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Everything posted by Adytzu

  1. I solved the problem using this tutorial Here is the tutorial translated
  2. Thank you, I managed to understand how it's done, I got here, now to see when and why memcpy cracks
  3. I have never used the debugger in visual studio, I have no idea how to figure out where to set the break point. I'm trying to think, maybe I'll figure it out somehow
  4. locally, on windows 11, the server is functional, I used a random client from my PC and it entered the game, I'm in map1, everything works fine, the problem is when I use my binary the problem is with the binary, I will take the clean source and upgrade it again, maybe I changed something wrong
  5. Hey devs, I got stuck again :(( syserr.txt (Client) log.txt (Client) vs output debugger More info: It's binary mainline, I use vcpkg this tutorial, visual studio 2022 c++20, c17 , toolset v143, granny 2.11, python 2.7. Binary compiles without errors, I can connect to the account to choose the charcater or create a new one, but after choosing the charcater, it closes at the loading screen. I used another exe from another client and it works to enter the server. Any ideas what I can try?
  6. Yes, I added granny to linker and I remove all pragma granny. But I solve the problem, I added all granny libs to "D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\lib" and "D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\debug\lib" and it's working. Idk why does'nt read location form liker but it's work and is ok.
  7. The extern link from the tutorial I fallowed wasn't working so I took the files that I needed from other source. Idk if they were the exact files from the tutorial but I used what I thought would solve the errors that I deal with.
  8. Hello community, in short, it is the mainline source, compiling with VS2022 Toolset v143 (c++20 c17) on Windows 11. I used this tutorial for the game and db sources worked ok , but I'm stuck here again, my brain can't take it anymore. I get these errors when I compile: Btw, I also upgraded to granny 2.11.8 and yes, I put the files in include and lib and I also put in Linker "Extern/lib" etc. Any ideas or advice would help, thank you!
  9. "Inside your client source directory (where there's Metin2Client.sln) create a new folder called Extern (unfortunally some components cannot be distributed via vcpkg) and extract this pack inside that folder." The link is no longer available, would someone like to tell me what files are in that folder? Thank you
  10. Thanks for the MarkManager solution, it worked. I'm the biggest idiot, I solved the errors related to pool.hpp, in stdafx.h I forgot to put #undef max, I only put #undef min. I still have the cube error, I compared my cube.cpp with 3 more but I didn't find any difference. I'll check what I changed, maybe I'll find the solution
  11. Sure, here you go Severity Code Description Project Path File Line Suppression State Tool Details Error C2589 '(': illegal token on right side of '::' game D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool\pool.hpp 363 CL Error C3878 syntax error: unexpected token '(' following 'expression' game D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool\pool.hpp 363 CL Error C2760 syntax error: ')' was unexpected here; expected ';' game D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool\pool.hpp 363 CL Error C3878 syntax error: unexpected token ')' following 'jump_statement' game D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool\pool.hpp 363 CL Error C2760 syntax error: ')' was unexpected here; expected 'expression' game D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool\pool.hpp 363 CL Error C3878 syntax error: unexpected token ')' following 'expression_statement' game D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool\pool.hpp 363 CL Error C2760 syntax error: ')' was unexpected here; expected ';' game D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool\pool.hpp 363 CL Error C3878 syntax error: unexpected token ')' following 'expression_statement' game D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool\pool.hpp 363 CL Error C2666 'CUBE_VALUE::operator ==': overloaded functions have similar conversions game D:\clarityline\Srcs\Server\game\src D:\clarityline\Srcs\Server\game\src\cube.cpp 736 CL Error C2039 'back_inserter': is not a member of 'std' game D:\clarityline\Srcs\Server\game\src D:\clarityline\Srcs\Server\game\src\MarkManager.cpp 389 CL Error C3861 'back_inserter': identifier not found game D:\clarityline\Srcs\Server\game\src D:\clarityline\Srcs\Server\game\src\MarkManager.cpp 389 CL These are all errors
  12. This is the output, I'm still trying to figure out how to solve it. I'm sure it's something simple, but I haven't noticed what it is yet
  13. After I sent you the picture, I also realized and solved the errors related to 'std::_Uhash_compare<_Kty,_Hasher,_Keyeq>::_Uhash_compare(const std::_Uhash_compare<_Kty,_Hasher,_Keyeq> &)' I have 8 left, the ones related to pool.hpp, I will check the files to see where those errors come from
  14. Hello community, I didn't want to resort to creating a topic, but for the past 3 days, I've been struggling with compiling the game source. Some information if needed: I'm using mainline sources, compiling with VS2022 Toolset v143 (c++20 c17) on Windows 11, and instead of using extern static, I'm using vcpkg. When I compile libraries and the database, everything works perfectly, but during game compilation, I encounter these errors. I haven't made any major changes to the source; I just removed the auction system. I checked with the tutorial here on the forum to make sure I didn't make any mistakes. Instead of boost::unique_ptr, I switched to std::unique_ptr, and after making this change, I compared my files with other sources files from internet. If you can help me with any ideas, it's not necessarily about providing a complete solution, I would appreciate even a hint to point me in the right direction.
  15. I used libjpeg 9 because I couldn't find where jpegliblinker.h is in libjpeg-turbo, I'll look for how to update libjpeg turbo after I leave work, but even with 9 I get errors, I started vs with administrators, I gave rebuild to everything but nothing
  16. I compiled cryptlib debug and release on win32 variant then I put cryptlib.lib and cryptlib.pdb from Release in Extern/lib. But I still get the same errors
  17. Hello metin2dev, I didn't want to end up here with this problem, but I can't seem to figure it out even though I'm sure the solution is simple. I'm getting these errors below when I try to compile the binary source. I'm using Visual Studio 2022 Toolset v143 and SDK 10, and all the dependencies in VS are up to date. I've resolved almost all of the errors I received by including external headers and libraries. However, I'm still left with a few errors. I've searched on Google and forums, but the solutions I found didn't work for me. I also tried recompiling cryptopp, but it didn't work either. By the way, I've successfully compiled another source with this version of VS without any problems. I don't want to consider downgrading to 2013 or 2008 Thank you in advance, and I'm open to any advice.
  18. Hello community dev.Does anyone have novaline client?
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