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Everything posted by Denny2399

  1. @ATHOM Here are patches of official client already unpacked with item_proto included.
  2. Hello, I have a little question about some function.. I have some line of code which has to delete "new" mark and I want to implement it after I unequip an item. So I would like to know where to put it. Or atleast create some function which will delete the mark if item is unequipped like: if (item_is_unequipped) del constInfo.NEWITEMS. Code: PS.: Sorry for my english Regards.
  3. #Solved Solution: search up #define ENABLE_PROTECT_YMIR_WORK and disable
  4. Hey guys. Can anyone point me on how to disable in my client going on my D: drive to stop checking if there is an ymir work folder? Kind regards.
  5. Hello guys.Does anyone have item creator for txt protos? Wolfman included if possible please.
  6. Solved: There were items requested in databse which were not in proto anymore.
  7. Sorry for late response. Syslog: @ElBrujoo I have added you on skype, hope it is not too late.
  8. Thank you for suggestions, what is exactly TV please? @ElBrujoo
  9. Hi, this is problem of the locale.cfg file I believe, unfortunately I don't know the right data you need to put in, try to search on the internet a little. EDIT: Try this: "10000 1252 de"
  10. Hey guys, I have recently changed item and mob proto database to be matching with the one in client, but when I boot the server, loop starts and nothing happens.
  11. I already know about this, but there are a bit different columns. Thanks anyway.
  12. Hello guys, can anyone help me out to convert these protos from xml to sql? I would really appreciate your help. I know I could make a simple script, but I'm not very skilled in programming yet. If you can, post the script here as well or atleast example and I will finish it by myself, thanks. Protos.rar
  13. 1. After compiling the source, you have your game core located in "vanilla/game" if not, the game didn't compile yet. The database core - "db" is located in db folder. Also the qc is located in game/src/quest 2. You can create game files by your own, which is quite complicated or you can download already finished ones, just replace game/db/qc files. 3. There are not any commands to start, you have to create script which starts the binaries, executed by command of your choice.
  14. Hello guys, I have recently installed mariadb and mysql5.6 on my Freebsd and it merged(don't ask why I did this), then I couldn't start mysql again. I deleted every pkg about mysql, but when I try to install mariadb100-server again then I got error. Anyone who could help?
  15. I've been using this one, but I'm experiencing some bugs.
  16. Hello guys, does anybody know about the best client for vanilla binary?
  17. Hello, I've recently downloaded Test client 40250 and I have experienced this bug. When I learn a skill, then this happens, in the next columns I have skills for horse, but I can't max these ones. Anyone knows how to fix it? And if so, is there any better client for vanilla binary?
  18. Hello is there any way to update proto files? If so, how to do it. I would like to use newest public structure and not lose items already there.
  19. We need more people like you in here. Most of them here is so mean. Keep it up mate.
  20. Your own source? How is that possible? I mean, how did you do that?
  21. They already told you, that you have to install gmake first. Just do "pkg install gmake" or "cd /usr/ports/devel/gmake && make install clean". I recommend installing PuTTY, it is more comfortable to copy and paste. But you need to enable ssh connection first: "ee /etc/ssh/sshd_config" and change "#PermitRootLogin no" to "PermitRootLogin yes" Just delete hashtag and change no to yes. You are welcome.
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