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Posts posted by Reboot

  1. Morph is an only child for 15 years. What is believed programmer.
    Most are those who have server in romania are children.
    And I am ashamed of some of them.
    But not all are the same :)
    And that community freakpla *** are only and only and only children.
  2. "Albert Einstein asked if I accept Jesus Christ as a historical figure, he replied: No doubt! No one can read the Gospels without feeling the presence of Iisus.Personalitatea to pulsate with each cuvant.Nici a myth can not be both viata.Iisus full figure is too colossal for the pen of phrase-makers. "
    Quantum physics says that what we imagine, which maintain deep and deep in our mind is attracted by the brain, which is like a magnet that attracts to it the facts and events viitoare.SANTEM what you think! 
    The relationship God - Man is far simpler than tried and try the great teachers of the clergy or philosophers to arate.Orice man has, more or less clearly in the heart of this: that God, Infinite Intelligence and Power Cosmic, principle or how we call 
    each, there is ever-present, is present everywhere at the same time and is atotputernic.Spiritul Infinite (God) or Infinite Wisdom, is so fully present in each and remain there until the man murim.Corpul Mental possess threefold: 
    The mind subconscious, conscious and superconscious. 
    Superconscious mind is the perfect ideas, divine inspiration, intuition, emotions, feelings. 
    Conscious mind is the creative mind, one that is printed in her own identity, one that thinks the adevarat.Ea sees life as it appears, sees, disease, poverty, suffering, death and misery. 
    When divinity is stuck in a man thinks that conscious mental life must be so physically. 
    The subconscious mind is equivalent to a box that records the behavior, then the touch of a button play them automat.Subconstientul contains divinity in all its fullness but is unable to act and decide by yourself, since it has led vointa.Este commands and requests firm's data by the mind consciousness. 
    Mode of action of consciousness is the form - thought, thought emis.Cheia required to open both the subconscious and superconscious how is going form issued by constient.Daca closer look this triad superconscious (The mind), Aware (Intelligence) and subconscious (memory), we see a subtle identification of many fundamental triad of sacred teachings, especially with the teaching of Jesus: father, Son, Holy Sfant.Tot what a man thinks and accept, consciously or unconsciously, subconsciously print exactly and it brings out exactly what was impregnated. Why should we wonder that some people are sick, poor, unhappy, violent when they have impregnated subconscious acceptance of death, disease, poverty, suffering, violence. 
    All institutions, especially religious ones, have forced the man to do it, forced him to accept the disease, death, poverty, and other humiliations. They created songs, jobs, holy rituals of death, disease, poverty and humiliation that trumpet loud and it's God's will that man be sick, poor, humble and die. 
    "What you give, you get that" = What we think, that emits think and act, you will get just that. 
    "Do not worry about your life ..." 
    "NOT keep worrying about what you eat, what you will wear ... for all these things people are looking avidly" 
    In other words .... do not stay ... Do not go into negative status IAD.Mai well stay in a positive state ... that is in heaven. 
    Devil = mind = Negative thoughts = Fear 
    "Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto ..." 
    In prayer when we ask for something, we recognize that we do not have that lucru.Continuând to ask, do nothing else than to provide power things that will not happen. "When you pray for something, believe that it is already yours, and so will be. "As more keep in mind the facts that we want, the spectacular new fact our subconscious that executes exactly what tasks you give it. "In my Father's house are many mansions" (John 14.02) "In many ways my superconscious ditch ". 
