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Posts posted by PACI

  1. Is it possible you could you fix the oh.takemonarchmoney() bug in db core?


    When you use this function db gets stuck in a loop with some AsyncSQL Query error.


    Only tested 2089 and 34083 but as far as I know Ymir didn't fix this yet.

    This difference file has been created by IDA Pro
    0009DCA9: 3B 20
    The problem is just a semicolon in the query, so we only need to remove it.

    @Vanilla, check CMonarch::TakeMoney function at Monarch.cpp on db source.

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  2. M2 Download Center

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    Hi, today I was a little bored, so I've done this quest and two functions also useful, for me, and maybe for you too.

    So the quest is pretty simple, players can create his bank account by writing a password, choosing a security question and an answer to it.


    They can login with their password or if they don't remember, they can reset it, but only if they have their security question's answer.


    They can also change their data.

    If the player fails his password when logging in or the answer to security's question, 5 times, they cannot log in or reset their password for 2 hours.

    Firstly you have to add these functions and variable to your questlib.lua:


    bank_path = '/game/bank'
    function readline(path, x)
        local linetable = {}
        for line in io.lines(path..'/'..pc.name) do
            table.insert(linetable, line)
        return linetable[x]
    function write_in_file(path, text)
        if string.find(text, "%[ENTER%]") then
            text = string.gsub(text, "%[ENTER%]", "n")
        local file = io.open(path..'/'..pc.name, 'w')

    Next step is create a folder named bank, or if you want, the name is as you wish, but you have to write the path to that folder in bank_path. In this folder all infos about player's bank account would be saved. (Things like bank password, security question, answer to the security question, and finally the gold saved).

    And now the quest:


