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Everything posted by JeeX

  1. Very nice, ty very much! do you maybe know something about "GetSlotGlobalPosition" ? I think this function is more difficult :S i just use it because of the minigame Rumi - i've started to reverse, its almost done, but i dont know the function (to reverse) as well... thanks for you help:)
  2. Hey guys, im searching for someone who is able to "Reverse" these 2 functions for me. why i need? because i've started to reverse Mini-Game-Rumi and these 2 functions set the position of cards. but i wasn table to create it, so if someone is able, let me know, code and i will pay very very very good (high-price) for it!. here is the IDA code: GetSlotLocalPosition int __cdecl sub_6DA930(int a1, int a2) { int v3; // eax void *v4; // esi void *v5; // [esp+4h] [ebp-10h] int v6; // [esp+8h] [ebp-Ch] int v7; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-8h] int v8; // [esp+10h] [ebp-4h] if ( !(unsigned __int8)sub_6D8ED0(a2, 0, &v5) ) return sub_6C29B0(0); if ( !(unsigned __int8)sub_6C28D0(a2, 1, &v6) ) return sub_6C29B0(0); v3 = sub_6E07A0(); v4 = v5; if ( !sub_6CBBC0(v5, v3) ) return sub_6C29B0(0); sub_6E2A50(v4, v6, &v8, &v7); return Py_BuildValue(&unk_1BB7EA8); } int __thiscall sub_6E2A50(void *this, int a1, _DWORD *a2, _DWORD *a3) { int result; // eax int v5; // eax result = sub_6E1CE0((int)this, a1, a1, &a1); if ( result ) { v5 = a1; *a2 = *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 48); result = *(_DWORD *)(v5 + 52); *a3 = result; } return result; } GetSlotGlobalPosition int __cdecl sub_6DA8A0(int a1, int a2) { int v3; // eax int v4; // esi int v5; // [esp+4h] [ebp-10h] int v6; // [esp+8h] [ebp-Ch] int v7; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-8h] int v8; // [esp+10h] [ebp-4h] if ( !(unsigned __int8)sub_6D8ED0(a2, 0, &v5) ) return sub_6C29B0(0); if ( !(unsigned __int8)sub_6C28D0(a2, 1, &v6) ) return sub_6C29B0(0); v3 = sub_6E07A0(); v4 = v5; if ( !sub_6CBBC0(v5, v3) ) return sub_6C29B0(0); sub_6E2A10(v4, (int)&v7, v6, &v8, &v7); return Py_BuildValue(&unk_1BB7EA8); } int *__fastcall sub_6E2A10(int a1, int a2, int a3, _DWORD *a4, int *a5) { int v5; // esi int *result; // eax int v7; // eax int v8; // edx v5 = a1; result = (int *)sub_6E1CE0(a1, a2, a3, &a3); if ( result ) { v7 = a3; *a4 = *(_DWORD *)(v5 + 56) + *(_DWORD *)(a3 + 48); v8 = *(_DWORD *)(v5 + 60) + *(_DWORD *)(v7 + 52); result = a5; *a5 = v8; } return result; } i did myself like that: PyObject* wndMgrGetSlotLocalPosition(PyObject* poSelf, PyObject* poArgs) { UI::CWindow* pWin; if (!PyTuple_GetWindow(poArgs, 0, &pWin)) return Py_BuildException(); int iIndex; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger(poArgs, 1, &iIndex)) return Py_BuildException(); long lx, ly; UI::CSlotWindow* pSlotWin = (UI::CSlotWindow*)pWin; pSlotWin->GetMiniGamePosition(&lx, &ly); return Py_BuildValue("ii", lx, ly); } void CWindow::GetMiniGamePosition(int index, long * plx, long * ply) { *plx = mini_x[iIndex] + 48; *ply = mini_y[iIndex] + 52; } PyObject* wndMgrGetSlotGlobalPosition(PyObject* poSelf, PyObject* poArgs) { UI::CWindow* pWindow; if (!PyTuple_GetWindow(poArgs, 0, &pWindow)) return Py_BuildException(); int iIndex; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger(poArgs, 1, &iIndex)) return Py_BuildException(); UI::CSlotWindow* pSlotWin = (UI::CSlotWindow*)pWindow; RECT& rRect = pSlotWin->GetMiniRect(); return Py_BuildValue("ii", rRect.left, rRect.top); } RECT& GetMiniRect(int index) { mini_rect[index].top += 48 + 56; mini_rect[index].left += 52 + 60; return mini_rect[index]; } I know its wrong, but anyone is able? so please let me know!