    There are always more opportunities in the future ... many mansions ditch ... future consists of many versions of it that we can access one singura.Depinde the way we think! If I think positively, we live in vibration high and so we will access the most convenient opportunity for good nostru.Daca a stand in fear, then we will live in low vibration and thus we access the opportunity less convenient. "As your Father knows (your potential) of the what you need before I ask you from Him. "(Matthew 6-8)" You will seek me and not find me; and where I am, ye can not come. "(John 7:33) 
    "Where I shall go (how thinking), you will not be able to come (due to limited and restrictive beliefs and mentality then you were taught) and because I am mentally healthy and can go wherever you want (I can use the power of memory). "Jesus was referring to the potential power of the subconscious and thinking that he was capabil.Iisus tells Nicodemus:" you must be born again "... that is to change your mindset from thinking." therefore I say to you: All things ask, praying, believe that you have received and you will be. "(Mark 11-24) when you pray for something, imagine it is already yours, and so WILL! So we pray? "but when you pray, go into your pantry (memory) and, closing the door, pray to your Father (Mental), which is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret (Thought, imagination), will reward you. "
    Divine is within us, not looking for God outside yourself ... 
    Jesus said that if you want to be somebody, to have fabulous riches if you want to pray for radiant health, must necessarily become rich fabulous and radiant health, first in your imagination! Otherwise things can not come to you. 
    So our emotions and thoughts affect the world around us and within us, because there is an invisible energy field that connects everything, it is called Matrix divina.Daca want to be healed, we must imagine that you already radiant health even if your body is in durere.Acest can be achieved through faith in our divine power, the potential that lies in our subconscious, because the kingdom of heaven is noi.NOI CREAM REALITY ISSUED BY oUR MINDS by thinking, conscious OUR-ie "SON"! 
    Three is the secret that comes from great UNUL.In pristorie three units were derived from the same source. 
    1) God, Intelligence / Reason, power / potential. 2) Theologians say: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. 
    3) Psychiatrists say superconscious conscious, subconscious. 4) Spiritualists say: Mind, Body, Spirit. 
    5) Scientists say: Energy, Matter, Antimatter (Ether). 
    6) The poets say: Mind, Heart, Soul. 
    7) People share Time: Past, Present, Future. 
    8) Experience: Thought, Word, Action (deed). 
      All three put together produce a result - what language and your understanding is called feeling or your experienta.Sufletul (subconscious) is the sum total of every feeling you've ever had (created) ever. Your awareness on the existence of some of these feelings is called memory. When you have the memory, re-amintesti.Adica says you put everything in one place, reassemble the parts. When you reassemble all parts of you, you will be re-member who you Adevarat.Nimic not exist in your world that has not existed first as going pur.Cuvintele are more dynamic because the words are in a different level of vibration compared going. They disrupt (change, alter, affect) the universe with more impact mare.Cuvintele are the second level of creatie.Apoi follows actiunea.Actiunile are words in motion. Words are thoughts expressed. 5. Everything is created begins with thought ("comes from the Father"). Everything is created then moves to word ("Ask and you shall receive, ask and you will answer"). Everything that is created is perfect by deed ("And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us") .Subconstientul is so power and is conscious intelligence Infinite Spirit (God) every man. 
    Two phrases in the Bible must be stated here to enlighten us definitively what I said before. 
    1) It's not written in your law that "I said you are gods?" (John 10-24) .Iisus referred to the potential of us can be awakened. 
    2) Verily, verily, I say unto you, he who believes in me will do the works that he made ​​and I will do greater works than these, because I go to the Father. (John 14-12) .Iisus wanted to say that the Father is in Him that makes these works and the same Father who is in Him, and in you, and you can do all the work they did and even more higher than acestea.Daca one to stay in a positive state if you will be optimistic, you will do great things. 
    Must our intelligence (son) thought for the memory issue (the Holy Spirit) to carry out the just, sooner or later. 
    "I do not think my mind (super-conscious mind divine kingdom perfect ideas) is the same Father and the Father is in you?" 
    Do not you think I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father - who remains in me - do His work. "[John 14-10]. Translation: Only the conscious thinking and 
    living in a high frequency, like me, you manage to get into the kingdom Cerurilor.De thought forms they emit depends our happiness and joy to trai.Divinitatea is in us! Recognize this, this eternal truth and be masters your life !!! "Ask and you shall receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will open." (Matthew 7: 7) .Energia vibrates with certain frequencies, Hatred has low frequencies, frequent inalte.Cine Hate Love lives in Hell (low frequency condition) and who loves living in heaven (high frequency condition) .Iisus could not explain those people words like frequency, energy, memorie.Iisus lived in a very high frequency, have a positive thinking, living in harmony with Universul.Constiinta creates reality. "He who believes in Me: rivers of living water will flow from his belly . "(John 7-38) energy flows when you are in a state pozitiva.Energia exactly flowing like rivers, flowing energy is infinita.Iisus mastered by El.ACESTA iS sECRET LIFE OF THE bODY. 
