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Posts posted by Ayaka

  1. -> Table 'common.priv_settings' doesn't exist 1º

    -> Unknown column 'applytype0' in 'field list' 2º


    1º: ---- I know this problem well. Obviously read. The only problem is that not even that is the table because I've never seen, if someone has a .sql file or querys please share it.

    2º: ---- This is what I literally do not know.

    1: You have the query already ;) Use one of the already existng columns in your database - copy and paste, but dont forget to rename it to applytype0 (https://metin2.download/picture/WLvGLos8B7wlHGREU9a51u7zR4qwD77Y/.png) the structure should be the same

    2: I googled for it and found one but is it the right one? i dont know ... just test it and add it in common database:

    CREATE TABLE `priv_settings` (
    `priv_type`  enum('PLAYER','GUILD','EMPIRE') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'EMPIRE' COMMENT 'GUILD and PLAYER are untested.' ,
    `id`  int UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'this is for empire_id, player_id or guild_id' ,
    `type`  int UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 4 COMMENT '1:item_drop, 2:gold_drop, 3:gold10_drop, 4:exp (1~4)' ,
    `value`  int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '0~1000%' ,
    `duration`  datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
    PRIMARY KEY (`priv_type`, `id`, `type`)
    INSERT INTO `priv_settings` VALUES ('EMPIRE', '0', '1', '200', '2014-08-07 14:26:03');
    INSERT INTO `priv_settings` VALUES ('EMPIRE', '0', '2', '66', '2014-08-07 14:26:03');
    INSERT INTO `priv_settings` VALUES ('EMPIRE', '0', '3', '1', '2014-08-07 14:26:03');
    INSERT INTO `priv_settings` VALUES ('EMPIRE', '0', '4', '15', '2014-08-07 14:26:03');

    source: epvpersucks

    lol, why? @Ayaka

    INSERT INTO `priv_settings` VALUES ('EMPIRE', '0', '1', '200', '2014-08-07 14:26:03');
    INSERT INTO `priv_settings` VALUES ('EMPIRE', '0', '2', '66', '2014-08-07 14:26:03');
    INSERT INTO `priv_settings` VALUES ('EMPIRE', '0', '3', '1', '2014-08-07 14:26:03');
    INSERT INTO `priv_settings` VALUES ('EMPIRE', '0', '4', '15', '2014-08-07 14:26:03');


    because you have to fill it with:

    1:item_drop, 2:gold_drop, 3:gold10_drop, 4:exp (1~4)

     like the comment in column "type" says? lol -> 4 types -> 4 inserts with the value for each type .... is it that hard to understand?

    oh, AND because your pissed that im not answering your pms :'D


    • Not Good 1
  2. -> Table 'common.priv_settings' doesn't exist 1º

    -> Unknown column 'applytype0' in 'field list' 2º


    1º: ---- I know this problem well. Obviously read. The only problem is that not even that is the table because I've never seen, if someone has a .sql file or querys please share it.

    2º: ---- This is what I literally do not know.

    1: You have the query already ;) Use one of the already existng columns in your database - copy and paste, but dont forget to rename it to applytype0 (https://metin2.download/picture/WLvGLos8B7wlHGREU9a51u7zR4qwD77Y/.png) the structure should be the same

    2: I googled for it and found one but is it the right one? i dont know ... just test it and add it in common database:

    CREATE TABLE `priv_settings` (
    `priv_type`  enum('PLAYER','GUILD','EMPIRE') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'EMPIRE' COMMENT 'GUILD and PLAYER are untested.' ,
    `id`  int UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'this is for empire_id, player_id or guild_id' ,
    `type`  int UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 4 COMMENT '1:item_drop, 2:gold_drop, 3:gold10_drop, 4:exp (1~4)' ,
    `value`  int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '0~1000%' ,
    `duration`  datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
    PRIMARY KEY (`priv_type`, `id`, `type`)
    INSERT INTO `priv_settings` VALUES ('EMPIRE', '0', '1', '200', '2014-08-07 14:26:03');
    INSERT INTO `priv_settings` VALUES ('EMPIRE', '0', '2', '66', '2014-08-07 14:26:03');
    INSERT INTO `priv_settings` VALUES ('EMPIRE', '0', '3', '1', '2014-08-07 14:26:03');
    INSERT INTO `priv_settings` VALUES ('EMPIRE', '0', '4', '15', '2014-08-07 14:26:03');

    source: epvpersucks

    • Angry 1
  3. Problem is this sql insert.

