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Posts posted by CZEboy

  1. Hello friends,

    For really, really long time i have been having problems with property (for about 3 years). I haven't needed to repack them ever, however, now i would like to add some new things, finally. I use public property by shogun from wom. If i extract them and then pack them again without changes and without errors, in loading the client shut down with "??????" and clear syserr. I tried EterNexus- as well as EterNexus and I also tried EPack32- There is no way to get in the game after repack and doesn't matter which packer i used. I'd like to get some help or ideas to fix it :)


    There is second thing, what is right path of properties ? - ymir work\property or just property without ymir work ? :)

    Because different packers extract it in the different path.... :/ 


    Kind regards.

  2. That was published by somebody, I thing it's his work and he gives it free :)  So why buy expensive full work when i can get work with some bugs for free from somebody else  and just fix some things :) 

    P.S. i fixed my problem i had bad query on mysql :)

    EDIT: If people would sell their works cheaper, I would buy...However, why should i pay 150 € + 


  3. Hello,

    I've tried implement sash system. I had to fix some compile errors. Saddly, my client stops on loading window after character select. I checked error lists on client and also on server sides and it seems to be OK. There are no errors...The loading bar stays absolutely empty and nothing's going on...

    Can somebody help me where could be the error please? :/


    Kind regards

  4. Hey guys,

    I would like to know how to convert hex color without alfa channel to hex with alfa channel. For example: in photoshop i can get colors in hex(6 numerical places) however the python wants 8 numerical places, i was reading about it and i've read that 7th and 8th place is about alfa channel. so how to convert it to get the same color ?

    Kind regards

  5. OK thanks until now i tried this(for this example we can work with "close_button image":

    class BarButton(ui.Button):
    	def __init__(self, layer = "UI"):
    		self.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_01.sub")
    		self.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_02.sub")
    		self.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_03.sub")
    	def OnRender(self):
    		x,y = self.GetGlobalPosition()
    	def CallEvent(self):
    		self.state = self.UP
    	def DownEvent(self):
    		self.state = self.DOWN
    	def ShowToolTip(self):
    		self.state = self.OVER
    	def HideToolTip(self):
    		self.state = self.UP

    But still there is black blackground

  6. With this will work properly.

    function say_title_center(msg,r,g,b)
    	local _color
    	if (r and g and b) == nil then
    		_color = color256(255, 230, 186)
    		_color = color256(r, g, b)
    	raw_script(string.format("[TEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER]%s%s%s[/TEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER][ENTER]", _color, msg, color256(196, 196, 196)))


    Works great :) thank you a lot :)

    Could you help also with size and style of the font for say title please ?


    int _say(lua_State* L)
    		ostringstream s;
    		combine_lua_string(L, s);
    		CQuestManager::Instance().AddScript("[COLOR r;{numberofcolorred}|g;{numberofcolorgreen}|b;{numberofcolorblue}]" + s.str() + "[ENTER]");
    		return 0;

    and replace the {numeberofcolorred},{numeberofcolorblue} and {numeberofcolorgreen} for the number you want.

    I dont know if this is correct i dont know anything about c++.. but try it.. maybe it works

    Thanks i was looking for this, i couldn't find it. Thanks a lot :)

    Can you help me also with the python for that button please ? :)

    • Love 1
  7. 1) I didnt understand what you whant to do.. if you want to change the look of the button you need to go to root>uiquest.py and search for the class BarButton(), and you need to change it.


    3 and 4)I think the best way to do it is in c++



    2) Yes i know there is this way to do this, however, with this i would have to change every quest, so i'd like to change te basic say color

    EDIT: 1) I had saw this function before i've writen this topic. I think that this class is the right one, however I'm not quite good in python so i dob't know what to change to load it image not the only some colors


    You can align the lines to center with this script from 2008(bin_r23166 I have no prior bin :3):


    Just the reset function is unimplemented in the original src.
    I'm thinking for this:



    Hidden Content

    Thanks I haven't tried it yet, i'll when i find time. Is there also solution to size of font please ? :)

    EDIT: So i tried, i did new "say_title" and this one should be automaticaly centered:

    function secret_title(name) raw_script("[TEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER]") say(color256(255, 188, 134)..name..color256(196, 196, 196)) raw_script("[/TEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER]") end

    Sadlly, if i use this that centered is the "secret_title" text and also the line below.

  8. Hello friends,

    I have been using bin from source for about 6 months.  Suddenly, I get error when i try to build new bin :/ 

    The error is about a CWebBrowser.lib


    Can you help me please ?

    P.S. I thing i haven't changed anything between i could build and i get this error.

    EDIT: I had tried to unrar a new source code(that by terenzo) and without any changes tried to compile and i get the same error.

    Kind regards


  9. Hi there,

    I have got 2 problems/questions about power mount system:

    1) The seal don't go to wear slot when i use it. It still stays in the inventory. How to fix it ?

    2) When i have 2/3 tier seal/mount and i haven't got horse level 11+ i can't attack. How to enable attack and spells on all horse levels. So i guess, i have to delete some horse level check... can you help me ?


    Kind regards,


  10. Hello guys,

    I saw this topic:

    I'd like to make passive skill, that will increase e.g. strong against humans or just MAX_HP...how to set the skill_proto ? I saw a topic where this was done by quest. However, I'd like to do it by C++ and well set skill_proto. 

    I edited skill.h so i add my new skill and its id.

    i've added my new skill to static const DWORD s_adwSubSkillVnums[] in char_skill.cpp

    I've added cases to char_item.cpp with my new book and new skill


    So now, I have to set up skill_proto, is it possible, to do it just via skill_proto ? Can you help me please ?


    Kind regards,

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