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Posts posted by Shang

  1. another useless binary... no offence but as the last i tried to compile i had an error on my JpegFile.cpp so i replaced it with my own. Then i had an error with MarkManager.cpp with the 'back_inserter' so i googled the error and added 3 new includes. Now this happens:

    Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line
    Error	LNK1257	code generation failed	UserInterface	C:\Users\user\Documents\Server\Lab\client_source_clean\vs_files\UserInterface\LINK	1
    Error	C1047	The object or library file '../../extern/library\Cryptopp_lib_release.lib' was created with an older compiler than other objects; rebuild old objects and libraries	UserInterface	C:\Users\user\Documents\Server\Lab\client_source_clean\vs_files\UserInterface\LINK	1

    i dont know how u can compile it but what i know is that i really need you to tell me how. i use vs2015 professional Full and i have installed msdn library from the installer of vs2008 if there is any newer library i have to install or anything please tell me so i can keep on going thank u :)

    Use vs2013 ultimate.

  2. At first, you don't have to pay anyone for vanilla source files. She already posted the source files on the forum and I'm pretty sure someone still got the files. She did many things for this forum, but they didn't understand her value. At least, she was the best girl developer on this forum. I wish that anybody open the topic like that after this post.

    Thank you Vanilla for everything. At least someone understands your value.



    thanks but i can't compile this source...!

    i want source with Extern folder because I have 5 day's and i can't compile it!

    sorry for my bad english

    You'll have a lot of problems if you use vanilla...

  3. 	def Run_func(self):


    0930 21:33:11104 :: self.HeaderLabe3.SetText(self.EditLine1.GetText())

    0930 21:33:11104 :: AttributeError
    0930 21:33:11104 :: : 
    0930 21:33:11104 :: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'GetText'

    This happens 'cause your function returns more than 1 value. Try this: self.EditLine[1].GetText()

    • Love 1
  4. Check your uiscript/shopdialog.py.

    It have to be like this:

    import uiScriptLocale
    window = {
    	"name" : "ShopDialog",
    	"x" : SCREEN_WIDTH - 400,
    	"y" : 10,
    	"style" : ("movable", "float",),
    	"width" : 184,
    	"height" : 328,
    	"children" :
    			"name" : "board",
    			"type" : "board",
    			"style" : ("attach",),
    			"x" : 0,
    			"y" : 0,
    			"width" : 184,
    			"height" : 328,
    			"children" :
    				## Title
    					"name" : "TitleBar",
    					"type" : "titlebar",
    					"style" : ("attach",),
    					"x" : 8,
    					"y" : 8,
    					"width" : 169,
    					"color" : "gray",
    					"children" :
    						{ "name":"TitleName", "type":"text", "x":84, "y":4, "text":uiScriptLocale.SHOP_TITLE, "text_horizontal_align":"center" },
    				## Item Slot
    					"name" : "ItemSlot",
    					"type" : "grid_table",
    					"x" : 12,
    					"y" : 34,
    					"start_index" : 0,
    					"x_count" : 5,
    					"y_count" : 8,
    					"x_step" : 32,
    					"y_step" : 32,
    					"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Slot_Base.sub",
    				## Buy
    					"name" : "BuyButton",
    					"type" : "toggle_button",
    					"x" : 21,
    					"y" : 295,
    					"width" : 61,
    					"height" : 21,
    					"text" : uiScriptLocale.SHOP_BUY,
    					"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_01.sub",
    					"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_02.sub",
    					"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_03.sub",
    				## Sell
    					"name" : "SellButton",
    					"type" : "toggle_button",
    					"x" : 104,
    					"y" : 295,
    					"width" : 61,
    					"height" : 21,
    					"text" : uiScriptLocale.SHOP_SELL,
    					"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_01.sub",
    					"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_02.sub",
    					"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_03.sub",
    				## Close
    					"name" : "CloseButton",
    					"type" : "button",
    					"x" : 0,
    					"y" : 295,
    					"horizontal_align" : "center",
    					"text" : uiScriptLocale.PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON,
    					"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_01.sub",
    					"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_02.sub",
    					"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub",

  5. You don't need a new function to do this.

    pc.give_item2_select(vnum, count)
    item.set_socket(socked_slot, socket_value)
    pc.give_item2_select(19, 1)	-- Sword +9
    item.set_socket(0, 28432) -- Cooldown Stone+4


    Ok i try it, i thought that cant be like this. Thanks

    If u don't select the item (pc.give_item2) u can't, but if u select the item (pc.give_item2_select), of course u can. ^_^

  6. Shops in Special Maps:

    Change item to Sell (in german "Bündel") to Type 18

    Make a quest for it like

    quest blablabla begin
        state start begin
            when 123456.use begin
                local allowedMaps = {1, 21, 41}
                for i = 1, table.getn(allowedMaps) do
                    if allowedMaps[i] == pc.get_map_index() end
                        cmdchat("open_privateshop") -- <- Think Command is diffrent



    if allowedMaps[i] == pc.get_map_index() end
    				if allowedMaps[i] != pc.get_map_index() then return
    					cmdchat("open_privateshop") -- <- Think Command is diffrent

    For security.

    • Love 2
  7. Hi devs,

    I have a problem with an exploit with CHARACTER::GetQuestFlag. When the char calls a getqf, and he disconnects quickly, the player_id is 0 and core crashes.

    I already have a fix i found on epvp but it doesn't work. The core is still crashing.

    I have this fix (char.cpp):

    int CHARACTER::GetQuestFlag(const std::string& flag) const
    	quest::CQuestManager& q = quest::CQuestManager::instance();
    	quest::PC* pPC = q.GetPC(GetPlayerID());
    	if(!pPC) {
    		sys_err("Nullpointer in CHARACTER::GetQuestFlag %lu", GetPlayerID()); 
    		return 0;
    	return pPC->GetFlag(flag);
    	if(!pPC) {
    		sys_err("Nullpointer in CHARACTER::GetQuestFlag %lu", GetPlayerID()); 
    		return 0;

    In syserr it says "Nullpointer[...]" but it seems like the return 0 doesn't exists because the core crashes.

    Then i need a fix... I hope one dev can make it.

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