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Everything posted by mafianekcek

  1. You must edit type DWORD to long long in shop.cpp and shop.h
  2. Hello, i have problem in my intrologin.py. When i put this lines then dont work keyboard in select character(ENTER,ESC,DARTS) Please do you know what is wrong? Because when i comented this lines keyboard work. PLEASE HELP ME. Thank you. PS: Sorry for my terrible English.
  3. Hi all.Today i work and tested how to add new alignments Now i finish it and create instructions for you. Now how do it: 1. edit game source open char_battle.cpp and find: int iAlignIndex; and edit for example: if (GetRealAlignment() == 300000) iAlignIndex = 0; else if (GetRealAlignment() >= 200000) iAlignIndex = 1; else if (GetRealAlignment() >= 120000) iAlignIndex = 2; else if (GetRealAlignment() >= 80000) iAlignIndex = 3; else if (GetRealAlignment() >= 40000) iAlignIndex = 4; else if (GetRealAlignment() >= 10000) iAlignIndex = 5; else if (GetRealAlignment() >= 0) iAlignIndex = 6; else if (GetRealAlignment() > -40000) iAlignIndex = 7; else if (GetRealAlignment() > -80000) iAlignIndex = 8; else if (GetRealAlignment() > -120000) iAlignIndex = 9; else if (GetRealAlignment() > -200000) iAlignIndex = 10; else if (GetRealAlignment() > -250000) iAlignIndex = 11; else iAlignIndex = 12; now find FPartyAlignmentCompute f(-20000, pkKiller->GetX(), pkKiller->GetY()); pkKiller->GetParty()->ForEachOnlineMember(f); if (f.m_iCount == 0) pkKiller->UpdateAlignment(-20000); else { sys_log(0, "ALIGNMENT PARTY count %d amount %d", f.m_iCount, f.m_iAmount); f.m_iStep = 1; pkKiller->GetParty()->ForEachOnlineMember(f); } } else pkKiller->UpdateAlignment(-20000); and replace with this: FPartyAlignmentCompute f(-30000, pkKiller->GetX(), pkKiller->GetY()); pkKiller->GetParty()->ForEachOnlineMember(f); if (f.m_iCount == 0) pkKiller->UpdateAlignment(-30000); else { sys_log(0, "ALIGNMENT PARTY count %d amount %d", f.m_iCount, f.m_iAmount); f.m_iStep = 1; pkKiller->GetParty()->ForEachOnlineMember(f); } } else pkKiller->UpdateAlignment(-30000); now find m_iRealAlignment = MINMAX(-200000, m_iRealAlignment + iAmount, 200000); and replace with this: m_iRealAlignment = MINMAX(-300000, m_iRealAlignment + iAmount, 300000); now you can compile game! 2. edit binary: open InstanceBase.h and find: TITLE_NUM = 9, TITLE_NONE = 4, and replace this: TITLE_NUM = 13, TITLE_NUM = 6, Now you can save and close InstanceBase.h. Now open InstanceBase.cpp and find: UINT CInstanceBase::GetAlignmentGrade() and edit for example this: UINT CInstanceBase::GetAlignmentGrade() { if (m_sAlignment == 30000) return 0; else if (m_sAlignment >= 20000) return 1; else if (m_sAlignment >= 12000) return 2; else if (m_sAlignment >= 8000) return 3; else if (m_sAlignment >= 4000) return 4; else if (m_sAlignment >= 1000) return 5; else if (m_sAlignment >= 0) return 6; else if (m_sAlignment > -4000) return 7; else if (m_sAlignment > -8000) return 8; else if (m_sAlignment > -12000) return 9; else if (m_sAlignment > -20000) return 10; else if (m_sAlignment > -25000) return 11; return 12; } now find int CInstanceBase::GetAlignmentType() and edit for example this: int CInstanceBase::GetAlignmentType() { switch (GetAlignmentGrade()) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: { return ALIGNMENT_TYPE_WHITE; break; } case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: { return ALIGNMENT_TYPE_DARK; break; } case 6: { return ALIGNMENT_TYPE_NORMAL; break; } } } now you can save and close InstanceBase.cpp and Build binari. 