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  • Paid Service - Ikarus Developer - New Systems

       (10 reviews)

    • Systems

    Hi guys!

    As many of you may know some time ago I decided to close the sales of my old products because they were now outdated and I did not have enough time to be able to update them.

    I have some news to let you know.


    Ikarus Shop v2



    Ikarus shop v2.0 is being developed, which includes all the features of version 1.0 and adds more.

    Version 2.0 will be available in 3 different packages, priced differently, which will include different features.

    Version 2.0 of my offlineshop will be purchasable ONLY by Martysama supporters.

    All packages include a complete refactory of the v1.0 code that made it much more stable and clean, and a refactory of the UI which is now much more comfortable and intuitive.


    Below is a preview of the main features of the packages.





    You can also follow the updates in Martysama's discord server (Martysama Hub):


    Here the invite link: https://discord.gg/DvTmG9pm8f


    Discounts are always announced at this link!


    Payment methods are:
    - Papayl P&S
    - Revolut
    - LITE version only can be paid using Amazon.it giftcards.





    As a seasoned System Developer, I offer tailored solutions to meet your unique requirements. Below, I outline the key terms and guidelines for engaging my services:

    • Hourly Payment Model:
      • Payment is made in advance, with options for hourly packages (3, 5, or 10+ hours).
      • Additional hours can be purchased as needed.
      • Hourly pay amount is discussed in private.
      • I provide initial estimates based on projected hours required to complete the work.
      • While I strive to adhere to estimates, unforeseen complexities may necessitate adjustments.
      • If the actual time exceeds the estimated hours by more than 30%, no extra charges apply for the additional time.
      • Even for tasks requiring less than an hour, I consider them as one full hour of work.
      • You can add several small tasks together into one larger task not to pay each task as an hour's work.
      • If you decide to halt development mid-project, no compensation will be provided for incomplete work.

    • Bug Fixes and Debugging of COMPLETED WORKS:
      • Minor bug fixes post-completion are free and considered support.
      • Major bug fixes or substantial rewrites are billed at an hourly rate.

    • Invoicing and Client Information:
      • Each payment triggers an invoice.
      • To facilitate invoicing, I’ll need relevant details about your company or individual status (few and only those required by law in Europe).

    • Commitment to Completion:
      • I guarantee project completion once we’ve agreed on terms and you’re making payments.
      • You’ll receive the full deliverable as promised.

    • Work Environment Options:
      • Choose between remote development on your computer or working with "test" files on my PC (I will never ask you for your files, I will eventually use clean files for development).
      • For the latter, transfer time from test files to your files will be factored into billing.
      • work on my PC includes video proof, showing timestamps and seconds of PC time in the video.
      • Video quality is optimized (10fps, 720p) to minimize file size.

    • Unrestricted Requests:
      • No limitations on the complexity of requests.
      • Complex tasks will incur higher costs due to extended development time.
      • I am also available for bugfixes of other people's code, this will be paid for at a higher price.
      • I will not accept all requests, only those I consider interesting in terms of the amount per hour offered and also judging whether the client is reliable or not.
      • Please note that I am not interested in joining staff teams nor accept itemshop % for payments.



    My Programming Skills

    Allow me to share my programming expertise:

    • C++ (10/10):
      • I have extensive experience with C++, having started programming in this language back in 2008.
      • I am proficient in developing robust applications, managing memory efficiently.
    • Python (9.5/10):
      • Python is one of my preferred languages.
      • I excel in writing clean, concise Python code for various tasks.
    • Lua (8/10):
      • While not my primary language, I am skilled in Lua enough to handle any kind of m2 task.
    • Metin2 Development:
      • I began working with Metin2 code in 2012.
      • Over the years, I’ve taken on various development roles for different projects.


    Feel free to reach out for further details or to initiate a project. I look forward to collaborating with you!

    If you have any additional questions or need further clarification, don’t hesitate to ask. ?





    • Metin2 Dev 7
    • Confused 1
    • Good 4
    • Love 1
    • Love 12

    User Feedback

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    • Developer

    As soon as possible i will add another system which now i m developing.