    quest advanced_bank begin
    	state start begin
    		when 20090.chat.'Bank' begin
    			local question = {'Your moms name?', 'Your fathers name', 'Your pets name', 'Other'}
    			if pc.getqf('has_bank_acc') == 0 then
    				say'Hello! Welcome to our City Bank.[ENTER]I guess you havent an account here.'
    				say'Let me explain you how this works:'
    				say_reward'You have to write a password for your account[ENTER]a security question and a security answer.'
    				say_reward'This will increase your security.[ENTER]No one can access your account unless they[ENTER]have your password.[ENTER]'
    				say'You just need to pay 1.000.000 Gold[ENTER]to get your bank account.[ENTER]But always, remember:'
    				say_reward'Do not use other games password.[ENTER]This would make easier to know your pw.[ENTER]And also because'
    				say_reward'admins can see your password.[ENTER]The same is for your question and answer.[ENTER]'
    				say'So.. you wanna continue, and get a[ENTER]bank account?'
    				if select('Yes, of course.', 'Nah, forget it.') == 1 then
    					if pc.get_gold() < 1000000 then
    						say'Sorry, you dont have enough Gold.[ENTER]Come back when you get 1.000.000 Gold.'
    					say'Okay, please write your bank acc pw.'
    					local pw = input()
    					if pw == '' then 
    						say'Did you change your mind?'
    					say'Next step is choose your security question.[ENTER]You can also write one if you want to.'
    					local sqt = select_table(question)
    					if sqt == 4 then
    						say'Okay, please write your question:'
    						local myquestion = input()
    						if myquestion == '' then 
    							say'Did you change your mind?'
    						question = myquestion
    						question = question[sqt]
    					say'Oh right, we are almost finishing.[ENTER]Now enter the answer to your question.'
    					local answ = input()
    					if answ == nil then 
    						say'Did you change your mind?'
    					advanced_bank.set_pc_bank_infos(pw, question, answ, 0)
    					say'Great! You are now registered in our bank.[ENTER]Welcome! :)'
    				local mainmenu = select('Log in into my account','I forgot my password','Cancel')
    				if mainmenu == 2 then
    					if pc.getqf('tries') == 5 then
    						say'Sorry, you have tried too many times.[ENTER]Please, try later.'
    						pc.setqf('tries', get_time()+60*60*2)
    						pc.setqf('is_delayed', 1)
    					elseif get_time() <= pc.getqf('tries') then
    						say'Since you failed 5 times your password[ENTER]you have to wait 2 hours to try again.[ENTER]Too bad!'
    					if pc.getqf('is_delayed') == 1 then pc.delqf('is_delayed') pc.delqf('tries') end
    					say'Wow what the hell![ENTER]If you at least know your[ENTER]security answer, we can generate a new pw 4 you.'
    					say'Please, write the RIGHT answer.'
    					if input() ~= readline(bank_path, 3) then
    						say'Wrong, sorry dude..'
    						pc.setqf('tries', pc.getqf('tries')+1)
    						say'Okay, wait a minute.[ENTER]A number password is being generated.'
    						local random = number(1000, 9999)
    						say('Your new password is '..tostring(random)..'.')
    						advanced_bank.set_pc_bank_infos(random, readline(bank_path, 2), readline(bank_path, 3), readline(bank_path, 4))
    				if pc.getqf('tries_to_login') == 5 then
    					say'Sorry, you have tried to log in too many times.[ENTER]Please try later.'
    					pc.setqf('tries_to_login', get_time()+60*60*2)
    					pc.setqf('is_login_delayed', 1)
    				elseif get_time() <= pc.getqf('tries_to_login') then
    					say'Since you failed 5 times your password[ENTER]you have to wait 2 hours to try again.[ENTER]Too bad!'
    				if pc.getqf('is_login_delayed') == 1 then pc.delqf('is_login_delayed') pc.delqf('tries_to_login') end
    				say'Yô dawg[ENTER]Welcome back.[ENTER]Please write your password to log in.'
    				local login = input()
    				if login ~= readline(bank_path,1) then
    					say('Sorry, your password is wrong.')
    					pc.setqf('tries_to_login', pc.getqf('tries_to_login')+1) 
    				say'Welcome to Clients Panel.[ENTER]What do you want to do?'
    				say_reward('Currently you have '..readline(bank_path, 4)..' Gold saved.')
    				local sel = select('Take Gold', 'Save Gold', 'Change data', 'Nothing')
    				if sel ~= 4 then
    					if sel ~= 3 then
    						say_reward('Currently you have '..readline(bank_path,4)..' Gold saved.')
    				if sel == 1 then
    					say'You have to write how much Gold[ENTER]you want to receive.[ENTER]If you want to cancel, please write 0[ENTER]or do not write nothing.'
    					local qt = tonumber(input())
    					if qt == nil or qt == 0 then
    						say'Did you change your mind?'
    					say('So you want to receive '..qt..' Gold. Isnt it?')
    					if select('Yes, it is.', 'Hmm, no') == 1 then advanced_bank.give_money(qt) end
    				elseif sel == 2 then
    					say'How much Gold you want to save?'
    					local whatiwant = tonumber(input())
    					if whatiwant ~= nil then
    						say('So do you really want to save '..whatiwant..' Gold?')
    						if select('Yes, I want to', 'No, no sorry.') == 1 then
    							if pc.get_gold() < whatiwant then
    								say('You dont have that Gold to save..')
    							say('Done.[ENTER]Now you have more '..whatiwant..' Gold in your account.')
    				elseif sel == 3 then
    					local new
    					say'What do you want to change?'
    					local change = select('Password', 'Security data (Question & Answer)', 'Nothing')
    					if change ~= 3 then
    						say'Please, write your password.'
    						if input() ~= readline(bank_path,1) then say'The password you entered is wrong.' return end
    						say'Please, write the Answer to your security question:'
    						say_reward(readline(bank_path, 2))
    						if input() ~= readline(bank_path,3) then say'The answer you entered is wrong.' return end
    						if change == 1 then
    							say'Write your new password:'
    							local newpw = input()
    							if newpw == '' then say'Did you change your mind?' return end
    							advanced_bank.set_pc_bank_infos(newpw, readline(bank_path, 2), readline(bank_path, 3), readline(bank_path,4))
    							say'Your password has been changed.'
    							say'Okay, choose your new Security Question:'
    							local newquestion = select_table(question)
    							if newquestion == table.getn(question) then
    								say'Write the security question you want:'
    								local newq = input()
    								if newq == '' then say'Did you change your mind?' return end
    								newquestion = newq
    								newquestion = question[newquestion]
    							say'Oh right, one more step left.[ENTER]Write the answer to your question:'
    							local newanswer = input()
    							if newanser == '' then say'Did you changed your mind?' return end
    							advanced_bank.set_pc_bank_infos(readline(bank_path,1), newquestion, newanswer, readline(bank_path,4))
    							say'Your Security data has been changed.'
    		function set_pc_bank_infos(pw, question, answer, money)
    			write_in_file(bank_path, pw..'[ENTER]'..question..'[ENTER]'..answer..'[ENTER]'..money..'[ENTER]')
    			pc.setqf('has_bank_acc', 1)
    		function give_money(value)
    			if pc.get_gold() + value >= 2000000000 then
    				say'You cant take that value. It will bug!'
    			elseif tonumber(readline(bank_path ,4)) < value then
    				say'You dont have that much Gold in your bank acc.'
    		function save_money(value)
    			write_in_file(bank_path, readline(bank_path, 1)..'[ENTER]'..readline(bank_path, 2)..'[ENTER]'..readline(bank_path, 3)..'[ENTER]'..value)

