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About Esquire

  • Birthday July 4


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  1. Hi i try to convert a gr2 to mesh but when i put the model on the convertor, he just open a cmd file and after he close fast, like no question about mesh and all that, somone have a good convertor for granny 2.9 or something new? here we have 1 gr2 file to convert. Ty assassin_f.gr2
  2. Hi guys, can someone tell me who can I add an automatic message on PM, like when you open a pm with someone you have a first message set like <System> Info ox event at 8 pm and with the teleport its like when someone teleport he create an effect like the lvl up effect if you give me only the files where i must edit its ok to, i really appreciate guys ty guys
  3. Hi guys, i wanna know why this model is like that in worldeditor and like that in gr2
  4. Hi guys I wanna sell my league of legends accounts, This account is unranked and I never play ranked with, 16 skins and 22 Champions, For more details I do a little presentation of the account 3 Chests Available And 2 Aram Rerolls (Old Image) Money and RP Like i say, the account is unranked Honor Level 5 Best 3 Champs on this Account Emotes Runes - 2 Pages (You can change) Materials Like I say I have 22 Champs, I know it's not much, but I have a lot of 6300 IP
  5. the solution in spanish i think but if you wach you can do iziii
  6. Hi guys, I'm here to ask some help from you, I start to script an interface and in the create character interface I need a script to learn the skills from there, like you create your character and you chose your skills at the same time, no more NPC in map1, no more all that, if someone now the script and wanna share, thank you.
  7. someone can repost de extras client pls?
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