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Everything posted by [TiTAN]

  1. Auth syserr? Type "ps" in putty after starting the server and show us a print
  2. Have you ever heard of spoiler? FUCKING USE IT! Why are you even put here the syslog? More info? Like processes of the server, are ch's running or not? Ch's syserss? What serverfiles is this? When the server started to fail... Basic info, your topic seems to be made by a kid or a person without brain...
  3. First you need to start db, wait for it and then start the other channels
  4. Show us empire_text_convert.cpp and check for CONVERT_EMPIRE_LANGUAGE_ENABLE in constinfo
  5. Have you compiled db too? And be careful at common modifications.
  6. Isn't so wow, only useless details added
  7. Wtf dude, i have only one topic here because i am not perfect as you.. i am not developer or something, for me metin2 is just a hobby, if you post something post corectly! Sorry for my english! L.E: i solved myself the problem with taskbar so stfu
  8. this is not good.. is just copy/paste from martysama source, in a normal source this will not work.. this is corect structure for ItemTableFromDb: bool CClientManager::InitializeItemTableSQL() { char query[4096]; snprintf(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT vnum, vnum_range, name, %s, type, subtype, gold, shop_buy_price, weight, size, flag, wearflag, " "antiflag, immuneflag+0, refined_vnum, refine_set, magic_pct, socket_pct, addon_type, " "limittype0, limitvalue0, limittype1, limitvalue1, " "applytype0, applyvalue0, applytype1, applyvalue1, applytype2, applyvalue2, " "value0, value1, value2, value3, value4, value5 " "FROM item_proto ORDER BY vnum", g_stLocaleNameColumn.c_str()); std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> pkMsg(CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(query)); SQLResult * pRes = pkMsg->Get(); if (!pRes->uiNumRows) { sys_err("Could not load item_proto. No results!"); return false; } sys_log(0, "ITEM_PROTO loading..."); if (!m_vec_itemTable.empty()) { sys_log(0, "RELOAD: item_proto"); m_vec_itemTable.clear(); m_map_itemTableByVnum.clear(); } m_vec_itemTable.resize(pRes->uiNumRows); memset(&m_vec_itemTable[0], 0, sizeof(TItemTable) * m_vec_itemTable.size()); TItemTable * item_table = &m_vec_itemTable[0]; MYSQL_ROW data; int col; while ((data = mysql_fetch_row(pRes->pSQLResult))) { col = 0; str_to_number(item_table->dwVnum, data[col++]); str_to_number(item_table->dwVnumRange, data[col++]); strlcpy(item_table->szName, data[col++], sizeof(item_table->szName)); strlcpy(item_table->szLocaleName, data[col++], sizeof(item_table->szLocaleName)); str_to_number(item_table->bType, data[col++]); str_to_number(item_table->bSubType, data[col++]); str_to_number(item_table->dwGold, data[col++]); str_to_number(item_table->dwShopBuyPrice, data[col++]); str_to_number(item_table->bWeight, data[col++]); str_to_number(item_table->bSize, data[col++]); str_to_number(item_table->dwFlags, data[col++]); str_to_number(item_table->dwWearFlags, data[col++]); str_to_number(item_table->dwAntiFlags, data[col++]); str_to_number(item_table->dwImmuneFlag, data[col++]); str_to_number(item_table->dwRefinedVnum, data[col++]); str_to_number(item_table->wRefineSet, data[col++]); str_to_number(item_table->bAlterToMagicItemPct, data[col++]); str_to_number(item_table->bGainSocketPct, data[col++]); str_to_number(item_table->sAddonType, data[col++]); item_table->cLimitRealTimeFirstUseIndex = -1; item_table->cLimitTimerBasedOnWearIndex = -1; int i; for (i = 0; i < ITEM_LIMIT_MAX_NUM; ++i) { str_to_number(item_table->aLimits[i].bType, data[col++]); str_to_number(item_table->aLimits[i].lValue, data[col++]); if (LIMIT_REAL_TIME_START_FIRST_USE == item_table->aLimits[i].bType) item_table->cLimitRealTimeFirstUseIndex = (char)i; if (LIMIT_TIMER_BASED_ON_WEAR == item_table->aLimits[i].bType) item_table->cLimitTimerBasedOnWearIndex = (char)i; } for (i = 0; i < ITEM_APPLY_MAX_NUM; ++i) { str_to_number(item_table->aApplies[i].bType, data[col++]); str_to_number(item_table->aApplies[i].lValue, data[col++]); } for (i = 0; i < ITEM_VALUES_MAX_NUM; ++i) str_to_number(item_table->alValues[i], data[col++]); sys_log(1, "ITEM: #%-5lu %-24s %-24s VAL: %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld WEAR %lu ANTI %lu IMMUNE %lu REFINE %lu REFINE_SET %u MAGIC_PCT %u", item_table->dwVnum,item_table->szName,item_table->szLocaleName, item_table->alValues[0],item_table->alValues[1],item_table->alValues[2], item_table->alValues[3],item_table->alValues[4],item_table->alValues[5], item_table->dwWearFlags,item_table->dwAntiFlags,item_table->dwImmuneFlag, item_table->dwRefinedVnum,item_table->wRefineSet,item_table->bAlterToMagicItemPct); m_map_itemTableByVnum.insert(std::map<DWORD, TItemTable *>::value_type(item_table->dwVnum, item_table)); ++item_table; } sort(m_vec_itemTable.begin(), m_vec_itemTable.end(), FCompareVnum()); sys_log(0, "CClientManager::InitializeMobTable:: %d items loaded.n", m_vec_itemTable.size()); return true; }
  9. Your problem is in item_proto and msm, or you forget to add the costume patch in your pack or your granny version is too old.. or you are too dumb
  10. Hello guys, i work on a clean serverfiles and i implement illumina interface but i have a problem with taskbar.. i need help to fix that or another illumina taskbar.. The problem is I can not click on the marked area: here is my uitaskbar.py: [Hidden Content] sorry for my bad english and i thank you for try to help me, best regards Titan
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