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Posts posted by Ayaka

  1. Add CMS Installer:


    I did this simple and effective as fuck:


    // include config
    //connect to account database with mysqli
    function getConnected($db) {
        //get config data
        global $config_host;
        global $config_user;
        global $config_pw;
        global $config_db_account;
        global $config_db_player;
        if ($db == "account") {
            $mysqli = mysqli_connect($config_host, $config_user, $config_pw, $config_db_account);
        } elseif ($db == "player") {
            $mysqli = mysqli_connect($config_host, $config_user, $config_pw, $config_db_player);
        // error?
        if (mysqli_connect_errno($mysqli)) {
            die('Connect Error (' . mysqli_connect_errno() . ') ' . mysqli_connect_error());
        return $mysqli;
    // Variables
    $action = $_GET['action'];
    // Set hideform to 0
    $hideform = 0;
    // ################################
    // ### Install CMS
    // ################################
    if ($action == "install") {
        // Set hideform to 1
        $hideform = 1;
        // Connect to MySQL server
        $mysqli = getConnected(account);
        if ($mysqli) {
            echo "install process (Connect to mysql) ...<br>";
        // Temporary variable, used to store current query
        $templine = '';
        // Read in entire file
        $a = file("install.sql");
        // Loop through each line
        $queryline = 0;
        foreach ($a as $ {
            // Skip it if it's a comment
            if (substr($b, 0, 2) == '--' || $b == '')
            // Add this line to the current segment
            $templine .= $b;
            // If it has a semicolon at the end, it's the end of the query
            if (substr(trim($, -1, 1) == ';') {
                // Perform the query
                $sql = mysqli_query($mysqli, $templine);
                if ($sql) {
                    echo "install process (Query $queryline) ...<br>";
                } else {
                    $hideform = 2;
                    //echo 'Error performing query '<strong>' . $templine . '': ' . mysqli_error($mysqli) . '<br /><br />';
                // Reset temp variable to empty
                $templine = '';
        $closemysql = mysqli_close($mysqli);
        if ($closemysql) {
            echo "install process (Close connection) ...<br>";
        if ($hideform != 2) {
            echo "<br><b><font style="color:green;">INSTALL COMPLETE!</font> PLEASE DELETE THE INSTALL FOLDER!</b>";
        if ($hideform == 2) {
            echo "<br><b>INSTALL FAILED RIGHT AFTER <font style="color:red;">QUERY $queryline</font> ! FOR SUPPORT VISIT: Metin2dev.org</b>";
    if ($hideform <= 0) {
        echo "<a href="index.php?action=install">CLICK HERE</a> to install the CMS.";


    -- Install table `cms_answers`
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cms_answers` (
      `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `messageid` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
      `ticketid` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      `message` varchar(900) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      `time` datetime NOT NULL,
      `ufrom` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
      `userlevel` int(2) NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    -- Install table `cms_cat`
      `catid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `name` varchar(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      `email` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`catid`)
    -- Install table `cms_settings`
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cms_settings` (
      `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `option_title` varchar(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      `value` varchar(500) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    -- Install table `cms_statistik_day`
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cms_statistik_day` (
      `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `day` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      `user` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `view` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    -- Install table `cms_statistik_ips`
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cms_statistik_ips` (
      `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `ip` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      `time` int(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `online` int(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    -- Install table `cms_statistik_referer`
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cms_statistik_referer` (
      `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `month` varchar(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      `host` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      `referer` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      `view` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    -- Install table `cms_tickets`
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cms_tickets` (
      `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `ticketid` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
      `subject` varchar(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      `message` varchar(900) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      `priority` varchar(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      `ufrom` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL,
      `usermail` varchar(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      `status` varchar(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      `categorie` varchar(150) NOT NULL,
      `time` datetime NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    -- Insert data for `cms_cat`
    INSERT INTO `cms_cat` (`catid`, `name`, `email`) VALUES
    (1, 'General', '[email protected]'),
    (2, 'Tecnical Support', '[email protected]'),
    (3, 'Other', '[email protected]');
    -- Insert data for `cms_settings`
    INSERT INTO `cms_settings` (`id`, `option_title`, `value`) VALUES
    (1, 'titel_page', 'SERVERNAME'),
    (2, 'titel_slogan', 'This is a slogan'),
    (3, 'url', 'http://localhost/mt2cms_fork/'),
    (4, 'server_ip', ''),
    (5, 'register_on', '1'),
    (6, 'mail_activation', '1'),
    (7, 'page_entries', '5'),
    (8, 'pagination_entries', '4'),
    (9, 'admin_mail', '[email protected]'),
    (10, 'language', 'english.php'),
    (11, 'reg_coins', '0'),
    (12, 'addon_reg', '1'),
    (13, 'addon_stats', '1'),
    (14, 'addon_ticket', '1'),
    (15, 'addon_auction', '1'),
    (16, 'addon_shop', '1'); 


    successful installation:



    installation failed:



