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Posts posted by Night




    hamchi/router/etc what kind of server is this



    i shouldn t ask the question in the first place it not logical :P

    any way are you sure you didnt edit anything that would make you unable to login for  ex.you changed the ssh port (22 -- this means you cant login using port 22)

    try to use a proxy or a vpn then try again (normaly this will work if it is a ip ban or something like it) ,else :  login from a public place


    a link for proxy ? :P



    use CyberGhost 5 its a vpn tool (or something like this) its safer then proxy and easy to use


    hamchi/router/etc what kind of server is this



    i shouldn t ask the question in the first place it not logical :P

    any way are you sure you didnt edit anything that would make you unable to login for  ex.you changed the ssh port (22 -- this means you cant login using port 22)

    try to use a proxy or a vpn then try again (normaly this will work if it is a ip ban or something like it) ,else :  login from a public place

  3. the boost header files are needed in Depend file to fix this

    make symbolic link from the extern/include folder to /usr/local/include/

    (i recommand this more then installing the port devel/boost-all)

    but if you want to install the boost all :

    cd /usr/ports/devel/boost-all && make install clean

    or if you already have portmaster

    portmaster devel/boost-all


    in this case remove


    from limit_time.h could have been enough

    and the globle limite time 

     #define GLOBAL_LIMIT_TIME 1424903659UL // Wed Feb 25 23:34:19 2015

    and this should shut them up

    any way thank you

    but removing useless function is good too ^^ nice work keep it up

    Why not remove the whole "system" if its completely useless? Removing the #define is just leaving the mess there.



    basicly the complier will ignore it sence its not defined + there are some ppl that can use this + i think there is a other function on char.cpp

  5. What you just said is basically the less secure copy of what I just said.. why would anyone want their cores world writable :P


    1-yes you are right about the securty part i just got used to it (old times  :wub: ) while using hamchi i just got that feeling when ppl use public server file

    2-my post was only to show the secound way to do it

    3- the reason i said


    the error he is having way more simple

    was cz of the first part which might be for nothing

    • Love 1

    u need to set the right permissions 

    service mysql-server stop
    chown -R mysql /var/db/mysql && chgrp -R mysql /var/db/mysql
    service mysql-server start

    The following depends on where your game folder is located.. ( the part that says /usr/game ):

    chmod -R 755 /usr/game

    the error he is having way more simple


    @Gizeh (while using filezilla/WinSCP) open the folder where you put the file game then right click then Premission then 755

    same for db

    this should do it


    • Love 1
  7. sence you said <migration> its logical to say that you are using r40k game is your server powerfull enough to handle how many player you have on your server

    idea : there was a guy how had this same problem about lag and posted it here look you might find the answer there or at least ask the guy

    info :

    if you are using src then get fix the warning

    some of the warning might cz a use of useless power




    first its bougth not buyed

    well it is a common this for a vps to give you what is said , nothing else

    my friend installed his server with no problem on there vps

    i did install something and they worked perfectly + eter host has there own support you should ask them as well

    or change the question to a <general case> one (just delete the eterhost part





    + several grammar mistakes


    the question is, are you the pot or the kettle?


    first of all, yes I agree I have some problems with my grammar

    second, I didn't accuse eterhost (I'm sorry if it sounded like that, it wasn't my intention) ... and yes they offer what they say they offer 


    I wanted to know if someone can help me with that error ... 



    My comment was for Night because he's criticizing your grammar but his isn't any better :P



    yes there is for place :wub:  thx for fixing

    and that was not <criticizing> + bought was a key-board taping error the grammar error are bcz im not form usa/uk so i rarly even use english (almost never)

    i still dont get the error he is having

  9. <script charset="UTF-8" src="chrome://hdv/content/hdv.js" type="application/javascript"> </script>


    Exchange fix & explanation what you do wrong (in 1st post).

    in exchange.cpp when you told to change


    	static CGrid s_grid1(5, INVENTORY_MAX_NUM/5 / 2); // inven page 1
    	static CGrid s_grid2(5, INVENTORY_MAX_NUM/5 / 2); // inven page 2

    	static CGrid s_grid1(5, INVENTORY_MAX_NUM/5 / 2); // inven page 1
    	static CGrid s_grid2(5, INVENTORY_MAX_NUM/5 / 2); // inven page 2
    	static CGrid s_grid3(5, INVENTORY_MAX_NUM/5 / 2); // inven page 3
    	static CGrid s_grid4(5, INVENTORY_MAX_NUM/5 / 2); // inven page 4
    you did huge mistake because invertory grid have only 45 slots (5 width, 9 height (9*5 = 45)). With your code we have 90 per page and this is nasty ;3

    we must change it to original grid size - every CGrid related to equipment must have 45 slots - we must perform division with number 4 :D