  3. Good idea - but I think it would be a better way to show a extra tooltip like your way but in this tooltip if you hover the item in inventory should be visible in green the difference of values when it is better and in red when the values are bad than the equipped so the people don’t have to check them self - this could be useful Maybe you find the idea good.
  4. Hey, im still looking for this system... im not able to run the public one if anyone is possible to make it work or have a guildstorage which is working, so please let me know. ty
  5. The code have not to be 1-1 like the offical one, but I usually wanted to use the Interface from offical with all the same functions that’s why I ask, if someone would recode it like his way and coding style and the Final system is like the offical one (same Interface and filters: (masktype/masksubtype, itemlevel, cheque&gold, and so on) and maybe the buy function in shopsearch - then this would be perfect ^^
  6. Hey, im looking for someone who is able to recode offical shop search i have the offical Python Files from Brazil root and uiscript i want to use the same like the Offi server im looking for someone, who is able to recode it only in c++ in theory it should read the shops in gamesource out from sql and send with packets to binary -> then sends to python - but python is still exist, so only c++ is missing, I also have pseudo codes from Binary. why this? I wanted to work with masktypes too and I like the extended Filter to get items, maybe the function to buy from shopsearch is also nice - but the public one, are not well coded... hope someone is contact me and wanted the job, I pay good. best regards.
  7. Looking for someone who could help with packet header mismatch pay for this.
  8. Did you know, is the bug in existing code or is there something missing, if you remember?! and it is usually in db Src? That would help me a lot to fix that thing ty
  9. Hey guys, I’m searching for a guild storage (C++ Python) -> I don’t like Python only there is no workable Public, so I need for my project - I’m looking for a guild storage which you could put items and yang into it. best regards!
  10. No aggro-pulling when the monster is poisoned and you're dead and want to stand up again. maybe someone need this. in char_battle.cpp void CHARACTER::UpdateAggrPointEx(LPCHARACTER pAttacker, EDamageType type, int dam, CHARACTER::TBattleInfo & info) //this (last line): ChangeVictimByAggro(info.iAggro, pAttacker); //Change with this: if (type != DAMAGE_TYPE_POISON) ChangeVictimByAggro(info.iAggro, pAttacker);
  11. I could help you, I have a Update for transmutation too if you need. best regards!
  12. Something wrong in your uiinventory Highlight won’t work with acce check your python code
  13. Does anybody know this problem, this user doesn’t answer... i have the same problem now... hope anyone could help ty
  14. Very nice thank you! All other work fine, but there is something missing on "m_auraRefineEffect = m_GraphicThingInstance.AttachEffectByID(NULL, "Bip01 Spine2", pItemData->GetAuraEffectID(), NULL, 0, FALSE, pItemData->GetItemScale(byJob, bySex).z, &scalePos);" Could you maybe Paste AttachEffectByID changes there? Best regards!
