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Posts posted by AZICKO

  1. Hi,


    I'm launching this thread to follow up on my previous post about the past year following the Metin2 Dev takeover, here. This message does not mean that it will happen, I want to get your opinions, your ideas. I listen to your suggestions to make this forum visually beautiful and better!


    • Do you like current themes?
    • Do you have ideas for the themes?


    You can post links.


    We use the forum engine, Invision Powser Board in version 4.5.

    As a reminder, you can change the theme in your preferences, at the bottom of the forum, click on Theme.




  2. 1 minute ago, ⚡FlasH⚡ said:


    OFF: This explain everything  "There are no new sellers because in general they are on the forum only to sell and I'm not interested. It has to be win-win." That forum had to be FREE only if they want to buy VIP or ADS u don't have the right to charge them for their sells content.


    Seems no one of u read carefully what i say. didn't say anything ab a "middleman "  i'm not agree with that...basically the "middleman " will have everything for FREE.

    What i means is a transaction between seller-buyers through a app forums where only the seller and buyer have access bcoz of "Trade request" .





    It remains free.

    When I say win-win, I'm not talking about myself.


    I want to prevent a member from using metin2dev to make money without sharing things for the community.

    • Metin2 Dev 1
  3. Hi,


    On 2/21/2021 at 9:40 PM, Mali61 said:

    Thank you very much for your contribution to the forum.

    You've done a great job in just 1 year❤️


    Thank you Mali, that makes me happy!


    On 2/21/2021 at 10:54 PM, iamMercury said:

    I'd like to see myself unbanned on the discord since i was banned for the past year lol.

    Leaving that aside, if there was no one to take a step further into leading the board it would have been dead by long ago and there are plenty of people grateful for the work done to it, and by actually enforcing rules.


    Is your Discord account still banned?


    On 2/21/2021 at 11:39 PM, MrQuin said:

    At one point i thought the forum is going to an end,But once you guys took over it became more and more active and you've done a great job regarding that,I appreciate all you've done so far!


    Thank you also to you, do not hesitate if you have ideas!


    On 2/22/2021 at 8:41 AM, ⚡FlasH⚡ said:
    • Do you think the forum lacks something?

    - i'm not sure

    • Do you want to see new things?


    Make a Trade request features how M2D have, if they want to buy, buy through forum and if the seller will try to scam, he will be banned.

    - What i'm meaning through forum?

    After the payment was made the seller will accept his Trade request and give him the files link (https://file.io/) which after download is removed.

    Or to be safe the buyer have 24h time to download the content ,after 24h the link will be removed even wasn't downloaded. But for that features u have to use their API (https://file.io/#api)

    In case of chargeback idk...how many trade request u have that's mean u are a Trusted seller / buyer.

    • What do you want to see on Metin2 Dev?

    Let ppl selling metin2 stuffs. many of them are interested in the sell/buy systems , and bcoz of new "rules" many of them leave the community.

    And unbanned unfair ban..



    " Let ppl selling metin2 stuffs. many of them are interested in the sell/buy systems , and bcoz of new "rules" many of them leave the community. "


    I understand, however it has to be a win-win for Metin2 Dev. I cannot accept that sellers make money from our forum without being active in the community. I'm not asking for much, a minimum of activity on Metin2 Dev.


    " And unbanned unfair ban.. "


    Your post is about Owsap, isn't it?


    On 2/22/2021 at 12:05 PM, iamMercury said:

    I highly agree on the idea of having middlemans on the board, scams are things that happen overy often to be honest with you. It would be great if we had middlemen that could held the product, make sure what it is until the payment is done, some might not be okay with it but it is up to you if you want to sell anything over here.



    On 2/23/2021 at 1:05 PM, Catalin2o14 said:

    I personally did not break the rules in bad faith and could be overlooked, but I was penalized. staff too unforgiving and with others too forgiving. This is my opinion after an activity of 8 months and many hours spent here. I'm not making accusations, but that's what I see.


    If you want to talk about it, don't hesitate, the topic is there for that. If you want this as a private message, you can add me on Discord.




  4. 48 minutes ago, Sonitex said:



    I would like to give my humble opinion about the middleman and the overall situation about buying/selling on the board.


    VegaS already covered every point on why middleman would not be such a good idea and since the board team would be the one doing it, it is the very reason why he wrote a mega paragraph about it (most likely haha). Long story short, a middleman would not solve the scamming problem, at least not entirely. Also, I am sure if you do just a little internet search you will get a rough idea about the seller. Even so, you can always ask in Discord and most of the times people respond with their experience with the seller.


    I think scamming is a long-gone problem. That being said, a much bigger problem is reselling/leaking sellers work which comes from the buyer’s side. I would suggest adding some more tools to the forum which will support both ends, buyers and sellers. A rating system where users would leave their opinion about the trade and rate overall experience. Maybe even append an average rating to the user’s profile so it would be easier for everyone to see if you belong to the angel's or devil's side.


    There are countless ideas on how to tackle this problem, but I would not go for the middleman variant. Some kind of automated process would fit much better. 


    Also, I've seen other people complaining (including me) about your conditions to be a seller. It is quite interesting to me that no new seller has been allowed to make a topic since the new rules came by. At such a pace scamming/reselling/leaking problems will eventually disappear so I guess there is that.



    There are no new sellers because in general they are on the forum only to sell and I'm not interested. It has to be win-win.