    INSERT INTO account.account 
    VALUES ('".$_POST['account']."',PASSWORD('".$userpass."'),'".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['uname'])."','".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email'])."','".$lcode."','".$sfNum."','".$hashSF."','".$sqlZeit."','".$accountStatus."','".$regCoins."','".$expireDate."','".$expireDate."','".$aktivHash."')

    Check in your database table "account" if these colums all exist: 


    if they exist you have to debug $sqlQry:

    after <?php at the top of your file:


    then replace:

    $sqlQry = mysql_query($sqlCmd,$sqlServ);


    $sqlQry = mysql_query($sqlCmd,$sqlServ) or die(mysql_error());

    and try to register an account again. Post the mysql error here.

    • Love 2
  4. Hi dev,

    i make simple pet level system .  pet level is owner level

    now ! search in char.cpp

    if (IsPC() == true && (LC_IsEurope() == true || LC_IsCanada() == true || LC_IsSingapore() == true))

     and change to

    		if ((IsPC() || IsPet()) == true)
    			addPacket.dwLevel = GetLevel();
    			addPacket.dwLevel = 0;

    then, search in petsystem.cpp


    and add after line


    You can work the way with rank points etc also wonderful ^^.

    lol you can just add a column  in player's table for the pet level and another one for experience and load them from database to game and use it

    stupid.. better to use the given getter and setter than extending a database table.

  5. any help ?

      The "https://packagist.org/packages.json" file could not be downloaded: SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:
      error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
      Failed to enable crypto
      failed to open stream: operation failed

    your CA root certificate is out of date. Updating your operating system also updates your CA

  6. Reviews with informations like "superfluous tools" in each software? ;) All to know is what identification methods are used and detection rates on several malicious software in comprehensive tests. Pull the other leg if you want to show me reviews like google matches with "best anti-virus software". I dont want to discuss about the best Anti-Virus software because the is no best. If you really want to know read some stuff from Frederick B. Cohen and you will understand.

  7. Whahahshahahahah its kinda funny that they say kaspersky is not good its the best anti-virus system in the world. And how can you say eset is better lol.

    And where did you get this superior knowledge? there is no algorithm that can perfectly detect all possible viruses so there cant be a "best" anti-virus system. Not even kaspersky can handle all pests. It based all on up-to-date Software to be "safe" and the use of good identification methods to identify malware. Kaspersky as well as other Software (Bitdefender and many others) are well-suited for the job.

  8. dont have the time to look in this at the moment but is this slider hardcoded in index.tpl??? I thought there will be a pluginsystem for such features? 

    My perception was that you can upload a zip in ACP -> Addons with a file structure like this (example):

    - /images (pictues for addon)
    -  /js (.js data for addon)
    - /css (.css for addon)
    - /tpl (template data for addon)
    - /data (models, controler.. etc)
    - settings.yaml (settings for implementation)


    edit:// or maybe plugins via composer.

  9. .... i think your script "Can't connect to local MySQL server" :ph34r:
    Maybe look in file "/home/tdlgamin/public_html/Template3/inc/configurare.php" on line 6 :ph34r:

    Check the mysql data there :ph34r:


    ..... :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: .. maybe this... is the problem :ph34r:


    edit:// If you cant solve it you will not find a topic with exact the same problem. I searched for you and we have ONLY 6077 results with "Can't connect to local MySQL server" on metin2dev. :unsure: damn it ...

  10. Would be cool if you finish the installer at first to insert a selected language to database. At the moment it looks like this:

    just run URL/tools.php and click "import lang", then you have the default translations also shown on the website

    Also we all were busy the last few days, but we will do some more things as soon as we have some time for it

    Ah, didnt look into that file (odd workflow without instructions). Cant wait to see that cms stable. I think the important part for you is to create a good plugin system for this cms. I think it should have good chances to become established.

  11. Would be cool if you finish the installer at first to insert a selected language to database. At the moment it looks like this:


    btw. found an epic line in index.tpl xD

    <!--<iframe width="1px" height="1px" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/5CLFwCUyWqY?autoplay=1&loop=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>-->
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