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Everything posted by darkfun3

  1. hey guys where do i put this file uibonusboard.py. It's a bonus board that i found where can i put and make it appear when you press F7 import player import ui ################################################################################################ ## Bis auf 18 Bonis pro Seite erweiterbar. Wenn mehr erwuenscht, dann die boardWidth erhoehen. ## Copyright by ProfEnte. ################################################################################################ boardWidth = 350 boardTitel = "Bonusboard" pageTitles = ["Spieler vs. Monster", "Spieler vs. Spieler", "Status"] playerPointList = [[ ## Spieler vs Monster: ["Stark ggn Teufel",48], ["Stark ggn Untote",47], ["Stark ggn Tiere",44], ["Stark ggn Orks",45], ["Stark ggn Esoterische",46], ["Stark gegen Monster",53], ], ## Spieler vs Spieler: [ ["Schwertverteidigung",69], ["Zweihandverteidigung",70], ["Dolchverteidigung",71], ["Pfeilwiderstand",74], ["Magieverteidigung",77], ["Glockenverteidigung",72], ["Faecherverteidigung",73], ["Pfeilangriff ausweichen",68], ["Nahkampf abblocken",67], ["Stark gg Krieger",54], ["Stark gg Ninjas",55], ["Stark gg Suras",56], ["Stark gg Schamanen",57], ["Abwehr gg Krieger",59], ["Abwehr gg Ninjas",60], ["Abwehr gg Suras",61], ["Abwehr gg Schamanen",62], ["Stark gg Halbmenschen",43], ], ## Status: [ ["Angriffswert",53], ["Max. TP",1], ["TP-Regeneration",32], ["TP-Absorbierung",63], ["EXP-Bonus",83], ["Yang-Drop",84], ["Item-Drop",85], ["Durchbohrender Treffer",41], ["Kritischer Treffer",40], ["Ohnmachtschance",38], ["Vergiftungschance",37], ], ] class Bonusboard(ui.ScriptWindow): def __init__(self): ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) self.isLoaded = FALSE self.Wnd = [[],[],[]] self.Btn = [] self.Page = 0 def __LoadScript(self): global boardWidth self.Board = ui.BoardWithTitleBar() self.Board.SetSize(boardWidth,460) self.Board.SetCenterPosition() self.Board.AddFlag("movable") self.Board.AddFlag("float") self.Board.SetTitleName("Bonusboard") self.Board.SetCloseEvent(self.Close) self.Board.Show() global playerPointList for i in range(3): x = 0 y = 0 for a in range(len(playerPointList[i])): if a == 10+10*x: x = x+1 y = 0 self.CreateBonusBox(i,45+150*x,30+40*y) y = y+1 for i in range(len(pageTitles)): self.CreateChangeButton(30+100*i,425,pageTitles[i],i) self.isLoaded = TRUE def __del__(self): ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) def Destroy(self): self.Hide() self.Board.Hide() self.ClearDictionary() def Open(self): if FALSE == self.isLoaded: self.__LoadScript() self.ChangeWnd(0) self.SetTop() self.Show() self.Board.Show() def ChangeWnd(self,page): global pageTitles global boardTitel oldWnd = self.Wnd[self.Page] wnd = self.Wnd[/page][page] for i in range(len((oldWnd))): for a in range(3): oldWnd[i][a].Hide() for i in range(len((wnd))): for a in range(3): wnd[i][a].Show() self.Page = page self.Board.SetTitleName(boardTitel + " - " + pageTitles[/page][page]) def CreateChangeButton(self,x,y,text,idx): btn = ui.Button() btn.SetParent(self.Board) btn.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_01.sub") btn.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_02.sub") btn.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub") btn.SetText(text) btn.SetPosition(x, y) btn.SetEvent(self.ChangeWnd,idx) btn.Show() self.Btn.append(btn) def CreateBonusBox(self,page,x,y): desc = ui.TextLine() desc.SetParent(self.Board) desc.SetPosition(x,y) desc.Hide() slotBar = ui.SlotBar() slotBar.SetParent(self.Board) slotBar.SetSize(100,15) slotBar.SetPosition(x,y+15) slotBar.Hide() attrValue = ui.TextLine() attrValue.SetParent(slotBar) attrValue.SetPosition(2,2) attrValue.Hide() self.Wnd[/page][page].append([desc,attrValue,slotBar]) def OnUpdate(self): global playerPointList page = self.Page wnd = self.Wnd[/page][page] count = 0 _playerPointList = playerPointList[/page][page] for a in range(len(_playerPointList)): wnd[count][0].SetText(_playerPointList[a][0]) wnd[count][1].SetText(str(player.GetStatus(_playerPointList[a][1]))) count = count+1 def Close(self): self.Hide() self.Board.Hide() def OnPressEscapeKey(self): self.Close() return TRUE def OnPressExitKey(self): self.Close() return TRUE
  2. yes that needs this stones [Hidden Content]. The quest i have you can do it all the time again and again.