    As you can see, i can extend the SQL every time. When im finished with the whole CMS i will write a little help doc for every Query Fail Number. So user can find a way without asking me or other people

  2. :main
    @echo OFF
    @echo ¯ Aemon, metin2dev.;
    @echo   metin2dev.com.
    @echo ---
    set OLD=
    set /P OLD=Choose the old extension : %=%
    if "%OLD%" == "" GOTO error
    set NEW=
    set /P NEW=Choose new extension   : %=%
    if "%NEW%" == "" GOTO error
    @ren *.%OLD% *.%NEW%
    @echo .%OLD% files have been renamed to .%NEW%
    @echo ---
    GOTO fine
    @echo Error!
    @echo Choose a valid extension!
    @echo Restart the program and try again.
    @echo ---
    GOTO Exit
    @echo You change the extension, good job...
    Paste it in a notepad, and save it with .bat extension.



    is this realy a good solution? by just renaming a file you didnt change the image compression

  3. My auction house has the following features:

    - Detailed log of auctions for SAs

    - SA options in the AP

    - Auction display with real-time countdown

    - Display of auctions

    - Storage of Items

    - Replacement of unsold items to IS stock

    - Definition of ID section. Its a feature to prevent double entrys because of ingamedrop IDs (hope i understood this right):


  4. Add register:

    Now the register is finish :)


    Passwort strength live check. You cant create an account if your passwort is too weak:

    var t = 0;
    if (e.length < 6)


    if (e.length > 7)
    t += 1;

    ofo8TY9.png>>> MNgxDLz.png

    if (e.match(/([a-z].*[A-Z])|([A-Z].*[a-z])/))
    t += 1;
    if (e.match(/([a-zA-Z])/) && e.match(/([0-9])/))
    t += 1;

    iYyYwuo.png>>> uUKwoTx.png

    if (e.match(/([!,%,&,@,#,$,^,*,?,_,~])/))
    t += 1;
    if (e.match(/(.*[!,%,&,@,#,$,^,*,?,_,~].*[!,%,&,@,#,$,^,*,?,_,~])/))
    t += 1;

    47NTsZn.png>>> uUKwoTx.png


    Example for wrong input (the script check all parameters and inputs for sure ;) ):


    When all is right:


    • Love 2



    What about payment methods? PSC, Paymentwall? Others?

    PayPal Psc


    Should i work with with the Paypal API to check automatically when a payment was successfull to pay out coins directly?


    // Edit:

    Im coding a feature for team meetings atm:

    SA, SGM can view and add team meetings with adding regular attendance of GMs. So you can check and have alist if a Teammember is reliable or not.

  6. Have another idea for this cms:


    SA's can control features for VIP users. For example (enable/disable):

    - User with VIP status get +% for more Vote Coins.

    - User with VIP status have a chance to get an item when successful voted.

    - User with VIP get -% for remission of itemshop items

    - User with VIP can change their charakter names





    SAs can choose a toplist for voting support on "metin2pserver.info", "topliste.top-pserver.com", "pservertoplist.pw". ranksec.net is offline but I hope it will come back. I will support only toplists with an API because of getting coins correctly without cheating. SAs have only to enable a toplist and input necessary data in the ACP.


    any other suggestions?


    What about payment methods? PSC, Paymentwall? Others?

    • Love 1
  7. What's the exact reason for storing the usersession in the database?

    Doesn't open up for me if I only look at the login.




    Good question. I would like to share a good answer with you: http://stackoverflow.com/a/6122308


    The main reasons are:


    - The session data is more secure as a potential hacker must be able to log into the database before he can access anything.

    - The use of multiple servers would not create a problem as all session data now resides in a single central place and is accessible by all servers.

    - It is much easier to query the database should the site administrator require information about current sessions or current users. 

    If you and other people like to share sessions in filesystem i can write an option in the ACP for choosing the session storage methode.I like to share usersessions in database but its just my personal handling.

  8. I will recode the whole itemshop (Player unbug and other important features too) with better usability for users and admins.
    Once again: The whole script will be save against SQL Injection! I am NOT coding with placeholders because hen!CMS users accustomed to use mysql_real_escape_string.
    This will be released with the mysqli function: http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.real-escape-string.php and i will check all query inputs to be safe so don't worry.
    I am not just escape a string: I am checking additional all $_POST and  $_GET before. here are some examples (also against XSS for a possible $_GET varaible output):

    $go = htmlentities($_GET['go']);
    if(!is_numeric($go)) {
       $go = 1;
    } else {            
       $go = mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $go);
    // Check Username
    if(!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/', $f_username)) {
       $error = "1";
       $errormsg = lang('ERR_USER');
    // Check email
    if(!filter_var($f_mail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
        $error = "1";
        $errormsg = lang('ERR_MAIL');

    another example for using mysqli in this CMS (login example):

    This is the hidden content, please


    This way is correct against SQLinjection but its not a good example of how to use mysqli. I know that but the consumer habits are more important for me. I will release a version with prepared statements If there is a reasonable demand.

