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Everything posted by Zardon

  1. I think he means which programming language
  2. the item_proto is in the post before that today [Hidden Content]
  3. Here you can find my item_proto.txt [Hidden Content] Does no one know a solution for that?
  4. Hey, i have one problem. When i use this tool i get an error while starting the server: Here you can find my item_proto.txt [Hidden Content]
  5. Hey all, I wanted to make a CONFIG option for the count of member in a party. // config.cpp char max_party_member = 8; TOKEN ("max_party_member") { str_to_number(max_party_member, value_string); max_party_member = MINMAX(2, max_party_member, 20); fprintf(stderr, "MAX_PARTY_MEMBER_COUNT: %dn", max_party_member); } // config.h extern char max_party_member; // party.h PARTY_MAX_MEMBER = max_party_member, thats what i did but in party.h there has to be a constant value so i cant change the value of it. Does anyone know the solution of it?
  6. Now it works but my db crashes. Do i have to edit something in it too?
  7. Hey guys, i have a problem with my compiled gamefile. I havent changed anything i just compiled it and when i want to start it there stands nothing. With the db it works but the game dont want to. I hope someone can help me. Regards Zardon
  8. Hey guys, i want to compile my source on my bsd system but i dont want to use Netbeans. Is there a way to use Visual Studio instead of Netbeans? Regards Zardon
  9. I think its a good idead for beginners like me. I want to see the other parts.
  10. Thanks that helped me a lot. I have one more question. Can somone say me how to compile binary in Release-Mode and not in Debug?
  11. Hello all I downloaded the actual client which was released from sanchez and now i wanted to use my own binary but when i start the client i get following error: I hope somone can help me with that problem Regards Zardon
  12. Hey all, i installed a server for souce compiling and i worked with the guide in this forum but when i start compiling at the end of the process i get following error: I hope somone of you can help me. Regards Zardon
  13. I'm not allowed to show you the hole quest but i can show you the part where i want to warp to it: when 20381.chat."EoS Run" begin if pc.is_gm() then return pc.setqf("eos_run_delay", 0) end eos_run.say_npc(npc.get_race()) say() say("Was möchtest du tun?") say() local sel = select("EoS Run starten", "Informationen", "Abbrechen") if sel == 3 then return elseif sel == 2 then eos_run.say_npc(npc.get_race()) say() say("Infotext 1") say("Infotext 2") say() select("Alles klar!") elseif sel == 1 then eos_run.say_npc(npc.get_race()) say() if not party.is_party() then setskin(NOWINDOW) return chat("Du bist in keiner Gruppe!") end if not party.is_leader() then setskin(NOWINDOW) return chat("Du bist nicht der Ersteller der Gruppe!") end if party.get_near_count() < eos.min_group_member then setskin(NOWINDOW) return chat("Es sind nicht genug Leute in der Gruppe!") end if pc.get_level() < eos.min_group_leader_level then setskin(NOWINDOW) return chat("Dein Level ist zu niedrig!") end if get_time() > pc.getqf("eos_run_delay") then setskin(NOWINDOW) return chat("DU kannst den Run jetzt noch nicht wieder machen.") end say("Bist du dir sicher das deine Gruppe stark") say("genug ist, um den Run zu meistern?") say() if select("Ja!", "Nein...") == 2 then return end setskin(NOWINDOW) d.new_jump_party(eos.map_index, 10172, 10640) end end
  14. Hello, i have a problem with my run. When i want to warp to the map i got this error: HandleEvent: QUEST There's suspended quest state, can't run new quest state (quest: QUEST_CHAT_TEMP_QUEST pc: ViDi) i hope someone can help me.
  15. I followed all of your steps but I get this errors:
  16. It doesn't work for me. It ignores all lines in my item_proto
  17. &nbsp; &nbsp; There are only the msa and msm files but the gr2 files arent in any folder of that
  18. I've edited them so that every time the variable wCell the datatype word has. Do I have to edit something in the binary too?
  19. No DaJuBi uis right i want to change the mac count of the inventory slots not items per stack.
  20. Hey guys, I want to increase the max count of inventory. I know that I actually can have only 255 so I need to edit the datatypes of some things. Now my question: Which files do I have to edit for more slots?
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