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Posts posted by filipw1

  1. image.png?width=798&height=465

    Weird flex but OK. ImGui kinda useless in Metin2, at least I've not find any use 

    • Confused 2
    • Lmao 1
  2. On 8/1/2023 at 10:13 PM, martysama0134 said:

    How to make it more pretty:

    common/length.h inside SItemPos struct (above IsEquipPosition()), paste:

    	bool IsSamePosition(const SItemPos & other) const
    		return *this==other
    			|| ((INVENTORY == window_type || EQUIPMENT == window_type)
    				&& (INVENTORY == other.window_type || EQUIPMENT == other.window_type)
    				&& cell == other.cell);


    game/src/char_item.cpp, at the beginning of CHARACTER::MoveItem function:

    bool CHARACTER::MoveItem(TItemPos Cell, TItemPos DestCell, uint8_t count)
    	if (Cell.IsSamePosition(DestCell)) // @fixme196
    		return false;


    I'd probably rename IsSamePosition to HasSamePosition, but ignore that.


    Operator overloading comes in handy with these 

  3. On 8/7/2023 at 5:15 AM, DemOnJR said:

    Update to C++20 

    This is the hidden content, please
    This is the hidden content, please
    idk if is the right one but is working...

    Edit the followin lines with your msm locations mine are inside root/msm/....

    static std::vector<TRaceData> m_vecRaceData =
      { RACE_WARRIOR_M, "msm/warrior_m.msm", "d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/intro/" },
      { RACE_WARRIOR_W, "msm/warrior_w.msm", "d:/ymir work/pc2/warrior/intro/" },
      { RACE_ASSASSIN_W, "msm/assassin_w.msm", "d:/ymir work/pc/assassin/intro/" },
      { RACE_ASSASSIN_M, "msm/assassin_m.msm", "d:/ymir work/pc2/assassin/intro/" },
      { RACE_SURA_M, "msm/sura_m.msm", "d:/ymir work/pc/sura/intro/" },
      { RACE_SURA_W, "msm/sura_w.msm", "d:/ymir work/pc2/sura/intro/" },
      { RACE_SHAMAN_W, "msm/shaman_w.msm", "d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/intro/" },
      { RACE_SHAMAN_M, "msm/shaman_m.msm", "d:/ymir work/pc2/shaman/intro/" },

    With CPP PSM:

    Thanks! I've updated repository with your contribution.

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  4. For all the years I had been actively dismissing the problem of the misaligned cursor in the text edit box when centred. The day finally came that I fixed it.

    Broken 😒


    Fixed 🤪



    This is the hidden content, please


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  5. When you set a text in a textline and then change font name, text disappear.


    Before fix:


    With fix:



    This is the hidden content, please

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  6. I did a program that creates sub files from given png files in directory. I find it really usefull as using dds files gain you better performence.
    One I'll try to make a GUI for this to visualize results, but for me it's fine at current state as it gets the job done.

    You need to convert output png canva to dds manually.

