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Posts posted by Reboot





    Try this one.

    I haven't checked, be careful.

    This is the hidden content, please

    When I click on the link, it appears to me.



    This is the hidden content, please
    , scroll down and click download.


    Solved :D


    You could find me and the client metin2ro 2013: D


    Check, https://mega.co.nz/#!BNw3HIiR!PgObBw429ihe0zwyA_1zFyDQ2SAROpfKY4txJV_2MA0

    pass: metin2.ro


    It is modified, I tried.
    Does he modified archives.


    Try this one.

    I haven't checked, be careful.

    This is the hidden content, please

    When I click on the link, it appears to me.



    This is the hidden content, please
    , scroll down and click download.


    Solved :D


    You could find me and the client metin2ro 2013: D


    @topic: We need to install packages, not programs. 


    First of all: Tutorial work!



    - First install apache then other packages because Apache is the web server, then MySQL, then PHP (because PHP requires some libraries be available)


    I would do this with PORTS. But already said ().



    What about php.ini settings? I am tired of hearing "I have a Too many connections error"


    If you list mods like mod_antiloris, you can add: mod_limitipconn, mod qos, mod_evasive, mod_security, mod_noloris.


    - The most important thing to block Attacks on Ubuntu/Debian is (as far as I can see ) definitly Fail2Ban with IPTABLES but i dont know whats the best for BSD



    Why install mysql?

    And why using apache instead of nginx?


    Apache is the most used webserver. With Apache as your Web server, you'll be assured long and reliable service as it's a solid, configurable and capable Web server so why not?? 

    nginx is faster than Apache in transfer rate but has less of a wait time between receiving the request and passing a response back. Benchmarks proved that.  The only question is what you need. i dont think you use apache very often if you ask about why installing mysql.


    I dont get the the point here:


    You can install the php mysql extension without installing mysql

    And that makes nginx better? Cmon


    Today you need a good ddos protection and in the case of a layer 7 attack nginx is much much much better than apache

    nginx runs as an event (apache as a process) so it can handle that better

    I hope you know that the cake hasn't quite turned out as I'd hoped... The disadvantage of process-based servers like apache under heavier loads is that they usually consume far more RAM which significantly degrades performance and has nothing to do with a "good ddos protection". When your server fucked up because of RAM while a DDos attack (CPU trying to process the amount of data that coming in) then i have to say: Leave it all. Without a good hoster (mitigation solution and that is the point against DDoS) your going down with apache and with nginx sooner or later.


    It's a fact that nginx is better than apache


    Fact is: The BEST webserver does not  exist. The best webserver is the one which is better configurated and better protected. That can be apache or nginx


    I do not understand why to use apache wich is shitty for me , instead of nginx ( way better and "smart" ).


    why is it shit? Because its not smart to you? Because its not as simple as nginx? too much to install or configurate? Then use LAMP:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LAMP_(software_bundle)


    Why you guys cant give me a compelling evidence WHY the fuck apache is shit? Its a powerfull web server (over 35% of all websites based on it) if you can configurate and protect it. Cant handel apache doesnt mean its shit.


    Debian and Windows Server are the most used operating systems for servers but that doesn't mean that they are the best

    FreeBSD has a much better performance


    My homepages were the only homepages which were never down because of ddos

    Because i never used apache

    Do you think we've never tested the performace during a layer7 attack?

    Apache is instant down instead of nginx

    All benchmarks never tested an attack and if they did it wasnt a good attack

    Today you need a good protection especially for the homepage but apache isnt able to offer any protection

    If you don't believe me feel free to use apache but don't cry if your homepage is under attack


    And i never said that nginx is better because you dont need to install mysql for the php extension


    Btw your server doesn't handle an attack - the hoster does

    Your server has 0 connection to the attack...

    And a ddos attack doesn't fuck up the ram ;)


    I think not see well.
    As you can see I put tutorials about protection.
    In total there are 20 protection Apache will post all.
    • Love 3



    use vss 2013


    I follow step by step how to said the guide.

    I use VS 2008


    man, do not you understand? Use VSS 2013.
    2013 Vss automatically update to fisierel. As can be compiled on VSS 2013.



    ahhh!! sorry.

    I understand you post, as a question.

    use vs 2013? haaha

    ok ok.. I will be VS 2013.

    I test!! thanks!!



    PD:  other question!!

    How to I vincule the include files and library files using vs 2013?


    Vss 2013 include automayicaly files


    Make a folder named client.

    Put extern in folder client

    Put client src in folder client.


    Open with vss2013


    Yes, solved.


    In you tutorial you have 1 error.


    In mysql instalation you say this:


    echo 'apache24_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
    Its mysql not apache xD
    Well, when i go create user i have this problem.


    read posts, i'am drunk :D



    Edited :)))))))))))))))))))))))



    for lolor 2 ( antiloris protection)

    Update verif my first post  :D

    • Love 3



    Installing and configuring MySQL.

    Now the mysql server :

    In the freebsd console type these commands :


    pkg install mysql56-server


    echo 'apache24_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf

    I think it is


    echo 'mysql_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf

    OMG, I think because they are drunk. :))))))))


    Thanks :)))))))


    would you also please add a turoial about how to prevent slowloris attacks

    else every webserver can be downed with 250kb/s connection


    You fill out tomorrow night, when I have time this topic.
    The tutorial about slowloris. Just wait until tomorrow: D
    • Love 3
  7. I restart my freebsd server and now when start apache have this error:




    converters/iconv Charset conversion library and utilities

    converters/iconv-extra Additional charsets for the iconv library (those from the Unicode site)

    converters/iconv-rfc1345 Additional charset modules for the iconv library (from RFC1345)

    converters/libiconv A character set conversion library

    pkg install iconv
    pkg install iconv-extra
    pkg install iconv-rfc1345
    pkg install libiconv

    ALL  steps tested on freebsd 10.1

    • Love 4
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