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  1. Hi, where can I change the bonus that a character recieves after using polymorph?
  2. Hi, how to set a delay between changing armors, equiping mounts, summoning pets and how to make a damage limiter? Thanks...
  3. Navicat -> change type to 28 and subtype to 2, if this wont help u added something wrong in the binary.
  4. You have wrong subtypes in your database, your sash is acting like it was a costume. You need type 28 subtype 2 for sash.
  5. import net, constInfo, ui, background, time, chat class Zmiana_Kanalu(ui.Window): def __init__(self): ui.Window.__init__(self) def __del__(self): ui.Window.__del__(self) def Open(self): self.vegas_change = ui.BoardWithTitleBar() self.vegas_change.AddFlag("movable") self.vegas_change.AddFlag("float") self.vegas_change.SetTitleName("Zmiana Kanału") self.vegas_change.SetCloseEvent(self.Close) x = 0 self.channel_list = [] for ch in xrange(4): #Nr of channels channel_button = ui.Button() channel_button.SetParent(self.vegas_change) channel_button.SetSize(100, 100) channel_button.SetPosition(30, 34 + (20 * x + x)) channel_button.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_01.sub") channel_button.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_02.sub") channel_button.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub") channel_button.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.change_channel), ch) channel_button.SetText("Kanał " + str(ch+1)) channel_button.Show() self.channel_list.append(channel_button) x = x + 1 self.vegas_change.SetSize(150, 50 + (20 * x + x)) self.vegas_change.SetCenterPosition() self.vegas_change.Show() def protect_maps(self): protect_list = [ "season99/new_map_ox", "maps_dungeon/devils_zone", "maps_dungeon/dt_zone", "maps_vegas/wedding_zone", "maps_dungeon/spider_3", "maps_vegas/duel_zone", ] if str(background.GetCurrentMapName()) in protect_list: return TRUE return FALSE def change_channel(self, ch): if self.protect_maps(): chat.AppendChat(1, "[Zmiana Kanału] Nie możesz zmienić kanału na tej mapie!") return elif time.clock() >= constInfo.change_time: self.Close() net.SetServerInfo("Metin2 - Kanał %d" % int(ch+1)) # Nazwa pod minimapką po zmianie kanału chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "[Zmiana Kanału] Zmiana kanału zakończona pomyślnie!") net.SendChatPacket("/ch %d" % int(ch+1)) constInfo.change_time = time.clock() + 10 # Czas po którym można zmieniać kanał else: chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "[Zmiana Kanału] Możesz zmieniać kanał co 10 sekund!") def Close(self): self.vegas_change.Hide() def OnPressExitKey(self): self.Close() return True def OnPressEscapeKey(self): self.Close() return True
  6. Error 1 error C3867: 'CInstanceBase::ArmorRing': function call missing argument list; use '&CInstanceBase::ArmorRing' to create a pointer to member D:\serwer - pliki\src\client\UserInterface\PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGameItem.cpp 862 1 UserInterface
  7. I was wondering if I could add such an effect in the binary, like i did for armors and costumes: case CItemData::ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR: __ClearArmorRefineEffect(); if (pItem->GetSubType() == CItemData::ARMOR_BODY) { DWORD vnum = pItem->GetIndex(); if (12010 <= vnum && vnum <= 12049) { __AttachEffect(EFFECT_REFINED+EFFECT_BODYARMOR_SPECIAL); __AttachEffect(EFFECT_REFINED+EFFECT_BODYARMOR_SPECIAL2); } if (vnum == 20009 || vnum == 20509 || vnum == 20759 || vnum == 20259) { __AttachEffect(EFFECT_REFINED+EFFECT_BODYARMOR_REFINED9); __AttachEffect(EFFECT_REFINED+EFFECT_BODYARMOR_PL); } } if (refine < 7) return 0; if (pItem->GetSubType() == CItemData::ARMOR_BODY) { m_armorRefineEffect = EFFECT_REFINED+EFFECT_BODYARMOR_REFINED7+refine-7; __AttachEffect(m_armorRefineEffect); } break; case CItemData::ITEM_TYPE_COSTUME: __ClearArmorRefineEffect(); if (pItem->GetSubType() == CItemData::COSTUME_BODY) { DWORD vnum = pItem->GetIndex(); if (vnum == 41351 || vnum == 41352) { __AttachEffect(EFFECT_REFINED + EFFECT_BODYARMOR_SPECIAL5); } if (vnum == 41353 || vnum == 41354) { __AttachEffect(EFFECT_REFINED + EFFECT_BODYARMOR_SPECIAL6); } } break; } and I would like to know how could I do it with ITEM_TYPE_RING or is it even possible to do this in the binary?
  8. Hi, I can't figure out how to add shining effect to an item when equiped. I was trying to do it like this in InstanceBase.cpp but it doesn't work. case CItemData::ITEM_TYPE_RING: __ClearArmorRefineEffect(); DWORD vnum = pItem->GetIndex(); if (vnum == 70065) { __AttachEffect(EFFECT_REFINED + EFFECT_BODYARMOR_SPECIAL5); } break; Item has type 33 and subtype 0 in DB. I want it to give my character shining like armors do: Thanks for help.
  9. Hi, how do I change my sash bonuses? I want it to give me bonuses like HP etc. instead of absorption. Thx.
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