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Posts posted by Ikarus_

  1. Decomment lines 376 and 395 


    	def __BindEvent(self):
    		for i in xrange(len(self.skillGroupButton)):
    			self.skillGroupButton[i].SetEvent(lambda arg=i: self.__SelectSkillGroup(arg))
    		for (tabKey, tabButton) in self.tabButtonDict.items():
    			tabButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickTabButton), tabKey)
    		for (statusPlusKey, statusPlusButton) in self.statusPlusButtonDict.items():
    			statusPlusButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickStatusPlusButton, statusPlusKey)
    			statusPlusButton.ShowToolTip = lambda arg=statusPlusKey: self.__OverInStatButton(arg)
    			statusPlusButton.HideToolTip = lambda arg=statusPlusKey: self.__OverOutStatButton()
    		for (statusMinusKey, statusMinusButton) in self.statusMinusButtonDict.items():
    			statusMinusButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickStatusMinusButton, statusMinusKey)
    			statusMinusButton.ShowToolTip = lambda arg=statusMinusKey: self.__OverInStatMinusButton(arg)
    			statusMinusButton.HideToolTip = lambda arg=statusMinusKey: self.__OverOutStatMinusButton()
    		for titleBarValue in self.titleBarDict.itervalues():
    replace with 
    	def __BindEvent(self):
    		for i in xrange(len(self.skillGroupButton)):
    			self.skillGroupButton[i].SetEvent(lambda arg=i: self.__SelectSkillGroup(arg))
    		for (tabKey, tabButton) in self.tabButtonDict.items():
    			tabButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickTabButton), tabKey)
    		for (statusPlusKey, statusPlusButton) in self.statusPlusButtonDict.items():
    			statusPlusButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickStatusPlusButton, statusPlusKey)
    			statusPlusButton.ShowToolTip = lambda arg=statusPlusKey: self.__OverInStatButton(arg)
    			statusPlusButton.HideToolTip = lambda arg=statusPlusKey: self.__OverOutStatButton()
    		for (statusMinusKey, statusMinusButton) in self.statusMinusButtonDict.items():
    			statusMinusButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickStatusMinusButton, statusMinusKey)
    			statusMinusButton.ShowToolTip = lambda arg=statusMinusKey: self.__OverInStatMinusButton(arg)
    			statusMinusButton.HideToolTip = lambda arg=statusMinusKey: self.__OverOutStatMinusButton()
    		for titleBarValue in self.titleBarDict.itervalues():


    • Love 1
  2. I think I found the hitch :


    	eAcce = eAcce + 65536;
    		// __ClearAcceRefineEffect(); // Clear the previous effect
    		// __EffectContainer_AttachEffect(m_acceEffect);
    	m_GraphicThingInstance.AttachAcce(eAcce, 0, CRaceData::PART_ACCE);
    	if (!eAcce)
    		m_GraphicThingInstance.SetScale(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
    		m_GraphicThingInstance.SetScalePosition(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    		m_awPart[CRaceData::PART_ACCE] = 0;
    if(!eAcce) it not possible because eAcce = eAcce + 65536; -> eAcce is never 0 so..
    replace this part with 
    	eAcce = eAcce + 65536;
    		// __ClearAcceRefineEffect(); // Clear the previous effect
    		// __EffectContainer_AttachEffect(m_acceEffect);
    	m_GraphicThingInstance.AttachAcce(eAcce, 0, CRaceData::PART_ACCE);
    	if ( eAcce  == 65536)
    		m_GraphicThingInstance.SetScale(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
    		m_GraphicThingInstance.SetScalePosition(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    		m_awPart[CRaceData::PART_ACCE] = 0;


    • Love 1
  3. 35 minutes ago, Human said:

    well this is my function 

      Hide contents

            int iMapIndex = static_cast<int>(lua_tonumber(L, 1));
            std::string szFilename(lua_tostring(L, 2));

            LPSECTREE_MAP pkMap = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().GetMap(iMapIndex);

            if (pkMap != NULL)
                regen_load_in_file( szFilename.c_str(), iMapIndex, pkMap->m_setting.iBaseX ,pkMap->m_setting.iBaseY );

            return 0;

    and the lua quest that calling that regen function is 

      Hide contents

    regen_in_map(data["map_index"], data["regens"][game.get_event_flag("icedungeon_monster_cycle")]);