    I think the quest is a little big, but it's ok.

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    • Love 13
  3. This command is running a mysql Query aswell. But it doesnt establish a new connection

    Yes I know, it's logic. :)

    Functions like pc.setqf, pc.setf, pc.getqf, pc.getf, etc, run queries to return or to save something on a MySQL table, but it doesn't establish a new connection as you said.

    Let's say.. it's direct.

  4. Anyone know how can i set up

    When player kill metin to recive coins? 


    I don't recommend you to execute a query when you kill a mob, you can just lag your server.. and a lot.

    As I said on other thread, I don't know if older game's revision has the function I used to your quest. But if you use 34083 or higher it should work.


    when kill with not npc.is_pc() and npc.get_race() >= 8001 and npc.get_race() <= 8055 begin
    	pc.charge_cash(count, 'cash') -- count = count of coins you want that your players receive
    	char_log(pc.get_account_id(), 'COINS_KILLING_METIN_STONE', count) -- ^same here, this will register in logs table
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  5. Are you sure? I don't want to pay for a product when the company refuses to answer multiple emails I've sent them so I haven't purchased it... otherwise I would have :/. And that is the latest cracked version I could find.

    Only heard about it. Im not sure if its true

    Yes it's true, that problem with windows 8 is from Enigma. And for those who use Molebox, the issue stills in there.

    Nice job anyways, keep going.

  6. Hey!

    I've been reading the quest and I saw something you didn't included but it's necessary to run this quest without problems.

    It's the get_mob_level table which is not included.

    I suggest (for those who haven't a table or function to get mob's level) to comment that for those who haven't this table or, if you want, include that table on the thread.

    • Love 2
  7. Its the same like armor over armor :D


    And the hardest part were that the way your character is holding your weapon is adjusted by the subtype. Some subtypes were placed by head and armor.. so i had to search a solution for it :D

    It's not the same in my point of view.

    What I want to say with weapon skins is, for example, a new texture for the weapon you're actually using, and not a "weapon over your weapon".

    But that doesn't mean you didn't a nice job.

  8. It is really interesting and also useful, for oldschool and newschool servers. Not only the costume weapon slot, but also the other 2 (3rd and 4th) inventories.

    I knew that someone will activate it, but I still want to wait and see what Ymir does with that slot.

    I don't think they would create other weapons with COSTUME_ITEM type or something like. I mean, a weapon over another weapon, seems wth..

    I think that slot should be used like weapon skins, as your thread title says, or something else.

    Anyway, that's a great job and I liked it.

  9. But why have it in multiple quests when you can have it all in one central place?

    Hm? What I was saying is there's already a function to charge coins on an account.


    when 123.use or 1234.use or 12345.use begin
    	local cash = {[123] = 10, [1234] = 20, [12345] = 30}
    	pc.charge_cash(cash[item.vnum], 'cash')
    	char_log(pc.get_account_id(), 'GIVE_IS_COINS', cash[item.vnum]..' Coins')
    I don't know if this function exists on other game revisions. But at least in 34083, it exists.

    So that makes your quest useful for those who are more 'oldschool'.

    • Love 2
  10. Hi

    This way should work too:


    quest levellimit begin
    	state start begin
    		when login begin
    			-- Map Index, minLevel
    			maparray = {194, 70, 195, 100, 197, 130}
    			for i = 1, table.getn(maparray), 2 do -- table.getn(maparray)= #maparray
    				if pc.get_map_index() == maparray[i] and pc.level < maparray[i+1] then
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