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Everything posted by DeadSkull

  1. go to uicube.py and search: def __OnAcceptButtonClick(self): and repalce with : def __OnAcceptButtonClick(self): import chat if len(self.cubeItemInfo) == 0: "빈 큐브" return print "큐브 제작 시작" itemCount = 0 for invenPos in self.cubeItemInfo.values(): itemCount = player.GetItemCount(invenPos) #break #net.SendChatPacket("/cube add " + str(invenPos)) net.SendChatPacket("/cube make %d " % itemCount) go to cmd_general.cpp and search : dev_log(LOG_DEB0, "CUBE COMMAND <%s>: %s", ch->GetName(), argument); add down: DWORD count=1; and.. search: case 'm': // make if (0 != arg2[0]) { while (true == Cube_make(ch,count)){ dev_log (LOG_DEB0, "cube make success"); } } repalce with: case 'm': // make if (0 != arg2[0]) { str_to_number(count, arg2); Cube_make(ch,count); } go to cube.h and search: void remove_material (LPCHARACTER ch); add down void remove_material (LPCHARACTER ch,DWORD count); then search: bool Cube_make (LPCHARACTER ch); replace with : bool Cube_make (LPCHARACTER ch,DWORD count); go to cube.cpp and search: void CUBE_DATA::remove_material (LPCHARACTER ch) { DWORD i, end_index; DWORD need_vnum; int need_count; LPITEM *items = ch->GetCubeItem(); end_index = this->item.size(); for (i=0; i<end_index; ++i) { need_vnum = this->item[i].vnum; need_count = this->item[i].count; FN_remove_material (items, need_vnum, need_count); } } add down void CUBE_DATA::remove_material (LPCHARACTER ch,DWORD count) { DWORD i, end_index; DWORD need_vnum; int need_count; LPITEM *items = ch->GetCubeItem(); end_index = this->item.size(); for (i=0; i<end_index; ++i) { need_vnum = this->item[i].vnum; need_count = this->item[i].count; FN_remove_material (items, need_vnum, count); } } then search : bool Cube_make (LPCHARACTER ch) replace with: bool Cube_make (LPCHARACTER ch,DWORD count) then search : cube_proto->remove_material (ch); replace with: cube_proto->remove_material (ch,count); then search: if ( percent_number<=cube_proto->percent) { // 성공 ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_COMMAND, "cube success %d %d", reward_value->vnum, reward_value->count); new_item = ch->AutoGiveItem(reward_value->vnum, reward_value->count); LogManager::instance().CubeLog(ch->GetPlayerID(), ch->GetX(), ch->GetY(), reward_value->vnum, new_item->GetID(), reward_value->count, 1); return true; } repalce with: if ( percent_number<=cube_proto->percent) { // 성공 ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_COMMAND, "cube success %d %d", reward_value->vnum, count); new_item = ch->AutoGiveItem(reward_value->vnum, count); LogManager::instance().CubeLog(ch->GetPlayerID(), ch->GetX(), ch->GetY(), reward_value->vnum, new_item->GetID(), count, 1); return true; } Best Wishes <3
  2. thanks for you but how can use it ? after add it in ui.py ?
  3. hi, i want make a Private shop new design with two different item and two different design but i have problem with Polymorph and this my code in char.cpp search void CHARACTER::OpenMyShop(const char * c_pszSign, TShopItemTable * pTable, BYTE bItemCount) and repalce end with and this is gif for my problem when i do Polymorph
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