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Posts posted by PACI

  1. for the first question, the wiki post says the potion manufacturing is available since 17 july 2007. probably a normal warrior or ninja couldn't do much against a magic class, such as sura and shaman, but at that time we didn't know how to play properly with each class right? so i guess there were some fair 1v1 matches.

    not forgetting that metin2 is a game that at it's early stage hadn't the pvp system implemented, but players asked for it, so it came a couple of time later. correct me if i'm wrong.

    regarding the soul stones, i don't really remember, and can't answer that question precisely, but i guess there were able to obtain the same way it's already known, through metin stones from level 45+.

    third question, at first we had only the well known horse with all it's different stages (pony, armed horse, military horse, as well as them different skins for non guild members, guild members and guild leaders).
    the first mounts being added in the game were those 4 you said, the normal lion, boar, wolf and tiger. they were probably added at the same time the devils catacomb was, so somewhere around 2012, although i'm not sure, so i'd say between 2011 and 2012.

    the dragon lair was added in 2011 and probably yes, the blue steel armors came at the same time.

    the last stage for metin2 before the Dark Dragons update had every single thing you said on your post. dragon lair, devil's catacomb, spider dungeon 3, blue steel armors, pets, mounts, even costumes and the energy system. the max level was 99 though.


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    Hi there.


    While cleaning out "my closet", I found this thing I developed between 2014-2015 - maybe(?) - for my, at that moment, server. Since it's now closed, and I won't use it, I'm sharing it with you guys.

    Note: Didn't do the scrollbar, wasn't needed for me, so yeah.


    Now, let's start with opening your locale_game.txt and adding these lines:

    QUESTCATEGORY_0	Main Quests
    QUESTCATEGORY_1	Sub Quests
    QUESTCATEGORY_2	Collect Quests
    QUESTCATEGORY_3	Levelup Quests
    QUESTCATEGORY_4	Scroll Quests
    QUESTCATEGORY_5	System Quests

    Alright, now find your characterwindow.py (uiscript?) and you can either comment Quest_Page children or simply remove them all.

    Moving on to your interfaceModule.py find this line self.BINARY_RecvQuest(index, name, "file", localeInfo.GetLetterImageName()) and replace it with self.wndCharacter.questCategory.RecvQuest(self.BINARY_RecvQuest, index, name)

    Ok, then we are at the most, let's say, difficult part of this. Open your uiCharacter.py and just as you did in your characterwindow.py, remove or simply comment any single line related to quests. You can just search for these vars:


    Once you did that, you just:

    # Find these lines
            self.soloEmotionSlot = self.GetChild("SoloEmotionSlot")
            self.dualEmotionSlot = self.GetChild("DualEmotionSlot")
    # And add the following
            import uiQuestCategory
            self.questCategory = uiQuestCategory.QuestCategoryWindow(self.pageDict["QUEST"])
    # Find this
        def OnUpdate(self):
    # Replace it with
        def OnUpdate(self):

    And we're done with the client-side. I attached some extra elements needed (such as the main python file (uiQuestCategory.py) and some image resources).
    Remember to edit the path linked to these images in that file.

    For the server-side... Well, screw it, uploaded it too. Too lazy to write.
    It has only a new quest function (q.getcurrentquestname()) and a few things to add in your questlib.lua.

    Btw, not sure if  you have it, but if not, just add this extra function in ui.Button() (ui.py - class Button).

    	def SetTextAlignLeft(self, text, height = 4):
    		if not self.ButtonText:
    			textLine = TextLine()
    			textLine.SetPosition(27, self.GetHeight()/2)
    			self.ButtonText = textLine
    		#Äù½ºÆ® ¸®½ºÆ® UI¿¡ ¸ÂÃç À§Ä¡ ÀâÀ½
    		self.ButtonText.SetPosition(27, self.GetHeight()/2)

    Forgot the source part, fml, here it is. Add it to your questlua_quest.cpp.

    	int quest_get_current_quest_name(lua_State* L)
    		CQuestManager& q = CQuestManager::instance();
    		PC* pPC = q.GetCurrentPC();
    		lua_pushstring(L, pPC->GetCurrentQuestName().c_str());
    		return 1;
    	void RegisterQuestFunctionTable()
    		luaL_reg quest_functions[] = 
    			{ "getcurrentquestname",	quest_get_current_quest_name},
    			{ NULL,						NULL						}
    		CQuestManager::instance().AddLuaFunctionTable("q", quest_functions);


    Now, finally, have fun and bye!

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  3. Well you can look at their official sites (Lua, Python, C++). But you can actually learn just by taking a look to some other quests, or python files from the game itself.
    Can't say the same for C++, although you can easily get the logic just by reading a couple of code lines. As you said, you only need a bit of english knowledge to start with it, and then you just keep going, and trying different things.
    Your mistakes will also increase your knowledge, so go for it. :)

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