      Hide contents

     ["regens"] = {
                    [1] = "data/dungeon/icedungeon/regen_1.txt",
                    [2] = "data/dungeon/icedungeon/regen_2.txt",
                    [3] = "data/dungeon/icedungeon/regen_3.txt",
                    [4] = "data/dungeon/icedungeon/regen_4.txt",
                    [5] = "data/dungeon/icedungeon/regen_5.txt"

    and yes after that function only game crashes if i disable that regen_in_map then no crash.. 

    Check the statement yes im passing the right parameters

    can you starts with replacing the c ++ function with mine, which is anti crash


    than can you replace your declaration of data["regens"] with this : 

    data["regens"] = {}


  4. 2 hours ago, emanuel said:

    Bro it's maybe from my host? I test alot yesterday and still have that problem, i add map to game99 and core 1,sometimes its working, sometimes not, after reboot, or maybe my problem its from command : killall cores instantly? Or host.. In sysser i dont see anything about that.. 

    with shell command "ps" you can see all process started on your machine.

    Try giving this command after running the channel "stop" and post a screenshot with result output

  5. try to change your func with that

    	int _regen_in_map (lua_State* L)
    		int iMapIndex = static_cast<int> (lua_tonumber (L, 1));
    		std::string szFilename (lua_tostring (L, 2));
    		if(!lua_isnumber(L,1) || !lua_isstring(L,2))
    			sys_err("_regen_in_map : you used the function badly , pass me a number and a string please.");
    			return 0;
    		int iMapIndex = static_cast<int> (lua_tonumber (L, 1));
    		LPSECTREE_MAP pkMap = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().GetMap (iMapIndex);
    		if (pkMap != NULL)
    			regen_load_in_file (szFilename.c_str(), iMapIndex, pkMap->m_setting.iBaseX , pkMap->m_setting.iBaseY);
    		return 0;


    That func interrupt your called of "regen_in_map" (in lua quest) if you have not passed the function parameters correctly.

    this will prevent the game crashing, but you have to find where the function is being used badly (lua func regen_in_map into a lua quest)

  6. 6 hours ago, NinfTrack said:

    DWORD idplayer = GetPlayerID();
        char sFlag[100];
        snprintf(sFlag, sizeof(sFlag), "prest_%d", idplayer);

    else if (quest::CQuestManager::instance().GetEventFlag(sFlag) == 1)
                ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Test work");

    How can I make it work well?

    char csFlag[100];
    snprintf(csFlag, sizeof(csFlag), "prest_%d", idplayer);
    std::string sFlag = csFlag;
    if (quest::CQuestManager::instance().GetEventFlag(sFlag) == 1)
    	ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Test work");


  7. 15 hours ago, emanuel said:

    Hey bro,it's something weird here..look,i make some test,if i have for example map 44 to game99,just in game99 allow_map i cannot enter in map and i am blocked in that map,if i delete map44 from game99 and i add map44 to core 1 to map_allow that is working,i think no one map from game99 working,it's something wrong here ?

    Send syserr and syslog of game99 while you can not  find its map , so when the only map_index 44 it's in game99 config.

    Post syslog/syserr of the channel which you stay logged too.

  8. Just now, emanuel said:

    Now i create two other cores,cores works nice,core 1 and core 3 have same map_allow and core 2 and core 4 have same map_allow and all woks perfect..of i get problems i must add different index in cores map_allow, right ?

    example of map_allow in normally situation :

    core1 : 1 2 3 4 5

    core 2 : 6 7 8 9 10

    core3 : 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    core 4 : 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

    game99 : 31 32 33 34 35 36 37


    all different for core in the same CHANNEL


    your situation:

    core1 : 1 2 3 4 5

    core 2 : 6 7 8 9 10

    core3 : 1 2 3 4 5

    core 4 : 6 7 8 9 10

    game99 : 6 7 8 9 10


    if you want to stay in your situation, stay out and then come back for other problems ( my opinion )

    Bye ;)

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