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Everything posted by Veneno

  1. I believe the problem is in your .gr2 files inside the packs. Replace them with some more functional (ex. the ones from the official server)
  2. I fixed it and I was using txt protos because of the sf backdoors but I just installed the files of my VM to my Rootserver and it's fixed now but thanks for the tip anyway :)
  3. Hello guys I made some updates to my VM and all worked fine... Then I uploaded my files to my Rootserver and channels won't open... I'm getting this syserr: Also I get this syserr in db... My ClientMagaerBoot.cpp is chacked and it's ok
  4. Hello I have this problem I did my updates in my VM but when I uploaded the exact same files in my Rootserver i got this problem... I re-compiled the db multiple times but still nothing... Please someone help
  5. Hey thanks but special_item_group.txt isn't just for the boxes and what they have inside? Btw I already have these groups and still before alex's function nothing was happening buf thanks for trying
  6. Hello guys I added Ring slots to my system and I searched for a function that blocks 2 rings with the same vnum (id) to be equipped at the same time. I found this: but this blocks 2 items with the same type (ring) to be equipped at the same time. I don't know C++ so is there anybody who can help me modify this function to work for 2 item vnums and not 2 item types?
  7. Thanks for the tip Can you give me an example of what needs to be edited? I made it thanks anyway For those who see this and have the same problem search for "ITEM_TYPE_UNIQUE" and copy all that function. Paste it in "ITEM_TYPE_RING" and you are done . Here is the function for those who have a little eye problem:
  8. Hello guys I just "activated" ring slots and ITEM_RING in my server and everything goes on smoothly except one thing: when my "ring" items had "UNIQUE" type their remaining time was visible. Once I turned them into rings the remaining time was gone. My REAL_TIME and it's value in item_proto is correct. So are there any suggestions to this problem?
  9. I have this problem too with ITEM_RING types. It says REAL_TIME and then the time in seconds. But I can't see the remaining time below the description. Does anybody know what to do?
  10. Thanks you just saved me... Do you have any tips about making the remaining time visible at the ITEM_RING like the ITEM_UNIQUE? EDIT: Talked too soon Your function blocks 2 items of the same type not the same vnum. Can you give a function that works for 2 same vnums please?
  11. Well I didn't need to it's all good except that I can equip 2 same ring types and I can't see the time left on the items now... Any tips please?
  12. Thanks I believe that my client has already RING types but in any case what do I have to change in uitooltip.py?
  13. I will look into it thanks Btw ITEM_RING is type or subtype?
  14. I just want to turn ring slots in 2 extra unique slots... But if I make ITEM_RING my item_proto packer/unpacker will support this type/subtype?
  15. Hello just search for all the ITEM_UNIQUE functions in the server source and I'm sure you will find what to do there Also can you make a tut on how to do that?
  16. Hello guys I followed MrLybia's tut about making 6 normal bonus to items [Hidden Content] and now I'm trying to update my Switchbot but I don't actually know what to edit... Here is my switchbot.py
  17. Hello guys I just noticed a problem that many of you may have with 6/7 attributes and may have ever noticed of it. When I change the 6/7 attributes it changes the bonuses but they come always on their 5th level from the table player.item_attr_rare (ex. if Max HP has lv1 = 200, lv2 = 250, lv3 = 350, lv4 = 400 and lv5 = 500 it fetches only 500). I really need your help on this guys please if anybody has a tip that can help share it below thanks Also if you can help me with this topic I'd appreciate thanks again [Hidden Content]
  18. Hello guys I need a full tutorial on how to install a new resist to the mob_proto table. You see there is resist_poison but not resist_bleeding and because of that Metin Stones can be affected with bleeding. I already found 2 files that I need to edit but since I don't have advanced or expert skills on c++ and metin2 source code I can use a little tut. I need to know all the files I need to edit to make my resist_bleeding work...
  19. This is great but I would not recommend people nowdays to use NoTXT because most of item_proto and mob_proto compilers works with txt and these packers are more updaterd (ex. bleeding and wolfman bonus). Also many people may have used to recognize flags, antiflags, types and subtypes by words not numbers so it may be harder for them. But for you who choose to make your db like this good luck with this You can trust @xP3NG3Rx and his work. I did and I do not regret Keep up the good work @xP3NG3Rx you have more fans than you think ;)
  20. Hello guys I added a Quiver in my system recently. I use only 1 vnum id and it's subtype is set as ARROW like the normal arrows, but it works normally (unlimited arrows and ignoring distance). Now I just need a tutorial on how to install the blue effect on my arrows. I have the official files I just don't know what to do in game/binary source to make it work. Does anybody have a little tip for me? Btw if anybody wants me to show you how to do the quiver comment and I will Thanks metin2dev
  21. Does anybody have a tut for the blue arrow effect? (Source - dinary - packs)
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