP4 

    item_proto.txt in the conf folder will be mirrored to the db every time you start the server therefore any changes you makes in the database will be overwritten by the item_proto.txt. Edit the txt or install a notxt mod.

    • Love 2
  9. 3 hours ago, Periuta said:

    Hello @ TMP4, congratulations for this project.

    i want to know if this have fixes exploit and if i can open a server directly as it is. 


    Thanks for your hard work, sweetest boy.

    Every public exploit fixed, but attacks came from outside of the Metin2 files can still affect you (like DDoS, or a vulnerable website).

    You can open as-is, but it is 2014-like old style so don't expect thousands of players if you do not customize it.

    • Good 1
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  10. https://company.webzen.com/en/contactus ?

    You literally don't have other choice if you need the latest without bugs.
    The last leak was in late 2013, and probably it will never happen again. Every files what are released/sold builds on that and every new system after 2014 are just a replica of the official. There are some good serverfile, but you just can't find a 2022-ish unbugged files.

    But have a look at @ Owsap's projekt: https://owsap.dev/. It not contains every system that official have as of now, but you won't find a better alternative with new systems.

    • Good 3
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  11. 7 hours ago, LethalArms said:

    Im having a problem, and i can't find a way to fix it, for some reason, the war books (Sun-Zi, WeiLao-Zi, Wu-Zi) are giving a lot of exp, i can go from lvl 1 to lvl 85 with just 1 book, idk what i did to make this happen, but if someone could tell me how to disable this 

    I just checked it and they dont give exp. You may messed up the CHARACTER::PointChange.

  12. 1 hour ago, antrikos91 said:

    Hello mate,

    why do I have to pass the ports to the router? Like dns server?

    edit the post sorry

    1 hour ago, TMP4 said:

    Otherwise your router will drops the packages.

    But it's only needed for home root when your run your server behind a router, not needed for a vps.

    Share more information about your server setup. Is it home-root, is it vps, what's in ch1 syserr, do you connect with your public ip etc.

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