    1. Way to make a shop every where

    2. Way to buy from shops every where

    3. Way to edit your shop every where

    4. Unlimited items for sale in the shop

    5. Search shop filtering saveable, searches cronology, name suggestion when entering the name of an item

    6. Auction offline (that who opens the auction can logout, and who made offerts can logout, the auction is automatically works)

    7. Shop Safebox with unlimited items and unlimited yang/cheque

    8. Way to make private offerts for an item in a offline shop (the owner of the shop will recv a notify with the offert and he can accept it , every thing automatically)

    9. Way to take a look to the list of sold item (only the owner of the shop)

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    • Developer

    offlineshop soon on sale, the last tests are in conclusion and soon I will publish a video where the system is explained in detail


    Main features of the system:
    1. Way to make a shop every where
    2. Way to buy from shops every where
    3. Way to edit your shop every where
    4. Unlimited items for sale in the shop
    5. Search shop filtering saveable, searches cronology, name suggestion when entering the name of an item
    6. Way to take a look to the list of sold item (only the owner of the shop)

    7. Auction offline (that who opens the auction can logout, and who made offerts can logout, the auction is automatically works)

    8. Shop Safebox with unlimited items and unlimited yang/cheque

    9. Way to make private offerts for an item in a offline shop (the owner of the shop can look the offert and he can accept it , every thing automatically)

    10. You can ENABLE/DISABLE the Physical shop in cities by define
    11. The Physical shops are different entity type relative the common shops, this new entity is really light (lag reduced) and it don't use collision.
    12. The Physical shop POSITION is always calculate by the system (so you don't have to be in town to make the shop)
    13. The Physical shop configuration give you way to choice the maps where the system should create the physical shop (so there are more one physical shop for same offlineshop in differents map- for example red/blue/yellow empire and the common town )

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    • Developer

    small spoiler :

    600 offlineshops -> 0 lag  (and i was recording with high quality)


    the new entity type is really lighter than I thought before the test.

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    New Ikarus's Offline-Shop v1.0

    I open the pre-order week.

    This week (27/08/2019 -> 02/09/2019) you can buy the system at a smaller price of 150€.

    The first, second and third who will buy the system during this week will pay only 130€ !

    At the end of the pre-order week you can buy the system at the price of 200 €.

    The system is already up and running, tested by more people who helped me conduct a beta test.

    The reason why only the pre-order is open is solely to avoid reselling, giving me a minimum of advantage over the reseller who will try to sell it immediately after the first installations.

    Obviously the resellers who try to sell it will have a nice surprise that won't spoil.

    I recommend the purchase during this week and in general anyway from me, so you will make sure you have a clean installation included in the price and with the necessary adjustments that your source code requires, moreover only those who buy from me will have future updates listed of following:

    - Shop Skin

    - Target Symbol that appears on the physical store when opened

    - Physical market also for auctions (also with skins)



    Here the video to know the detail


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    the 1th/2th/3th discount still not available because already bought by other clients

    Now the price is 150€ (till 2th september)


    The installations will be executed in order how the payment are done, so i recommend to don t wait the last days to buy the system

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    • Developer

    i want remember to every one the actual price (150€)  will expired in date september 2th, after which the price will become 200€.

    I recommend to don't wait last day to buy if you don't like to be the last of a long tail of people which have to get installation before you.

    I will publish a tail list of installation (which will be always update in real time) in a web page to keep update who are waiting the turn.


    I think it could happen that the last day the unique available payment method will be western union.

    if you don't like this way of paying I advise you not to wait for the last day.

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    • Premium

    Here's a little review of the offline-shop system. I don't have to mention the functions of the system since Ikarus has already uploaded a perfect video with a simple overview. But the system as awhole live is something completely different again, especially when you have seen the source code of the system. I can say that this is the best offline shop system on the market. This applies to the quality of the code and the functions.

    The trade was more than carefree, as I had pre-ordered the system. I was put on a list with a fixed date on which Ikarus installed the whole system. Of course, he was also on time. I own several systems that had to be specially adapted for the offline shop, he did this free of charge, among them were systems that did not belong to the functionality of the offline shop system.

    In terms of quality and support, there are few to zero people who offer exactly the same service as he does. I can only advise anyone to buy this excellent system, you won‘t regret it.


    Kind regards,


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    • Developer
    21 minutes ago, CHMarvin said:

    Here's a little review of the offline-shop system. I don't have to mention the functions of the system since Ikarus has already uploaded a perfect video with a simple overview. But the system as awhole live is something completely different again, especially when you have seen the source code of the system. I can say that this is the best offline shop system on the market. This applies to the quality of the code and the functions.