  3. hey guys i hae been testing some quests out but when i delete them and reload the quests they still exists as a quest on the left. Does anyone know how to remove those? Thanks in advance
  4. the one that gives you bonus forever like the bio quest
  5. can anyone can give me the seon quest that works
  6. the channels go down and get connection refused in putty again like /war guildname -1000000
  7. well actually that already exists fi you go with a gm it doesn't kicks you out but with a player you get kicked
  8. ok thanks i got a problem as well with arena_manager if a player enters it kicks him out of the arena but the fight starts anyway . only a gm can stay in the arena and not get kick here is the quest quest arena_manager begin state start begin when 20017.chat."Äçìéïõñãßá Áãþíá " begin if game.get_event_flag("arena_close") > 0 then say_title("Yu-Hwan:") say("Ç áßèïõóá åêðáßäåõóçò êáôáóôñÜöçêå ") say("áðü ìéá ãåíéêÞ äéá÷åßñéóç ìÜ÷çò. ") return end if not npc.lock() then say_title("Yu-Hwan:") say("ÊÜðïéïò Üëëïò Ý÷åé êáôá÷ùñçèåß. ") return end local useMinLevel = 25 if pc.get_level() < useMinLevel then say_title("Yuhwan:") say("×ùñßò ôï åðßðåäï "..useMinLevel.." äåí ìðïñþ ") say("íá óáò áöÞóù íá óõììåôÜ÷åôå óôïí áãþíá. ") npc.unlock() return else say_title("Yuhwan:") say("ÃñÜøå ôï üíïìá ôïõ ðáß÷ôç ðïõ èÝëåôå ") say("íá áíôáãùíéóôÞôå. ") local sname = input() if sname == "" then say_title("Yu-Hwan:") say("Äåí îÝñåéò ðïéïí èÝëåôå íá ") say("ðïëåìÞóåôå? ") npc.unlock() return else say_title("Yu-Hwan:") say(""..pc.name.." Ý÷åé "..sname.." æçôçèåß ãéá ôçí êáôáðïëÝìçóç ôïõ! ") wait("") local opp_vid = find_pc_by_name(sname) if opp_vid == 0 then say_title("Yu-Hwan:") say(sname.." äåí åßíáé óå áðåõèåßáò óýíäåóç. ") npc.unlock() return elseif opp_vid == pc.get_vid() then say_title("Yu-Hwan:") say("ÈÝëåôå íá ðïëåìÞóåôå åíÜíôéá ôïõ ") say("åáõôïý óáò? ") npc.unlock() return end local old = pc.select(opp_vid) local opp_level = pc.get_level() pc.select(old) if opp_level < useMinLevel then say_title("Yuhwan") say("Ï áíôßðáëüò óáò äåí Ý÷åé áêüìç ôï åðßðåäï 25 ") npc.unlock() return end if not npc.is_near_vid(opp_vid, 10) then say_title("Yuhwan") say(""..sname.." Äåí åßíáé êïíôÜ óáò. ") npc.unlock() return end local a = arena.is_in_arena(opp_vid) if a == 0 then say_title("Yuhwan:") say(""..sname.." Þäç áãùíßæïíôáé. ") npc.unlock() return end say_title("Áðüöáóç ") say(""..pc.name.." ðåñéìÝíåé "..sname.." ") say("íá äå÷ôåß ôçí ðñüêëçóç. ") local agree = confirm(opp_vid, "Èá ðïëåìÞóåôå ôïí "..pc.name.."