3. edit client Extract root files and open locale.py now find this: TITLE_NAME_LIST = ( PVP_LEVEL0, PVP_LEVEL1, PVP_LEVEL2, PVP_LEVEL3, PVP_LEVEL4, PVP_LEVEL5, PVP_LEVEL6, PVP_LEVEL7, PVP_LEVEL8, ) and replace with this: TITLE_NAME_LIST = ( PVP_LEVEL0, PVP_LEVEL1, PVP_LEVEL2, PVP_LEVEL3, PVP_LEVEL4, PVP_LEVEL5, PVP_LEVEL6, PVP_LEVEL7, PVP_LEVEL8, PVP_LEVEL9, PVP_LEVEL10, PVP_LEVEL11, PVP_LEVEL12, ) now you can save locale.py and open introloading.py find this: TITLE_COLOR_DICT and edit this: TITLE_COLOR_DICT = ( colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_6, colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_5, colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_4, colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_3, colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_2, colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_1, colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_NORMAL, colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_1, colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_2, colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_3, colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_4, colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_5, colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_6, ) now you can save introloading.py and open uicharacter.py find this: COLOR_DICT and edit this: COLOR_DICT = { 0 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_6, 1 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_5, 2 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_4, 3 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_3, 4 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_2, 5 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_1, 6 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_NORMAL, 7 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_1, 8 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_2, 9 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_3, 10 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_4, 11 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_5, 12 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_6, } now you can save uicharacter.py and open colorinfo.py and add this: TITLE_RGB_GOOD_6 = (255, 215, 0) TITLE_RGB_GOOD_5 = ( 0, 159, 0) TITLE_RGB_EVIL_5 = (127, 32, 0) TITLE_RGB_EVIL_6 = ( 48, 0, 0) save and you can compile root. now you extract locale and open locale_game.txt find: PVP_LEVEL0 and edit PVP levels for example this: PVP_LEVEL0 King PVP_LEVEL1 Machr PVP_LEVEL2 Rytířský PVP_LEVEL3 Vznešený PVP_LEVEL4 Dobrý PVP_LEVEL5 Přátelský PVP_LEVEL6 Neutrální PVP_LEVEL7 Agresivní PVP_LEVEL8 Úskočný PVP_LEVEL9 Zlomyslný PVP_LEVEL10 Krutý PVP_LEVEL11 Chudák PVP_LEVEL12 Ubožák save and compile locale. This is all. GOOD LUCK! PS: sorry for my bad english.
  4. Obrázek(Screen): Česky: Ahojte, rozhodl jsem se zkusit přidat kameny do helmy.. vše jde v poho, i 3 sloty tam jsou , jenomže když dám ANO tak to napíše: "Můžeš přidat další kámen" ale kámen se tam nepřidá. V locale_string je to toto: "ŔĚ ¸ŢĆľĽ®Ŕş Ŕĺşńżˇ şÎÂřÇŇ Ľö ľř˝Ŕ´Ď´Ů."; "Můžeš přidat další kámen."; Item_proto: Kámen: Aquastein Hast+9 Kamen spechu+9 10 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 127 127 127 127 127 127 0 0 0 Helma: ±i¸eĹő±¸+9 helma+9 2 1 0 1 0 0 2 20000 89000 0 0 0 15 1 250 0 0 4 70 5 70 6 70 0 120 0 0 0 0 127 127 127 127 127 127 0 3 0 Děkuji za každou odpověď. English: Hi, I try add socket to helmet, but... when I click to Ano (Yes) then chat say: in locale_string: "ŔĚ ¸ŢĆľĽ®Ŕş Ŕĺşńżˇ şÎÂřÇŇ Ľö ľř˝Ŕ´Ď´Ů."; "You can add next socket."; In item_proto: Socket: Aquastein Hast+9 Kamen spechu+9 10 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 127 127 127 127 127 127 0 0 0 Helmet: ±i¸eĹő±¸+9 helma+9 2 1 0 1 0 0 2 20000 89000 0 0 0 15 1 250 0 0 4 70 5 70 6 70 0 120 0 0 0 0 127 127 127 127 127 127 0 3 0 Please help me, thank's you very mouch. Sorry for my bad English.
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