    Fear itself, fear, envy, hatred consume a lot of energy in the body, and this is gradually emaciated and sick imbolnaveste.Vezi case of N.Testament who are healed by Jesus by donating an amount of energie.Dupa As is known, the disease occurs when the body does not have enough energy, and Jesus had too much energy because his mental wisdom, knew to extract energy from Univers.Toti sick who touched his garment, is healed. 
    It can enter the Kingdom of Heaven is necessary that our ideas and thoughts to be clean, pure and innocent. 
    Let us remember the words of Jesus: "Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it." (Luke 18-17) 
    The soul of a child does not know how to hate, but knows how to forgive, not afraid to cry, and can laugh with all INIMA.Nu ashamed of his mistakes, because it is too PUR know rusinea.Se enjoy every moment, and accept the past as a fost.VISEAZA much and loves even more mult.Nu worry that the world ditch some who do not want it, no never sad because his joy is light lumii.BLAND presence and strong deterrent interior. 
    Many will not recognize the wisdom of Jesus Christ, which is found in almost all lines of new phrases Testament.Din SANTA therefore ought to come up with the necessary arguments ... 
    Disability were able to go 
    Dr. Phineas Quimby Parkchurst, of which I have spoken, has used absolute activity in recent years. In reality, he was the father of psychosomatic medicine and the first psychoanalyst of contemporary society. It also had the power to diagnose diseases by clairvoyance. 
    This is still a brief account of the healing of an infirm, story in "Quimby's Manuscripts." Once the doctor was called to the bedside of an infirm old bedridden. After examining it, he said the disease was because she was a prisoner of religious beliefs so limited and narrow, that is not allowed to even get out of bed. Old lived, in fact, in a pit of ignorance and mistrust; Moreover, she understands the Bible literally, being terrified by what he read there. As Quimby said: "In the pit she perceived God's presence as the immense power that struck the chains, tamed lions and resurrect the dead." But as she demanded explanations for each passage of the Bible, the answer that I received was resemble a rock, and she starved, deprived of the bread of life. Dr. Quimby concluded that women live in a state of confusion and haze, which was due to her inability to perceive the real meaning of passages from the Bible. This is manifested by a feeling of heaviness and numbness that gradually led to her paralysis. Quimby asked her what sense are the following verses: "A little more time with you and I go to him that sent me. You will seek me and not find me and where I am, ye can not come "(John 7: 33, 34). She replied that it meant that Jesus will ascend to heaven. Quimby explained the true meaning of the passage: being with her for a while meant that he, Quimby, exposing his true symptoms and their causes; So currently, it shows compassion for her. But he could not remain long in this state of consciousness, because I had to turn to the One who sent him, that for infinite creative force that dwells in each of us. Immediately, he began to contemplate in an idealized form, acknowledge the vitality, intelligence, harmony and divine power lying dormant in her being. Then he explained: "Where I shall go, you will not be able to come because of faith and limited mentality, restrictive and because I'm healthy and can go wherever they want." 
       Prayer and explanations doctor produced an instant transformation into being a woman. Immediately, she got up from the bed and began to walk without the use cîrjele. Quimby said then that it was the great success of it. Old was already dead by the way they wrong to think, but he managed to wake the dead and bring it to life and true faith. The doctor even compare this healing revival Christ, Christ in her being. His words full of wisdom, which she managed to perceive meaning, symbolizing the angel just removed slab unbelief, ignorance and superstition of the tomb, releasing the curative power of the Divine. 