? ", 30) if agree!= CONFIRM_OK then say_title("Yuhwan:") say(""..sname.." Ý÷åé áðïññéöèåß. ") npc.unlock() return end s = arena.start_duel(sname, 3) if s == 0 then say_title("Yu-Hwan:") say("ÕðÜñ÷åé Ýíá ðñüâëçìá. ") say("Ìðïñåßôå íá äïêéìÜóåôå îáíÜ áñãüôåñá? ") elseif s == 2 then say_title("Yu-Hwan:") say("ÊÜðïéïò Üëëïò ðáëåýåé ìüíï. ") elseif s == 3 then say_title("Yu-Hwan:") say("Ç áßèïõóá åêðáßäåõóçò åßíáé ãåìÜôç áõôÞ ôç óôéãìÞ. ") say("ÄïêéìÜóôå îáíÜ áñãüôåñá. ") end end end end when 20017.chat."ÐáñáêïëïõèÞóôå ôïí áãþíá " begin local g = arena.get_duel_list() local arena_name = {} local arena_observer = {} table.foreachi(g, function(n, p) arena_name[n] = p[1].." gegen "..p[2] arena_observer[n] = { p[3], p[4], p[5] } end ) table.insert(arena_name, "Ôïðïèåóåßá ") table.insert(arena_observer, 0) local count = table.getn(g) if count == 0 then say_title("Yu-Hwan:") say("Åêåßíç ôçí åðï÷Þ êáíåßò äåí áãùíéæþôáí. ") return else say_title("Yu-Hwan:") say("ÓÞìåñá ðñáãìáôïðïéÞèçêáí "..count.." áãþíåò êáôÜñôéóçò. ") wait() end if table.getn(g)!= 0 then local s = select_table(arena_name) if table.getn(arena_observer) == s then return end if table.getn(arena_observer) >= s then arena.add_observer(arena_observer[s][1], arena_observer[s][2], arena_observer[s][3]) end end end end end
  9. quest guild_war_observer begin state start begin when guild_war_observer1.chat."Ðáñáêïëïýèçóç ÐïëÝìïõ " or guild_war_observer2.chat."Ðáñáêïëïýèçóç ÐïëÝìïõ " or guild_war_observer3.chat."Ðáñáêïëïýèçóç ÐïëÝìïõ " begin local g = guild.get_warp_war_list() local gname_table = {} table.foreachi(g, function(n, p) gname_table[n] = guild.get_name(p[1]).." vs "..guild.get_name(p[2]) end ) if table.getn(g) == 0 then say_title("Áñ÷éöýëáêáò ") say("Äåí õðÜñ÷ïõí óõíôå÷íéáêïß ðüëåìïé. ") return end say_title("Áñ÷éöýëáêáò ") gname_table[table.getn(g)+1] = locale.confirm local s = select_table(gname_table) say_reward("Ôé èá èÝëáôå íá óõììåôÝ÷åôå? ") if s != table.getn(gname_table) then pc.warp_to_guild_war_observer_position(g[s][1], g[s][2]) end end end end when they press yes they just stay there they do not teleport There is even a bug in the war it never ends;p
  10. yes you mean when you type /dice 1000 for example and you get a random number from 1 up to 1000?
