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Everything posted by Syriza

  1. appreciate your work man god bless you
  2. Yeah bro, but a GM / and all others in the team, only have to support ingame, they are not supposed to open chests and have fun spawning monsters and stuff. but if you want to give your GM full rights, then this release is very important.
  3. If gamemaster opens chest and inventory is full item will drop to ground and the result is that other player Can pick this item on ground. anyone Solution ?
  4. hey guys, I implemented the horse_appearence system but if I unsummon my horse the item stays in the slot, I've written a command to call back the horse and unequip the item, it works. but if im riding the horse, it should say "You need to stop riding before unsummon" So currently my problem is it unequips even if im riding the horse, this cause some bugs, thats why i dont want to unsummon the horse if player is riding
  5. What exactly Can you misunderstand? He asked how he Can make monsters attack a object E.g. Aggressive Monsters attack a Player
  6. If i would be able to do it, i would've already done it and published it I Understand what functions do but im not able to do them by myself
  7. bro those functions aren't existing, i have already changed the import from m2netm2g to net
  8. I wanted to implement the official move_channel from the published root files dated 2018 in metin2dev but there are missing some functions that i couldnt find in public/in my source m2netm2g.ClearServerInfo() m2netm2g.SetChannelName() m2netm2g.SetServerName() m2netm2g.GetChannelCount() m2netm2g.GetChannelName() m2netm2g.MoveChannelGame() m2netm2g.GetChannelNumber() If someone agrees to reverse these functions from the official binary I will release a tutorial with the Python Part. I'm sure the whole community would benefit, the root files are published here, but I can add them in the attachment if someone does not find the archive. Kind Regards, Syriza if app.ENABLE_MOVE_CHANNEL: (The Python Part is with if App in Archive)
  9. You, exactly but as i Said all Players in the same map are kicked aswell
  10. You dont like my behiavour? Do you think it would be too hard to ask a friend? i posted this thread here so other users dont have to worry why players get kicked anyways thank you for your post buddy, next time i wont create a thread
  11. good idea, can someone show us how such a check would look like?
  12. Im on my smartphone please dont waste my time, thanks.
  13. [Hidden Content] link found from a turkish Board @ManiacRobert adding a timer on everything is Unprofessional
  14. I found out that in every source which contains lennts sash system a Kick Hack is existing, if you change your sash with a very high Speed (using a Tool for example) you Can kick every player in the map you are currently. can someone Provide a fix and maybe explain why this problem is existing? my idea was it could be because the part column has a calculation (because parts are word lennt used a calculation)
  15. Everything he is selling is Public (Also not his work)
  16. Hey guys, i wanted to use the official warp ring quest, but i dont know how to create categorys in a clean way, can someone help me? quest ring_warp begin state start begin when 10031.sig_use begin -- if pc.get_level() < item.get_value (0) then -- say("·¹º§ÀÌ ³·¾Æ ¸ø°¡³×") -- say("") -- return -- end local empire = pc.get_empire() local max_use = item.get_value(0) local n = item.get_socket (0) if n >= max_use then say ("Vorgang abbrechen. ") return end say(string.format("Teleportieren zu (verbleibende Sprünge: %d) ", max_use -n)) local sub_set = 0 local town1={ "Yongan ", "Joan ", "Pyungmoo ", } local town2={ "Yayang ", "Bokjung ", "Bakra ", } sub_set = select(town1[empire],town2[empire],"Tal von Seungryong ", "Yongbi-Wüste ", "Berg Sohan ","Doyyumhwan ","Abbrechen ") if sub_set == 7 then -- ´Ý±â return end local warp = { { -- empire town -1 { 474300 , 954800 }, { 63800 , 166400 }, { 959900 , 269200 }, }, { -- empire town -2 { 353100 , 882900}, { 145500 , 240000 }, { 863900 , 246000 }, }, -- 64 map_n_threeway { { 402100, 673900 }, { 270400, 739900 }, { 321300, 808000 }, }, -- 63 metin2_map_n_desert_01 { { 217800, 627200 }, { 221900, 502700 }, { 344000, 502500 }, }, -- 61 map_n_snowm_01 { { 434200, 290600 }, { 375200, 174900 }, { 491800, 173600 }, }, -- 62 metin2_map_n_flame_01 { { 599400, 756300 }, { 597800, 622200 }, { 730700, 689800 }, }, } if not pc.warp(warp[sub_set][empire][1], warp[sub_set][empire][2]) then return end item.set_socket(1, get_global_time() + item.get_value(1)) if n == max_use - 1 then item.remove() else item.set_socket(0, n + 1) end end --when end -- end_of_state end -- end_of_quest
  17. Can someone reupload this Quest? -.- @Exygo
  18. hello community i found a quest in which the bravery cape has charges, you have to kill monsters to receive charges I would like to give 25 charges as default, can someone help me? The quest currently is working, but i don't want to have a default of 0 charges..
  19. np sent me your id&pw in private message, i'll see what i can do.
  20. change ports in serverinfo.py & use your own binary.
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