  15. No Solution? hope anyone knows best regards.
  16. dont work -> cant click on buttons. (No syserr) [Hidden Content]
  17. Is there any possibility @p3ng3r bis Version to ignore at gamemaster? Because i changed some Line at cmd_general.cpp that gamemaster are possible to start here/start in City without waiting But now i have to wait... I tested with return 0 but i will get the negative time I hope, someone know a solution. Best regards
  18. ok ty, but why work all other "mse" in playersettingsmodule? like this: chrmgrm2g.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgrm2g.EFFECT_STUN, "Bip01 Head", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/stun/stun.mse") i added the new mse line, but now: 0725 11:41:13880 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/aura/aura_200_249_005.mse) Error 0725 11:41:13880 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=304, c_szEftAttachBone=Bip01, c_szEftName=D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/aura/aura_200_249_005.mse, isCache=0) - Error i take a look at the file and looked at stun.mse - there is not much different only some lines are more in: TimeEventScaleX TimeEventScaleY TimeEventAlpha all other is like the stun.mse But in stun, no error? -> cause the error maybe that scalex and so on have some lines more? Best regards.
  19. hey guys, i wanted to add the new AURA, i used the new files from (p3ng3r, metin2team, martysama) Sourceside should be done, but i get clientside errors: 0725 01:55:13101 :: ResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: NOT SUPPORT FILE d:\ymir work\pc\common\effect\aura\aura_01_49_001.mse 0725 01:55:13101 :: ResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: NOT SUPPORT FILE d:\ymir work\pc\common\effect\aura\aura_01_49_001.mse 0725 01:55:13101 :: ResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: NOT SUPPORT FILE d:\ymir work\pc\common\effect\aura\aura_50_99_002.mse 0725 01:55:13101 :: ResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: NOT SUPPORT FILE d:\ymir work\pc\common\effect\aura\aura_50_99_002.mse 0725 01:55:13101 :: ResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: NOT SUPPORT FILE d:\ymir work\pc\common\effect\aura\aura_100_149_003.mse 0725 01:55:13101 :: ResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: NOT SUPPORT FILE d:\ymir work\pc\common\effect\aura\aura_100_149_003.mse 0725 01:55:13101 :: ResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: NOT SUPPORT FILE d:\ymir work\pc\common\effect\aura\aura_150_199_004.mse 0725 01:55:13101 :: ResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: NOT SUPPORT FILE d:\ymir work\pc\common\effect\aura\aura_150_199_004.mse 0725 01:55:13101 :: ResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: NOT SUPPORT FILE d:\ymir work\pc\common\effect\aura\aura_200_249_005.mse 0725 01:55:13101 :: ResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: NOT SUPPORT FILE d:\ymir work\pc\common\effect\aura\aura_200_249_005.mse 0725 01:55:13101 :: ResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: NOT SUPPORT FILE d:\ymir work\pc\common\effect\aura\aura_250_006.mse 0725 01:55:13101 :: ResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: NOT SUPPORT FILE d:\ymir work\pc\common\effect\aura\aura_250_006.mse Does anybody knows a soultion, what i have to change, that it should work? Best regards!
  20. Nice thank you, when im home, im looking at this source! I usually look for the First source, which are untouched, fully clean of User changes or something else The reason why: i want to start a new project, i want to create Very old files like 2008 and want to use a source (not only serverfiles and sura.exe) i want to rework the source and back -Patch it (newer stuff delete) ->thats why im looking for clean untouched source which are released years ago So for the new project i need: serversource, binary, clientfiles (python) - which are very very old and untouched & they have to be compileable and compartible together. Thanks at First & i look your files. Best regards
  21. Hello, i Working years ago with marty source and created a good project with new stuff and so on... But im very interested in to create a full stock Server with realy old files, maybe i want to backpatch it. (Sever like 2008 but with backpatched source support) This is why i create this thread, because im looking for the First compile-able Source untouched, which are ever released. I need Serversource, binary(clientsource), clientside (root -> pythonfiles) which are compartible, untouched & clean. So i mean reay realy old stuff (since source is public) Could you maybe Help?, because i already searched, but the mt2 Forums are full with modifyed stuff and i didnt know, which files are untouched and compartible together. Thank you very much! Best regards.
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