    I am happy to be able to read your opinions, do not hesitate, it's important. This topic can bring out ideas to put in place.

    • Metin2 Dev 1
    • Not Good 1
  5. Hi,


    I'm launching this thread to follow up on my previous post about the past year following the Metin2 Dev takeover, here. This message does not mean that it will happen, I want to get your opinions, your ideas on this idea which comes up regularly on the forum or on the discord.


    • Why would a customer choose us to secure the transaction?
    • Why would a seller choose us to secure the transaction?
    • What does the customer and / or the seller gain?
    • How do you see the operation with a trusted third party in the transaction?
    • Your ideas, suggestions?




  6. Hi  Metin2 Dev Community  ,


    It has been 1 year since we took over the administration of this board. I hope you did not experience it too badly and that we were able to meet your expectations. Before starting, I wanted to know what you think of the changes since the takeover? Be honest, I want to know everything!


    A new year has started and I would like to have your opinion, your ideas for improving the community, the community is you and the board must please you.


    • Do you think the forum lacks something?
    • Do you want to see new things?
    • What do you want to see on Metin2 Dev?


    Thank you ❤️ !




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  7. Section : Questions & Answers


    Don't modify your thread (or reply to it) to mark it solved, and not explain the solution to the issue. Please use our tag system and vote good / bad answers so everyone can clearly see what matters! Do not ask for any help if you are using leaks, we will not help you, it's forbidden, you must contact the owner of the system, source, serverfile...

    • Metin2 Dev 2
  8. Hello,


    This tutorial will show you how to create a shop with an NPC. There are two types of shops:

    • One shop: When you click on a NPC, a shop window opens. The first part will be enough for you to create a simple shop.
    • Multi shop: Which consists of assigning several shops to an NPC using a quest.



    • Own a Metin2 server with access to the database.
    • Have an NPC available.
    • Set up a quest.


    I. Create a shop or modify a shop



    1. On Navicat, go to the player database and open the shop table.




    2. The shop table looks like this:




    We have the following columns:

    • vnum: A vnum that you will give to your shop. It must be unique.
    • name: The name does not appear anywhere but you can put what you want, it will serve as a guide.
    • npc_vnum: The NPC vnum. You can find your NPC in the mob_names.txt of your server.


    Success! You can now add a line (with the + button at the bottom of Navicat) to add a new shop. Once completed, remember to save your changes.


    3. Now that the shop is created, let's assign the desired items in it. Open the shop_item table (which is still in player database)






    We have the following columns:


    • shop_vnum: Corresponds to the vnum of your shop.
    • item_vnum: Corresponds to the vnum of the item you want to add. The item vnum can be found in the item_names.txt of your server.
    • count: Corresponds to the quantity of the item you want to sell (make sure the item is stackable)


    Success! Add as many lines as there are items you want to add. Once done, you can restart your Metin2 server.


    II. Multi Shop



    1. Start by creating your shops and assigning them items by following Part I (if you haven't already done so).


    2. To assign several shops to an NPC, you will have to create a quest. Here is a simple quest to explain how it works:


    quest QUESTNAME begin
    	state start begin
    		when NPCID1.chat."NAME1" begin
    		when NPCID1.chat."NAME2" begin
    		when NPCID1.chat."NAME3" begin


    Here is what my annotations correspond to:

    • QUESTNAME: The name of your quest. Put what you want.
    • NPCIDx: The vnum of the NPC you want to assign a shop to.
    • NAMEx: The name of the shop (which will appear in the shops menu when the NPC is clicked).
    • SHOPIDxx: The vnum of the shop you want to assign.


    3. Suppose I want to assign an NPC several arms shops. This would give:


    quest multi_shop begin
    	state start begin
    		when 9001.chat."Armors" begin
    		when 9001.chat."Shields" begin
    		when 9002.chat."Weapons" begin


    4. Implement the new quest and restart your Metin2 server.






    Warning! When you create a quest, it's important to implement it in-game for it work.
    Success! Now you know how to manage your server shops!




    • Metin2 Dev 11
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  9. 6 minutes ago, Tatsumaru said:

    Character discharge system hehe


    A full rectum is a pain of every human in metin2 world. The rectum fills up while consuming all sorts of concoctions. When the rectal index reaches its maximum, the character's stats will deteriorate until he defecates. Shit poses some kind of threat to those nearby. When someone steps in shit, a slowing effect will be applied on them, which will last for a short while. The shit will disappear after a maximum of 30 seconds, time depends on the condition of the rectal index.


    PS: Please do not ask any questions about what you just saw. I won't be able to answer. ^^


    LMAO.. ?

    • Not Good 1
    • Lmao 1
  10. Hacking / Cheating


    Metin2 Dev is not a cheat or hack board. We do not tolerate any messages about hacking, cheating on Metin2 or decrypting Metin2 clients from Metin2 private servers.




    We ban all accounts that are linked to the same IP address. If you share your account, you accept your responsibility and you accept the consequences if your IP address or a linked account is banned. The rule also applies to the use of VPN, Proxy.

    • Metin2 Dev 5
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  11. Bumping


    Questions & Answers: 48 hours...

    Services & Sales: 1 month with excluding messages announcing an update...

    Private Servers: 1 month with excluding messages announcing an update...

    Searching: 7 days...


    Any other bumping will result in an infraction or the deletion of the topic!

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