    TECHNICAL Thanksgiving 
    In the Bible, St. Paul ~ Ntuli advises us to praise and glorify God always, thanking him for his kindness forever. This simple method of prayer was always followed by miracles. Grateful heart is closer to the creative forces of the universe and the law of action and reaction, they attract many proofs of kindness. For example, a father promised his son that if he his baccalaureate, he will give a car. Young, though not yet received the car, it was still very grateful and happy, as if already have, because he knew that his father would keep his promise. Here, for example, how Mr. Broke excellent results obtained using this technique. He said: "Receipts are all gather, are unemployed, have three children and no money. What to do? ". For three weeks, morning and evening, he repeated these words: "Thank you, Father, for my wealth" after previously obtained a calm and inner peace. Usually ends his session when he felt truly dominated by a sense of gratitude. Lord knew that address Broke endless wisdom that dwelt in him, that he could not see her eyes accustomed, but which to perceive. He was also aware that his thoughts were, really, because gaps in that struggle. Repeat the words: "Thank you, Dad" so many times, being a student to gradually come to accept the situation until it was in. How often remembered by poverty and its shortcomings, say "Thank you, Dad" until you exit any black thoughts. Understood that this new attitude of gratitude will lead to a profound transformation of the mode of thinking, so the idea of ​​wealth and luck that will replace poverty. What was and happened. 
    The results of his prayer were among the most interesting. One day, he met on the street with an employer that is not seen him for twenty years. It gave a very great job, even giving him an advance of $ 500. Today, Mr. Broke is vice president of that company and recently said, "I will never forget what miracles they performed these simple words: << Thank you, Dad! >>".
    What is your opinion?
    • Love 1
  3. A Football Manager Online Browser released by the game Apps Glory where a change virtual currency into real money! 
    In this game you are the manager of a football club, which we develop and manage according to your budget. 
    What to do? 
    First you need to play, invest in your club making upgrades to buildings on the market purchasing chairs, signs, lawn, etc, for your club, so bring more fans to the games ensuring you a better ticket sales. 
    Buy food in the market for players to keep them as high energy, so bring a better return. 
    At the club: 
    Hospital upgrade to the faster healing of injured players. 
    Stadium upgrade to increase the maximum number of such places, you can buy more seats. 
    Restaurant and Hotel upgrade to a faster recovery for energy players. 
    upgrade to parking and administrative buildings for the rapid growth in popularity, it positively affects income. 
    upgrade to Place of Training for a faster drive players.
    Participate in team matches both home and away, buy / sell players, coaches acquire, earn a good place in the league. 
    Participate in the National League -> Continental Championship -> Continental Cup win 
    You can buy shares and dividends benefeciezi. 
    Promoting your referral link displayed on the front page a consideration your budget cashed from them 10% of what they earn in the game and points depending on their popularity affiliates.
    For help let relpy and will leave the topic is the answer to the questions.
  4. How long discussion for such a simple problem. 
    FreeBSD is configured on the local server, but accepts output connections. And reject incoming connections. 
    That's the problem, is not configured in VPS. Open ticket at the hosting company and tell them to give you the VPS cpanel data from there to cpanel vds of Network section click on the network. 
    And reconfigure the VPS. 
    And I guarantee you will not still have this problem.
  5. Microsoft announced this evening at an event held in San Francisco, Windows 10 Yes, you read correctly, the Windows operating system version 9 skips straight to the tenth and is exactly what was Satya Nadella described over the summer: a universal software that can run on a wide sea of devices, from mobile phones to tablets, PCs and Xbox consoles. 
    Windows 10 will provide a single application store available on these devices and software purchased will run natively on all. Microsoft promises compatibility with devices that have screens from 4-80 inches and suggested that Azure cloud service will still run on a version of Windows 10 Apparently interface will be automatically adjusted according to the type of device.windows-10-640.jpg?width=640&height=360
    The first target of the new operating system is the enterprise segment. Microsoft has invested a lot of time to make Windows 10 compatible systems and applications being used today, ensuring a smoother transition from old versions of Windows. It seems that one of the company was to separate the consumer business segment, providing dedicated functionality for each type of client. Customers who use Windows 10 in Business will have access to an application store different customized as needed. 
