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RoxaLyssa last won the day on January 24 2017

RoxaLyssa had the most liked content!

About RoxaLyssa

  • Birthday 06/14/1994


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  1. Thank you guys! We were kinda giving up as all of us were busy with university/working/personal stuff, but we decided to give another try and already redesigned some part of it. I can't say anything for sure yet but we are on the duty!
  2. Hey guys, I'm back in the business after 2 years of silence, I wanna see the hottest contents what I skipped, including new models, maps, features, quests, etc. I think searching won't help me much at this point, and I might miss the best features of this very long time. If you guys can link me some hot, clean and professional works that had been published in the past 2 years, I would be very grateful for you all.
  3. Very useful stuff, I'm surely trying it out. Thank you
  4. Sorry, it seems that my Wuala account has been deleted because of inactivity. I'll try to reupload them as soon as possible.
  5. Seems that my Wuala account has been deleted because of inactivity. I'll try to reupload the pack to Mega as soon as possible, but I'm not sure that I can find every item on my pc, so the reuploaded version might be a bit different. I'll try to include more models in it, but it might take a while, sorry for that.
  6. Exynox, I'm glad to hear your interest, please add me on skype for the further discussion: babi_nennye For the others: I forgot the update the topic, actually the given email address is out of service, so we can't read the messages you send us. But feel free to add me on skype and speak about the topic
  7. Looks good I also found some useful free stuffs on your website, thank you
  8. Awesome! Btw, Chrome doesn't allow it to be saved for the computer so I had to use Firefox.
  9. It's a notice about a missing texture, and somewhere it tries to load a .psd file which is not supported by the client and shouldn't be there anyways. But these can't cause a client crash so rather the other error is which does it.
  10. Dear Community, I've made this design about 1,5 years ago but I didn't use it and never will, so I decided to publish it for you. As I'm not a graphic designer, I just plagiarised it from different GUIs, only the header is made completely by made, so don't hate me because of that In this download you can find: css index.php home & login.php includes images psd file for header (only with the picture and logo, so you can change it) This template is fully compatible with Hen's cms, but you can convert it for any cms. Screen: I know this isn't the greatest work you can find but I think it can still be useful for newbies. Ps.: I didn't translate the php files, but I don't believe it can cause a problem for anyone to translate them to your own languages. But if you demand it, I can upload an English version too, of course. Download Kind regards, RoxaLyssa
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