    • Good 1
    • Love 2
  9. very nice work my friend. I cant wait for this rlz :)) i heave no to mutch experience in cms but if you will add linguage module and if you need translate i can help you :)


    Best regards

      language module is added ;) When im finished i will release anything and you (including other people) can add a language. I will pack your changes into the official release download with your name. Everyone can be a part of this!

    • Love 1
  10. For developer
    How to get Userinformations?

    function userinfo($var)

    You can get every column from account.account with this function. Example:

    echo userinfo(login); // will output the LOGIN Accountname (from the logged-in user)
    echo userinfo(email); // will output the EMAIL (from the logged-in user) 
    echo userinfo(social_id); // will output the DELETE KEY (from the logged-in user)
    // ... you can get all account informations like this

    How to check user rights?
    You can do it like this:

    // Get userlevel
    $userlevel = userinfo(web_admin);
    // Check if user is logged-in
    if(logged_in()) {
        if($userlevel > 2) {
            echo "You are logged-in and you have a higher Userlevel than 2";
    } else {
        echo "You are not logged in!";

    How to add a new page with my own code and features?
    Just create a new .php file in the "/pages" folder. This is a template:

    // Check if user is logged-in
    if(!logged_in()) {
        echo "<div class="error">".lang('ERR_NOTLOGIN')."</div>";
    else {
        // here we go!
        echo "<h2>New Page</h2>";
        // you can do what ever you want here

    you can access this page with the link: http://www.yourdomain.tld/index.php?page=<filename>
    How to add a new admin page?
    Just create a new "admin_<your file name>.php" file in the "/pages" folder. This is a template:

    // Get userlevel
    $userlevel = userinfo(web_admin);
    // Check if logged-in
    if(logged_in()) {
        if($userlevel > 0) {
            // Administration Naviagtion
            echo "<div id="admin_box">";
            echo "<div class="navleft">";
            echo lang('ADMIN_CENTER');
            echo "</div>";
            echo "<div class="navright">";
            echo "<a class="yellow" href="index.php?page=admin_file">Link 1</a> ";
            echo "<a class="yellow" href="index.php?page=admin_file">Link 2</a> ";
            echo "<a class="yellow" href="index.php?page=admin_file">Link 3</a> ";
            echo "</div>";
            echo "</div>";
    // Only access when admin
    if(!logged_in()) {
        echo "<div class="error">" . lang('ERR_ADMINACCESS1') . "</div>";
    } elseif($userlevel !== "9") {
        echo "<div class="error">" . lang('ERR_ADMINACCESS2') . "</div>";
    } else {
        // CONTENT
        // You can do what ever you want here

    you can access this page with the link: http://www.yourdomain.tld/index.php?page=<filename>
    Dont forget to put a link in the admin navigation. You can find it in the file navigation.php
    In which file are used function?
    All functions are in the functions.php file in the lib folder!
    How to use SQL in this CMS?
    Fucking simple!

    $mysqli = getConnected(account);
    $res = mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT id FROM table WHERE option1='text1'");
    while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res)) {
        echp $row["id"];
    $mysqli = getConnected(account);
    mysqli_query($mysqli,"UPDATE table SET option1='text1'");
    $mysqli = getConnected(account);
    mysqli_query($mysqli,"INSERT INTO table (option1, option2) VALUES ('text1', 'text2')");

    you can connect account or player database like this:

    $mysqli = getConnected(account); // account database
    $mysqli = getConnected(player); // player database

    If you want to escape a GET or POST variable use the following to write in database:

    $var2 = $_GET['example'];
    $var2 = mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $var2); // put this AFTER $mysqli = getConnected(account)!
    // $var2 is now escaped and can executed in a query!

    How to use the Coins Log and transfer Coins in my own code?

    Use the function "write_coinslog". It will add an entry in coins log and the user get or lose coins. Its very simple to use:

    // $var1 = Amount of Coins
    // $var2 = +Coins = "get", -coins = "lose"
    // $var3 = Give here a short Reason about the transfer. If its an Itemshop transfer use "IS", Auctionhouse = "AH".
    // $var4 = If there is a item transfer use the vnum to get the name of item. Default is "0". This info will displayed in reason ($var3) when ist not "0".
    // $var5 = If there is a other User ID than the logged-in user give the Username to get the userid
    // Live Example 1
    write_coinslog("200","get","A transfer example","0","0");
    // The logged-in user get 200 Coins with the reason "A transfer example"
    // Live Example 2
    // The logged-in user lose 200 Coins with the reason "IS - Weaponname +3"
    • Good 1
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