  11. i have fixed the war bug and tested it 100 times the channels do no go down. Now at sometime the channels all go down for no reason. Checked every single log and found nothing unusual there not even logs at that time that say about an error. When i tried to stop the server the channels had no process. can anyone what can cause this error? Thanks in advance
  12. game_r2089M 00080B5C: 8B E9 00080B5D: 95 EB 00080B5E: D8 FB 00080B5F: FD 04 00080B60: FF 00 000D074C: 05 8B 000D074D: F8 85 000D074E: 28 D8 000D074F: 4C FD 000D0750: 08 FF 000D0751: 75 FF 000D0752: 65 25 000D0753: 83 FF 000D0754: C4 FF 000D0755: 24 FF 000D0756: 5B 7F 000D0757: 5D 83 000D0758: C3 F8 000D0759: 8D 02 000D075A: B4 7E 000D075B: 26 05 000D075C: 00 B8 000D0760: C7 00 000D0761: 04 89 000D0762: 24 C2 000D0763: 88 E9 000D0764: E9 FA 000D0765: 5C 03 000D0766: 08 FB 000D0767: E8 FF This solves the problem. Thanks everyone for their help
  13. game_r2089M 00080B5C: 8B E9 00080B5D: 95 EB 00080B5E: D8 FB 00080B5F: FD 04 00080B60: FF 00 000D074C: 05 8B 000D074D: F8 85 000D074E: 28 D8 000D074F: 4C FD 000D0750: 08 FF 000D0751: 75 FF 000D0752: 65 25 000D0753: 83 FF 000D0754: C4 FF 000D0755: 24 FF 000D0756: 5B 7F 000D0757: 5D 83 000D0758: C3 F8 000D0759: 8D 02 000D075A: B4 7E 000D075B: 26 05 000D075C: 00 B8 000D0760: C7 00 000D0761: 04 89 000D0762: 24 C2 000D0763: 88 E9 000D0764: E9 FA 000D0765: 5C 03 000D0766: 08 FB 000D0767: E8 FF this solves the problem Thank everyone for their help
  14. after trying to apply this dif the channels still go down
  15. can anyone assist me patch this just tested it on a test server and that code still works can you tell me which dif patcher you use and how to use it to make sure i have done it right
  16. i don't which in the config it says 2089m but i think it is 34083. How can i be for sure which one i have?
  18. well they keep getting now after sometime. i get connection refused but everything is setup correctly. I think someone is using a bug to crash the channels. First the channels 1-3 go down the after2 minutes 4 -I FOUND THE PROBLEM WHEN SOMEONE ENTER THIS CODE, /WAR GUILDNAME -1000000, AND THE CHANNEL GOES DOWN
  19. in auth this the error i found SYSERR: Jun 10 13:51:01 :: hupsig: SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGTERM signal has been received. shutting down. SYSERR: Jun 10 13:54:16 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "¾ÆÀÌÅÛÀÌ ³ª¿Ã È®·ü"; SYSERR: Jun 10 13:54:16 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "ÀüÁ¦±¹"; SYSERR: Jun 10 13:54:16 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "%sÀÇ %sÀÌ %d%% Áõ°¡Çß½À´Ï´Ù!"; SYSERR: Jun 10 13:54:19 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "µ·ÀÌ ³ª¿Ã È®·ü"; SYSERR: Jun 10 13:54:19 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "ÀüÁ¦±¹"; SYSERR: Jun 10 13:54:19 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "%sÀÇ %sÀÌ %d%% Áõ°¡Çß½À´Ï´Ù!"; SYSERR: Jun 10 13:54:24 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "µ· ´ë¹ÚÀÌ ³ª¿Ã È®·ü"; SYSERR: Jun 10 13:54:24 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "ÀüÁ¦±¹"; SYSERR: Jun 10 13:54:24 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "%sÀÇ %sÀÌ %d%% Áõ°¡Çß½À´Ï´Ù!"; SYSERR: Jun 10 13:54:28 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "°æÇèÄ¡ ¹èÀ²"; SYSERR: Jun 10 13:54:28 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "ÀüÁ¦±¹"; SYSERR: Jun 10 13:54:28 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "%sÀÇ %sÀÌ %d%% Áõ°¡Çß½À´Ï´Ù!"; SYSERR: Jun 10 13:55:38 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "°æÇèÄ¡ ¹èÀ²"; SYSERR: Jun 10 13:55:38 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "ÀüÁ¦±¹"; SYSERR: Jun 10 13:55:38 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "%sÀÇ %sÀÌ %d%% Áõ°¡Çß½À´Ï´Ù!"; SYSERR: Jun 10 14:18:47 :: hupsig: SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGTERM signal has been received. shutting down.
  20. i am looking for someone to trust . noone can guarantee me that you will do the job if i pay you . i need someone like shogun or someone , to tell me that your are trustable
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