    Start menu came back. As expected, when you press the Windows logo appears a menu on the left side of the screen, which offers a combination of functionality in Windows 7 and 8 on the left side of the menu are shortcuts to applications, folders and menus favorite, and on the right we find an interface very similar to Modern UI. There are applications that have LiveTiles that can operate like some widgets when not turned on. The company acknowledged that wants to attract such public who prefer the interface of Windows 7, but also to improve the user experience. Universal search function has not disappeared, but now can also provide web results provided by Bing.
    Store applications are now called "universal" and not running exclusively in fullscreen, like Windows 8 They are on the window, and their size can be changed. For easier handling multiple windows, Windows 10 A present in Windows 7: Snap View. It seems that all these changes from the previous version of the operating system have been designed to encourage the use of a mouse and a keyboard. 
    And Speaking of multitasking, Microsoft has integrated a new feature in Windows 10: Task View. This is the new taskbar button, which once pressed the screen displays all opened applications and provides quick access to any of them. Also, Windows 10 has many virtual desktops. Task view appears to be very similar to Mission Control in Mac OS X. Microsoft's vision it with Snap Assist (the ability to "like" an app to the side of the screen) will improve the experience for users who work with multiple applications simultaneously . As a small bonus for true power users, the new Command Prompt, which looks almost identical to the old, now offers the ability to paste text using the old Ctrl + V.
    Charms menu in Windows 8 has not disappeared and is still present for those who have devices with touch screens. Advanced features will be accessible through gestures. A slide from left to right will bring to the fore a Task View button bigger, finger-friendly use. The function "continuum" will adjust the operating system interface according to the selected control method. When you click the Start with finger extended Start menu appears very different than what you offer Windows 8 Modern UI.
    Starting tomorrow, October 1st, Microsoft will offer to download a technical preview version, for laptops and desktop PCs in the Windows Insider. It is intended for advanced users, however, willing to provide feedback and not scared of errors, bugs or other problems that may arise. The company wants to create a product that will please everyone and will consider the suggestions and criticisms of those who will test. 
    Tonight's event was dedicated to the first notice Windows 10, but was clearly oriented enterprise market segment. Microsoft has promised a new Conference to be held in the event of Build 2015, which will present the option for consumers with a broader discussion about universal applications. It seems that the launch of Windows 10 is ready sometime towards the end of 2015 and were not offered details about price or about upgrade programs.



  6. 1002 21:45:06970 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item2.mse) Error
    1002 21:45:06970 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=270, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item2.mse, isCache=1) - Error
    1002 21:45:06972 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item4.mse) Error
    1002 21:45:06972 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=272, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item4.mse, isCache=1) - Error
    1002 21:53:09006 :: CMapOutdoor::Load - LoadMonsterAreaInfo ERROR
    1002 21:53:12058 :: GRANNY: r:/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp(145): File has run-time type tag of 0x8000000f, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000010).  Automatic conversion will be attempted.

    Hellp ?




    It's very simple man, how can you not know the resolution? 
    If you look in the index is not patch2 added. 
    • Love 2
  7. Hey, do not usually turn to support that I need. 
    But now I know how to solve this problem ... 
    I tried to extract from official clientu certain files ... and get such errors. 
    I know it can be extracted from the official, my question is a way to extract files from clientu official functional know? 
    I need an official client ... 
    I understand that extraction can with python, but python hackshield blocks extraction ...
    Thank you.
  8. Run these commands in your console to install FreeBSD and all the libs needed to metin2 server.

    portsnap fetch extract && portsnap update
    cd /usr/ports/misc/compat7x && make install clean
    cd /usr/ports/misc/compat8x && make install clean
    cd /usr/ports/misc/compat9x && make install clean
    You FreeBSD configured, it does not connect to server FreeBSD. 
    Here's a picture of how it should have set frebsd:







    You must put the defaullt ip router gateway.

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