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Everything posted by Reboot

  1. Hi, I need metin2EN official client since 2013.
  2. Who wants to learn Andoid development, you can find tutorials http://developer.android.com/training/index.html http://developer.android.com/training/index.html I started on android 5.0 lollipop If you want to do a tutorial to install all tools, etc. If you are interested let /// topic response.
  3. Hm, thanks. I downloaded the studio manager android official site, I want to make my own custom android.
  4. I found this, but do not know what to download. https://developer.android.com/about/versions/android-4.4.html#Behaviors
  5. Hi, does anyone know where I can download the original android 4.4 kitkat? not be reached by any telephone company, because they change and are no longer good for anything. Not necessarily kitkat 4.4, even 4.3 Beam Jellly just be original and not be touched by any telephone company.
  6. Game.py last lines: def __toggleSwitchbot(self): if self.switchbot.bot_shown == 1: self.switchbot.Hide() else: self.switchbot.Show() # END_switchbot The problem is the placement syntax, namely TAB's.
  7. Add this line in config each CH : BIND_IP: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (You ip adress) If I add in config that is not going to get kicked in character.
  8. and then? OMG ,OMG Try to recompile the game )))))))))))))
  9. You need freebsd 9.2 or 9.3 not work on 9.3+ If you want to compile on FreeBSD 9.3 +, you must copy the FreeBSD 9.3 in / usr / include folder c ++. In FreeBSD 9.3+ Follow the steps pkg install gmake pkg install boost-all pkg install subversion pkg install gcc49 pkg install makedepend 1) Open a virtual image FreeBSD 9.2. 2) Create an archive folder / usr / include / c ++ 3) upload archive c ++ in the same directory as in FreeBSD 9.2. Install the above programs. Upload source folder, try to compile.
  10. bool GetIPInfo() { #ifndef __WIN32__ struct ifaddrs* ifaddrp = NULL; if (0 != getifaddrs(&ifaddrp)) return false; for( struct ifaddrs* ifap=ifaddrp ; NULL != ifap ; ifap = ifap->ifa_next ) { struct sockaddr_in * sai = (struct sockaddr_in *) ifap->ifa_addr; if (!ifap->ifa_netmask || // ignore if no netmask sai->sin_addr.s_addr == 0 || // ignore if address is sai->sin_addr.s_addr == 16777343) // ignore if address is continue; #else WSADATA wsa_data; char host_name[100]; HOSTENT* host_ent; int n = 0; if (WSAStartup(0x0101, &wsa_data)) { return false; } gethostname(host_name, sizeof(host_name)); host_ent = gethostbyname(host_name); if (host_ent == NULL) { return false; } for ( ; host_ent->h_addr_list[n] != NULL; ++n) { struct sockaddr_in addr; struct sockaddr_in* sai = &addr; memcpy(&sai->sin_addr.s_addr, host_ent->h_addr_list[n], host_ent->h_length); #endif char * netip = inet_ntoa(sai->sin_addr); if (!strncmp(netip, "192.168", 7)) // ignore if address is starting with 192 { strlcpy(g_szInternalIP, netip, sizeof(g_szInternalIP)); #ifndef __WIN32__ fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL_IP: %s interface %sn", netip, ifap->ifa_name); #else fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL_IP: %sn", netip); #endif } else if (!strncmp(netip, "10.", 3)) { strlcpy(g_szInternalIP, netip, sizeof(g_szInternalIP)); #ifndef __WIN32__ fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL_IP: %s interface %sn", netip, ifap->ifa_name); #else fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL_IP: %sn", netip); #endif } else if (g_szPublicIP[0] == '0') { strlcpy(g_szPublicIP, netip, sizeof(g_szPublicIP)); #ifndef __WIN32__ fprintf(stderr, "PUBLIC_IP: %s interface %sn", netip, ifap->ifa_name); #else fprintf(stderr, "PUBLIC_IP: %sn", netip); #endif } } #ifndef __WIN32__ freeifaddrs( ifaddrp ); #else WSACleanup(); #endif if (g_szPublicIP[0] != '0') return true; else return false; }
  11. 1006 09:56:07142 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item1.mse) Error 1006 09:56:07142 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=269, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item1.mse, isCache=1) - Error 1006 09:56:07145 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item3.mse) Error 1006 09:56:07145 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=271, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item3.mse, isCache=1) - Error 1006 09:56:07637 :: invalid idx 0 1006 09:56:13544 :: GRANNY: r:/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp(145): File has run-time type tag of 0x8000000f, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000010). Automatic conversion will be attempted. WTF, so talk to a very simple problem to solve. The error comes from a pack which is added to the index. Specifically patch2: D So add patch2 the client index.
  12. Open config.cpp search 192.168 replace with 999.999
  13. But shut brother, stop your bad excuse English. There is no problem, stay relaxed. I do not see any post that does not apologize for your English.
  14. pkg install devel/subversion Then install : Trunk or lastmirage
  15. pkg install boost-all devel/boost-all The "meta-port" for boost libraries devel/boost-docs Documentation for libraries from boost.org devel/boost-jam Build tool from the boost.org devel/boost-libs Free portable C++ libraries (without Boost.Python) devel/boost-pyste Boost.Python code generator devel/boost-python-libs Framework for interfacing Python and C++ devel/boost_build converters/iconv Charset conversion library and utilities converters/iconv-extra Additional charsets for the iconv library (those from the Unicode site) converters/iconv-rfc1345 Additional charset modules for the iconv library (from RFC1345) converters/libiconv A character set conversion library (there are others
  16. What? Find hundreds of serverfiles Google. It is not our problem that you find on google? What do you mean you want to give you a serverfiles not without bugs. You just put on dedicated and give the roads? This is a forum for help, if you have a problem we help. Nobody gives serverfiles without bugs as you want so. Work alone and do something nice, do not come to beg. Like I said google is serverfilesuri envelope.
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