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Posts posted by CZEboy

  1. Hello guys,


    I have problem with belt slot in inventory, everything works quite fine, but i can't manipulate with belt in slot - i can't see tooltip and i can't unequip it( the only way is to replace with another belt) i can't grab the belt from the slot at all.


    Can somebody help me please :)

    I tried searching everywhere and just found unsolved topic here.


    Kind regards

  2. Hello guys,

    I got this error from client:

    CPythonNonPlayer::LoadNonPlayerData: invalid size 4352 check data format.

    I attached mob_proto stuffs. I guess there is error somewhere in packing, however, i tried about 4 tools and none solved this out.

    I know I'm missing quotes, but tsv files don't need it, in my opinion.

    Some mob_proto editors also add me a blank column at the end - I don't know why.

    Can somebody help please ?

    Kind regards

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    This is the hidden content, please

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    • Metin2 Dev 2
  3. Hello guys,

    I have some questions about compiling on freeBSD and generally about freeBSD. Until now I compiled on preinstalled freeBSD so I was just managing C++ codes, however, now I would like to prepare my own freeBSD 10.3 for compiling because my game server running on freebsd 10.3 as well. 

    So I've installed 10.3 32bit freeBSD including gmake, makedepend, python and newest stable gcc I quess it is 4.8 and when i had tried to compile game errors came up - the first ones were about

    /usr/include/c++/4.2 libs which i solved by really nasty way - I just put here the libs from older freebsd 

    Saddly, the others are from source lib, the most recent one is here:


    Can somebody help me to solve those problems


    The second thing is how to compile just for freebsd 10.3 so i won't need any compatibility packages such as /usr/ports/misc/compat7x  or  /usr/ports/misc/compat8x.


    Thank for reply.

    Kindest regards

  4. 22 hours ago, EnKor said:



    How can i HIDE NPC (9013) From normal map(KEY M)  too? please! 

    That's which i had been afraid of... I couldn't find methods for the big map, just for minimap



    How about adding if statement at the start of the CPythonMiniMap::RegisterAtlasMark method in the PythonMiniMap.cpp in UserInterface:


    void CPythonMiniMap::RegisterAtlasMark(BYTE byType, const char * c_szName, long lx, long ly)
        TAtlasMarkInfo aAtlasMarkInfo;



    void CPythonMiniMap::RegisterAtlasMark(BYTE byType, const char * c_szName, long lx, long ly)
        if (c_szName == "Name of the NPC")

        TAtlasMarkInfo aAtlasMarkInfo;


  5. Hello friends,

    I have problem i need a mob to  gives about 75% of needed experience for level if the mob and player both have approx. similar level. So I set mob_proto, for instance - for the first level player needs about 50 experience points and 1 wild dog should gives about 40 experience. Saddly, there has to be some fuction that regulates given experience and if it's too high it gives just 1 experience point. I can't find this parasite.


    Can you help me guys, please ?

    Kind regards.

  6. 2 minutes ago, EnKor said:

    its the best option yes, cuz i only need to hide one vnum 9013... but how? :\ and i realy need to hide it.


    I can just guess, but - 

    PythonMiniMap.cpp in UserInterface

    from: else if (pkInstEach->IsNPC())

    to: else if (pkInstEach->IsNPC() && pkInstEach->GetRace() != 9013)


    it's in the CPythonMiniMap::Update method.

    I didn't test it, just try and let us know

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  7. Hello friends,


    I'd need to remove selection of empire when player creates first character, so he'll just get into the character creation and empire will be for instance 1, automatically. Eventually, I'll remove empire system at all.

    The second thing I'd like to do is - when player login and he's no characters yet, he'd just jump into the character creation without showing character window.

    Can somebody help me with those 2 things, please - skipping/removing empire select and skippining character select if there's no character yet.

    Kind regards.

  8. 6 minutes ago, galet said:

    Why do such a thing in C++ if everything could be created by quest ? I mean, yes it could be stupid to hear my sentence, but in this case, everything is already done in C++ (a function to see the skill's level and a function to increase it) so you just have to create a simple loop in .lua ^^

    Yea you're maybe right, however, isn't C++ always better sollution I mean when i use lua it still will call some C++ method so it will be slower than it could be ?


    I was quite stupid when i was asking this, because there is almost everthing in char_skill.cpp, i will just make a new method here and call it from char "PointChange" from right case and some if statement.

  9. 5 minutes ago, galet said:


    This is really simple (untested tho) :

    if 20 == pc.get_skill_level(skill_vnum) then

    I suppose M1 = 20 because 30 = G and 40 = P

    PS : You have to set skill_vnum

    Hi thanks for your reply, anyway, I need it in C++ and i need some cycle such as FOR or WHILE which will check all skills, don't I ?

  10. Hello friends,


    I would need to use a loop which will check skills level and do something, e.g. if skill level > M1.

    I would like to auto increase skill level in the exact levelup. For instace, when player gets level 30 all his skills which are M1 will auto increase to G1.


    Can you help me with the loop please ?


    Kind regards.

  11. Since eternexus etc. can not find certain characters unpack eg 01.¼º / ³ª¹ "and then be renamed locations and made new ones.

    Go folder property / property and creates a file named * list *

    Add it in him


    Then delete everything you have in the folder list and eventually out of this.

    This is the hidden content, please

    Password Archive: property_vegas_work

    Thanks a lot for your help.

    I'm afraid of I haven't get what to do with that list and why should i do it ?  I had just downloaded your property and replaced it with "mine" then packed and it works, so how did you mean the "list" ? :)

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