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Posts posted by Denis



    Actually the fix is from ricky92,here is the link

    My bad then. But I still felt the need to mention that the other workaround was more of a hack than a fix.

    Wait, which workaround?



    The other way is this:



    They are just removing the affect of invisibility.




    Or maybe, I don't know, but I don't think so. ^^

    yea many people is kids and use old lua quest. but is better write quest on c++ and compile 



    If you're gonna write a quest with c++ you'll have many disadvantages such as:

    • You'll need to compile the core again again when you're create a new "quest".
    • You must use a completely different syntax which will be much harder to understand.
    • If one of these "quest" crashes I guess the whole server will crash too.


    I think you understand now why it's a bad idea.

    • Love 2
  3. Try this:

    quest test begin
        state start begin
            when 9001.click begin
                say_title(" xx ")
                local cena = 100
                local id1 = query("SELECT cash FROM account.account WHERE id ='"..pc.get_account_id().."';")
                say(" State your money : "..id1.cash[1].." ")
                if tonumber(id1.cash[1]) >= 100 then -- this if does not work
                    query("UPDATE account.account SET cash=cash-"..cena.." WHERE id='"..pc.get_account_id().."';")
                    local aktualne = tonumber(id1.cash[1])-100
                    say("Current state your money:: "..aktualne.." ")
                    local new = 100-tonumber(id1.cash[1])
                    say(" Your money is so small, you need: "..new.." SM! ")
    • Love 2
  4. Hmm you're right I didn't think about that.Anyway since I'm out of ideas I'll give you some of mine which I implemented to my cms:


    • Ban list with reason and expire of the ban
    • GM command log
    • A wiki for the items(armors,weapons,accessories)
    • A wiki for the mob drops/metin drops(I guess you can create a function that will read the mob_drop_item.txt)
    • A wiki for the mobs for example you can select a specific mob and it will show you the : level,exp,hp,max dmg-min dmg,which items does it drops,what resist bonus does it needs, etc,etc,etc
    • A map wiki that will shows you what mobs can you find there(you can read regen.txt to get the data)
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