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Posts posted by Syriza

  1. Am 21.7.2019 um 17:29 schrieb nonnorulez:

    Ty man, i took your advice and the syserrs now say: 


    I tryed to write "import uiToolTip"  on uiinventory.py

    But i have this error:



    How can i solve?  Thanks to everyone for advice and availability . 


    Same problem @Mali61

    Can you help please? -_-  @VegaS™ bro can you help ? mali doesnt answer :(


    Edit: Problem solved, Vegas helped me he will post the solution :D

  2. 15 hours ago, Rakancito said:

    This is the hidden content, please

    Hey guys,

     Well..., i promised that i will publish this update ?, so here it is, only this part was missing.


    NOTE: Please follow the guide, read README.md





    Enjoy it.

    Your a fking god.

    • Metin2 Dev 1
  3. vor 4 Stunden schrieb Denis:

    The public version is shitty you know, if you have a bit knowledge of c++ you can understand that but anyway, if you don't know why the price is that high I wont even bother to explain it to you since you are probably one of these people that thinks 500-600 is too much for pet system which is not even close to the public version lmao ??

    The real Public Version from 2018 has 0 bugs is completly official like except there is no pet attribute change and this new stuff.

  4. vor 2 Stunden schrieb Denis:

    Even if i want to sell it there are a few people only that will buy it, the price would be around 500-600 and some tards were asking me to buy for 150 saying its too much lmao


    500-600 is too much for a system which is already public. (fully working) 


    but everyone has his own prices. example the multi language of vegas, there is no other multi language like his, if he say 600€ i can understand.

    but why do you expect someone paying you 500-600 xD?

  5. Hey community can anyone help me with one Question?


    i want to Change the probability of receiving a additional apply


    		for (int i = 0; i < additional_attr_num; i++)
    			int r = random_set[i];
    			const SApply& additional_attr = vec_addtional_applys[r];
    			BYTE bType = additional_attr.apply_type;
    			short sValue = (short)(ceil((float)additional_attr.apply_value * fWeight - 0.01f));
    			pDS->SetForceAttribute(DRAGON_SOUL_ADDITIONAL_ATTR_START_IDX + i, bType, sValue);


    how do i Change this like it rarely gives the max Attribute?



    here is the full function

    bool DSManager::PutAttributes2(LPITEM pDS)
    	if (!pDS->IsDragonSoul())
    		sys_err ("This item(ID : %d) is not DragonSoul.", pDS->GetID());
    		return false;
    	BYTE ds_type, grade_idx, step_idx, strength_idx;
    	GetDragonSoulInfo(pDS->GetVnum(), ds_type, grade_idx, step_idx, strength_idx);
    	DragonSoulTable::TVecApplys vec_basic_applys;
    	DragonSoulTable::TVecApplys vec_addtional_applys;
    	if (!m_pTable->GetBasicApplys(ds_type, vec_basic_applys))
    		sys_err ("There is no BasicApply about %d type dragon soul.", ds_type);
    		return false;
    	if (!m_pTable->GetAdditionalApplys(ds_type, vec_addtional_applys))
    		sys_err ("There is no AdditionalApply about %d type dragon soul.", ds_type);
    		return false;
    	int basic_apply_num, add_min, add_max;
    	if (!m_pTable->GetApplyNumSettings(ds_type, grade_idx, basic_apply_num, add_min, add_max))
    		sys_err ("In ApplyNumSettings, INVALID VALUES Group type(%d), GRADE idx(%d)", ds_type, grade_idx);
    		return false;
    	float fWeight = 0.f;
    	if (!m_pTable->GetWeight(ds_type, grade_idx, step_idx, strength_idx, fWeight))
    		return false;
    	fWeight /= 100.f;
    	int n = MIN(basic_apply_num, vec_basic_applys.size());
    	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    		const SApply& basic_apply = vec_basic_applys[i];
    		BYTE bType = basic_apply.apply_type;
    		short sValue = (short)(ceil((float)basic_apply.apply_value * fWeight - 0.01f));
    		pDS->SetForceAttribute(i, bType, sValue);
    	BYTE additional_attr_num = MIN(number (add_min, add_max), 3);
    	std::vector <int> random_set;
    	if (additional_attr_num > 0)
    		std::list <float> list_probs;
    		for (int i = 0; i < vec_addtional_applys.size(); i++)
    		if (!MakeDistinctRandomNumberSet(list_probs, random_set))
    			sys_err ("MakeDistinctRandomNumberSet error.");
    			return false;
    		for (int i = 0; i < additional_attr_num; i++)
    			int r = random_set[i];
    			const SApply& additional_attr = vec_addtional_applys[r];
    			BYTE bType = additional_attr.apply_type;
    			short sValue = (short)(ceil((float)additional_attr.apply_value * fWeight - 0.01f));
    			pDS->SetForceAttribute(DRAGON_SOUL_ADDITIONAL_ATTR_START_IDX + i, bType, sValue);

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