    from pyglet import image
    import os
    import math
    ## https://metin2.dev/topic/21221-grid-class-python/
    class Grid:
    	def __init__(self, width, height):
    		self.grid = [False] * (width * height)
    		self.width = width
    		self.height = height
    	def __str__(self):
    		output = "Grid {}x{} Information\n".format(self.width, self.height)
    		for x in range(self.height):
    			output += "%3d" % (x + 1)
    		output += "\n"
    		for row in range(self.height):
    			output += "%3d" % (x +1)
    			for col in range(self.width):
    				output += "%3d" % (row * self.width + col)
    				output += "  1" if self.grid[row * self.width + col] else "  0"
    			output += "\n"
    		return output
    	def find_blank(self, width, height):
    		if width > self.width or height > self.height:
    			return -1, -1, -1
    		for row in range(self.height):
    			for col in range(self.width):
    				index = row * self.width + col
    				if self.is_empty(index, width, height):
    					return index, row, col
    		return -1, -1, -1
    	def put(self, pos, width, height):
    		if not self.is_empty(pos, width, height):
    			return False
    		for row in range(height):
    			start = pos + (row * self.width)
    			self.grid[start] = True
    			col = 1
    			while col < width:
    				self.grid[start + col] = True
    				col += 1
    		return True
    	def clear(self, pos, width, height):
    		if pos < 0 or pos >= (self.width * self.height):
    		for row in range(height):
    			start = pos + (row * self.width)
    			self.grid[start] = True
    			col = 1
    			while col < width:
    				self.grid[start + col] = False
    				col += 1
    	def is_empty(self, pos, width, height):
    		if pos < 0:
    			return False
    		row = pos // self.width
    		if (row + height) > self.height:
    			return False
    		if (pos + width) > ((row * self.width) + self.width):
    			return False
    		for row in range(height):
    			start = pos + (row * self.width)
    			if self.grid[start]:
    				return False
    			col = 1
    			while col < width:
    				if self.grid[start + col]:
    					return False
    				col += 1
    		return True
    	def get_size(self):
    		return self.width * self.height
    	def reset(self):
    		self.grid = [False] * (self.width * self.height)
    version = ""
    while not (version.isdigit() and int(version) in (1, 2)):
    	version = input("Select sub version (1 - load dds file from \"d:\\ymir work\\ui\\\" or 2 - load dds file from dir as sub files): ")
    version = float(version)
    ddsname = ""
    while not ddsname:
    	ddsname = input("Enter dds file name (public_offlineshop for example): ")
    images = {}
    files = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)]
    for f in files:
    	ext = f.split(".")[-1]
    	if ext != "png":
    	if f == f"{ddsname}.png":
    		print(f"Skip {f}")
    	print(f"Load file {f}")
    	img = image.load(f)
    	print("File loaded!")
    	images[f] = img
    def sortImg(img):
    	width, height = img[1].width, img[1].height
    	return width
    images = sorted(images.items(), key=sortImg, reverse=True)
    max_width, max_height = images[0][1].width, images[0][1].height
    images = {key: value for key, value in images}
    for key, img in images.items():
    	width, height = img.width, img.height
    	print(f"File name: {key}, image size: {width}x{height}")
    ## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14267555/find-the-smallest-power-of-2-greater-than-or-equal-to-n-in-python
    def next_power_of_2(x):
    	return 1 if x == 0 else 2**math.ceil(math.log2(x))
    canva_width, canva_height = next_power_of_2(max_width), next_power_of_2(max_height)
    print(f"Likely size of canva: {canva_width}x{canva_height}")
    done = 0
    canva = None
    while done < len(images):
    	canva = image.Texture.create(width=canva_width, height=canva_height)
    	grid = Grid(canva_width, canva_height)
    	for key, img in images.items():
    		img_width, img_height = img.width, img.height
    		pos, x, y = grid.find_blank(img_width, img_height)
    		if x >= 0 and y >= 0:
    			grid.put(pos, img_width, img_height)
    			done += 1
    			canva.blit_into(img, y, x, 0)
    			left = y
    			top = canva_height - x - img_height
    			right = left + img_width
    			bottom = top + img_height
    			print(f"Image size: {img_width}x{img_height}")
    			print(f"Found position for image {key} on left {x}, right {x + img_width}, top {y}, bottom {y + img_height}")
    			file_name = key.split(".")[0]
    			with open(f"{file_name}.sub", "w") as f:
    				f.write(f"title subImage\n")
    				f.write(f"version {version:.1f}\n")
    				f.write(f"image \"{ddsname}.dds\"\n")
    				f.write(f"left {left}\ntop {top}\nright {right}\nbottom {bottom}\n")
    			done = 0
    			if math.log2(canva_height) + 1 >= math.log2(canva_width):
    				canva_width *= 2
    				canva_height *= 2
    			print(f"Run out of blank space. Increase canva size to {canva_width}x{canva_height}")



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  7. scrollowanie_masne_fest.gif

    To get smooth scrolling like this in music, guild symbol selection (and maybe some custom systems you already have idk), just replace ListBoxEx class.




