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Everything posted by QuickFlameZ

  1. quest fcking_chest begin state start begin when 50011.use begin local i = 0 local items = { -- itemId, count, Procent, 19, 1, 20, 29, 2, 50, 299, 2, 100, 199, 1, 20, 279, 2, 100, 159, 1, 20, 269, 2, 100, 139, 1, 20, } repeat i = i + 3 until math.random(1, 100) <= items[i] pc.give_item2(items[(i-2)], items[(i-1)]) pc.give_gold(80000) pc.remove_item(50011) end end end --------------------------------------------- quest feggarokouta begin state start begin when 50011.use begin local randi = number(1,22) local prem_item = { [1] = { 71018,1 }, --evlogia [2] = { 71028,1 }, --epi8esi drakou 8eou [3] = { 71027,1 }, --zwh drakoy 8eou [4] = { 71029,1 }, --efiia drakou 8eou [5] = { 50821,1 }, --Elixier der Sonne (S) [6] = { 50822,1 }, --Elixier des Mondes (S) [7] = { 50823,1 }, --Erfahrungsring [8] = { 50825,1 }, --Zauber-Ei [9] = { 50826,1 }, --Leerer Korb [10] = { 50903,1 }, --Regenbogenstein [11] = { 50703,15 }, --Rappen-Siegel [12] = { 27002,120 }, --Segen des Drachen [13] = { 27005,120 }, --Segen des Drachen [14] = { 50704,15 }, --Segen des Drachen [15] = { 71035,1 }, --Segen des Drachen [16] = { 71014,1 }, --Segen des Drachen [17] = { 71050,1 }, --Segen des Drachen [18] = { 71101,1 }, --Segen des Drachen [19] = { 71113,1 }, --Segen des Drachen [20] = { 71108,1 }, --Segen des Drachen [21] = { 71113,1 }, --Segen des Drachen [21] = { 71110,1 }, --Segen des Drachen [22] = { 71142,1 }, --Segen des Drachen } pc.give_item2(prem_item[randi][1],prem_item[randi][2]) pc.give_gold("80000") pc.remove_item("50011") end When you right click on it nothing happens. I have it in the quest folder Thanks in advance Your Quest is too long ^^
  2. Hay, i have a Problem. My first hit deal Damage and the rest of my hits will deal no Damage(If my Hit combo at the end and the combo starts again the first hit deal again damage). It is a Vanilla Game bug or it is the problem of my files? kind regards
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