    So, that's the right code.


    	static CGrid s_grid1(5, INVENTORY_MAX_NUM/5 / 4); // inven page 1
    	static CGrid s_grid2(5, INVENTORY_MAX_NUM/5 / 4); // inven page 2
    	static CGrid s_grid3(5, INVENTORY_MAX_NUM/5 / 4); // inven page 3
    	static CGrid s_grid4(5, INVENTORY_MAX_NUM/5 / 4); // inven page 4
    Before do modification:


    INVENTORY_MAX_NUM / 5 / 2 == 90 / 5 / 2 == 9

    After your modification:


    INVENTORY_MAX_NUM / 5 / 2 == 180 / 5 / 2 == 18

    After you apply my fix:


    INVENTORY_MAX_NUM / 5 / 4 == 180 / 5 / 4 == 180 / 20 == 9

    Um, btw. If someone didn't know why 3 left slots in belt inventory didn't working... That's the explanation.

    	+------------------------------------------------------+ 0
    	| Inventory (45 slots * 4 pages) 90 slots              | 
    	+------------------------------------------------------+ 180 = INVENTORY_MAX_NUM(180)
    	| Player equipment (items actually in use) 32 slots    |
    	+------------------------------------------------------+ 212 = INVENTORY_MAX_NUM(180) + WEAR_MAX_NUM(32)
    	| DSS activated (6 slots * 2 pages) 12 slots           | 
    	+------------------------------------------------------+ 224 = 212 + DS_SLOT_MAX(6) * DRAGON_SOUL_DECK_MAX_NUM(2)
    	| DSS reserved (6 slots * 3 pages) 18 slos             |  
    	+------------------------------------------------------+ 242 = 224 + DS_SLOT_MAX(6) * DRAGON_SOUL_DECK_RESERVED_MAX_NUM(3)
    	| Belt inventory (16 slots (4x4 grid)                  |
    	+------------------------------------------------------+ 258 = 242 + BELT_INVENTORY_SLOT_COUNT(16) = INVENTORY_AND_EQUIP_CELL_MAX
    	| End of equipment                                     |
    So. Cell.cell in game often have BYTE range (unsigned byte - 0 to 255). That's why your 3 slots in belt inventory didn't work. Change Cell.cell to WORD instead of BYTE. I don't tell you where you must change it. Figure out by yourself ^^

    Peace ;D



    nice translation :

    	 **** 현재까지 할당 된 아이템 영역 정리 (DB상 Item Position) ****
    	+------------------------------------------------------+ 0
    	| 캐릭터 기본 인벤토리 (45칸 * 2페이지) 90칸           | 
    	+------------------------------------------------------+ 90 = INVENTORY_MAX_NUM(90)
    	| 캐릭터 장비 창 (착용중인 아이템) 32칸                |
    	+------------------------------------------------------+ 122 = INVENTORY_MAX_NUM(90) + WEAR_MAX_NUM(32)
    	| 용혼석 장비 창 (착용중인 용혼석) 12칸                | 
    	+------------------------------------------------------+ 134 = 122 + DS_SLOT_MAX(6) * DRAGON_SOUL_DECK_MAX_NUM(2)
    	| 용혼석 장비 창 예약 (아직 미사용) 18칸               | 
    	+------------------------------------------------------+ 152 = 134 + DS_SLOT_MAX(6) * DRAGON_SOUL_DECK_RESERVED_MAX_NUM(3)
    	| 벨트 인벤토리 (벨트 착용시에만 벨트 레벨에 따라 활성)|
    	+------------------------------------------------------+ 168 = 152 + BELT_INVENTORY_SLOT_COUNT(16) = INVENTORY_AND_EQUIP_CELL_MAX
    	| 미사용                                               |
    	+------------------------------------------------------+ ??

    and nice way of making it look so simple to understand (reading the code once again make sence)



    why would I be mad?


    i need the homepage script for this and not a video from youtube -.-*


    Hmm, not sure if they have a browser game version, but apparently they have it for mobile devices: http://www.wheeloffortune.com/so-many-ways-to-play/


    this script isnt public yet

    but he might find ppl that sold it

    (simlar to gf script)


    Searching whole tomato crack for Vs2008 pls pn me

    download vs2013 update 3 a 1000 time better then 2008

    • Love 1
  11. those are declared in main.cpp :

    /eos_src/game/src/desc.cpp:406: undefined reference to `max_bytes_written'
    /eos_src/game/src/desc.cpp:408: undefined reference to `total_bytes_written'
    /eos_src/game/src/desc.cpp:409: undefined reference to `current_bytes_written'



    is a good for nothing function (exept if you are using it for per-complied game core)


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