    class ListBoxEx(Window):
        class Item(Window):
            def __init__(self):
            def __del__(self):
            def SetParent(self, parent):
                Window.SetParent(self, parent)
                self.parent = proxy(parent)
            def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self):
            def OnRender(self):
                if self.parent.GetSelectedItem() == self:
            def OnSelectedRender(self):
                x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition()
                grp.SetColor(grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.7))
                grp.RenderBar(x, y, self.GetWidth(), self.GetHeight())
        def __init__(self):
            self.viewItemCount = 10
            self.basePos = 0
            self.itemHeight = 16
            self.itemStep = 20
            self.selItem = 0
            self.itemList = []
            self.onSelectItemEvent = lambda *arg: None
            if localeInfo.IsARABIC():
                self.itemWidth = 130
                self.itemWidth = 100
            self.scrollBar = None
        def __del__(self):
        def __UpdateSize(self):
            height = self.itemStep * self.__GetViewItemCount()
            self.SetSize(self.itemWidth, height)
        def IsEmpty(self):
            if len(self.itemList) == 0:
                return 1
            return 0
        def SetItemStep(self, itemStep):
            self.itemStep = itemStep
        def SetItemSize(self, itemWidth, itemHeight):
            self.itemWidth = itemWidth
            self.itemHeight = itemHeight
        def SetViewItemCount(self, viewItemCount):
            self.viewItemCount = viewItemCount
        def SetSelectEvent(self, event):
            self.onSelectItemEvent = event
        def SetBasePos(self, basePos):
            if app.__BL_CLIP_MASK__:
                self.basePos = basePos
                curbp = self.basePos
                itemheight = self.itemStep * len(self.itemList)
                myheight = self.GetHeight()
                if itemheight < myheight:
                    curbp = 0
                fromPos = curbp
                curPos = 0
                toPos = curbp + self.GetHeight()
                for item in self.itemList:
                    if curPos + self.itemStep < fromPos or curPos > toPos:
                    item.SetPosition(0, curPos - fromPos)
                    curPos += self.itemStep
                for oldItem in self.itemList[self.basePos:self.basePos + self.viewItemCount]:
                self.basePos = basePos
                pos = basePos
                for newItem in self.itemList[self.basePos:self.basePos + self.viewItemCount]:
                    (x, y) = self.GetItemViewCoord(pos, newItem.GetWidth())
                    newItem.SetPosition(x, y)
                    pos += 1
        def GetItemIndex(self, argItem):
            return self.itemList.index(argItem)
        def GetSelectedItem(self):
            return self.selItem
        def SelectIndex(self, index):
            if index >= len(self.itemList) or index < 0:
                self.selItem = None
                self.selItem = self.itemList[index]
        def SelectItem(self, selItem):
            self.selItem = selItem
        def RemoveAllItems(self):
            for item in self.itemList:
            self.selItem = None
            self.itemList = []
            if self.scrollBar:
        def RemoveItem(self, delItem):
            if delItem == self.selItem:
                self.selItem = None
        def AppendItem(self, newItem):
            newItem.SetSize(self.itemWidth, self.itemHeight)
            if app.__BL_CLIP_MASK__:
            pos = len(self.itemList)
            if self.__IsInViewRange(pos):
                (x, y) = self.GetItemViewCoord(pos, newItem.GetWidth())
                newItem.SetPosition(x, y)
        def SetScrollBar(self, scrollBar):
            self.scrollBar = scrollBar
        def __OnScroll(self):
            if app.__BL_CLIP_MASK__:
                self.SetBasePos(int(self.scrollBar.GetPos() * (self.__GetItemCount() - 1) * self.itemStep))
                self.SetBasePos(int(self.scrollBar.GetPos() * self.__GetScrollLen()))
        def __GetScrollLen(self):
            scrollLen = self.__GetItemCount() - self.__GetViewItemCount()
            if scrollLen < 0:
                return 0
            return scrollLen
        def __GetViewItemCount(self):
            return self.viewItemCount
        def __GetItemCount(self):
            return len(self.itemList)
        def GetItemViewCoord(self, pos, itemWidth):
            if localeInfo.IsARABIC():
                return (self.GetWidth() - itemWidth - 10, (pos - self.basePos) * self.itemStep)
                return (0, (pos - self.basePos) * self.itemStep)
        def __IsInViewRange(self, pos):
            if pos < self.basePos:
                return 0
            if pos >= self.basePos + self.viewItemCount:
                return 0
            return 1


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  8. 36 minutes ago, LordZiege said:

    i found a litle problem with very long bonuses



    Fix is fairly simple, just replace function (uiToolTip)

    	def __AdjustAttrMaxWidth(self, attrSlot):
    		if 0 == attrSlot:
    			return self.toolTipWidth
    		maxWidth = self.toolTipWidth
    		for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM):
    			type = attrSlot[i][0]
    			value = attrSlot[i][1]
    			attrText = self.AppendTextLine(self.__GetAffectString(type, value))
    			(tW, _) = attrText.GetTextSize()
    			self.toolTipHeight -= self.TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT
    			maxWidth = max(tW + 12, maxWidth)
    		return maxWidth



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  9. There is a problem, when you change position of horse riding skill in playersettingsmodule, you cannot use horse skills. For me, the way skills work on the client side of thing is really dumb, but they went even furher. I don't understand why, client checks if player has a horse riding level from the fixed skill slot, not from skill info itself. 




    Without my fix, it goes like this:



    With fix:




    Actual fix:

    // PythonPlayerInput.cpp
    // find:
    bool CPythonPlayer::__CanAttack()
    // Replace with:
    extern const DWORD c_iSkillIndex_Riding;
    bool CPythonPlayer::__CanAttack()
    	if (__IsProcessingEmotion())
    		return false;
    	if (IsOpenPrivateShop())
    		return false;
    	if (IsObserverMode())
    		return false;
    	CInstanceBase* pkInstMain = NEW_GetMainActorPtr();
    	if (!pkInstMain)
    		return false;
    	DWORD dwSkillIndex = 0;
    	GetSkillSlotIndex(c_iSkillIndex_Riding, &dwSkillIndex);
    	if (pkInstMain->IsMountingHorse() && pkInstMain->IsNewMount() && (GetSkillGrade(dwSkillIndex) < 1 && GetSkillLevel(dwSkillIndex) < 11))
    		return false;
    	return pkInstMain->CanAttack();
    // PythonPlayerSkill.cpp
    // Find:
    bool CPythonPlayer::__CanUseSkill()
    // Replace with:
    extern const DWORD c_iSkillIndex_Riding;
    bool CPythonPlayer::__CanUseSkill()
    	CInstanceBase* pkInstMain=NEW_GetMainActorPtr();
    	if (!pkInstMain)
    		return false;
    	if (IsObserverMode())
    		return false;
    	DWORD dwSkillIndex = 0;
    	GetSkillSlotIndex(c_iSkillIndex_Riding, &dwSkillIndex);
    	if (pkInstMain->IsMountingHorse() && (GetSkillGrade(dwSkillIndex) < 1 && GetSkillLevel(dwSkillIndex) < 20))
    		return false;
    	return pkInstMain->CanUseSkill();



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