    The trade was more than carefree, as I had pre-ordered the system. I was put on a list with a fixed date on which Ikarus installed the whole system. Of course, he was also on time. I own several systems that had to be specially adapted for the offline shop, he did this free of charge, among them were systems that did not belong to the functionality of the offline shop system.

    In terms of quality and support, there are few to zero people who offer exactly the same service as he does. I can only advise anyone to buy this excellent system, you won‘t regret it.


    Kind regards,


    I like working with polite, grateful people and patients like you, thanks for the review.

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    • Developer

    i guess you are the guy is asking me 2 times at week to sell him the special item boost to 20 euros.... sorry but the prices are not tractable because are really low relative to the products and the competition prices.

    thanks for your opinion anyway :)

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    I bought his Offline Shop.

    Getting a date for installation wasn't a problem. He installed the complete system via anydesk & adapted it where needed. Works like a charm.

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    • Developer
    On 12/26/2019 at 4:19 PM, Tallywa said:

    shop offline as mult price?


    my system is coded using a struct as price, so i can append the valutes if you need (cheque, gold bars , etc ) by changing few lines of code

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    I do not recommend the seller!
    User gives lib which is server verification, what if his server is dead? I went through this security in 5 minutes and then notified him. Unfortunately, but I withdrew my support and update.
    I am not a system salesman, I was treated as a fraud. I recommend you think twice before buying anything from him!

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    I wanted to be honest but honesty doesn't pay. You lost a regular customer, limited my access to the service and lack of support. When I post on github, the community will introduce updates by itself. I'm the same dick as you :)

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    • Developer


    24 minutes ago, Alerin said:

    I wanted to be honest but honesty doesn't pay. You lost a regular customer, limited my access to the service and lack of support. When I post on github, the community will introduce updates by itself.

    no problem, posting github bought stuff is just proving you are an idiot, the community will spit on you.

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    • Developer

    Soon for sale:


    hackshield server-side:
    - fix damagehack

    - fix speedhack

    - fix bothack

    - fix wallhack

    The price of the hackshield is not yet defined.

    I'm working too on the v1.2 of my Offlineshop that it will expand it by using Skin for shop!

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    Looking at the low quality of offline shops source code I would be afraid of this server side protection. ;/ I consulted pieces of code with my friends programmers and unfortunately confirmed my concerns about the low quality of stores. Shops at first glance work and look great, but there are problems with them.

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    On 3/4/2020 at 10:43 PM, FiszuSobieGra said:

    Looking at the low quality of offline shops source code I would be afraid of this server side protection. ;/ I consulted pieces of code with my friends programmers and unfortunately confirmed my concerns about the low quality of stores. Shops at first glance work and look great, but there are problems with them.

    The other dozens of people fortunatly deny you.
    Anyway i don't know your account and, i don't think you bought my system.


    soon for sale!
    Multithreading hackshield. Efficiently and lightness.

    before the sale I will provide a test-server for those who wish to test any hack among those listed in the fixes.

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    Yes i bought.


            case QID_OFFLINESHOP_ADD_ITEM:


    And I'm very angry at these shops. Because I trusted that I pay a money for something good and it is underdeveloped
    I have bought many systems and compared to other systems this one is not worth the money.

    And this is few things you fuck up with this shops.

    Embed texts in graphics. Translating it into several languages is a disaster. So I had to change half of the UI
    Sometimes the shops and items in them disappear
    In some cases, items disappear after purchase (Mate unsigned int will never be negative!)
    Even once it happened that after the sale item I had item and yang and buyer dont have item and yang but I can't do it again
    Very inefficient with more shops. It can suspend communication with the server for a few seconds. Which causes a huge lag
    Weird / wrong QID execution. But it's easy to fix
    Sometimes players could not open a new shop
    Shops after purchase all items do not disappear from the map for everyone
    You can't click on the shop with the names hidden
    Probably with these shops you can kill the channel with an appropriate layer 7 attack (DB, GAME communication)


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    • Developer
    23 hours ago, FiszuSobieGra said:

    Yes i bought.


            case QID_OFFLINESHOP_ADD_ITEM:


    And I'm very angry at these shops. Because I trusted that I pay a money for something good and it is underdeveloped
    I have bought many systems and compared to other systems this one is not worth the money.

    And this is few things you fuck up with this shops.

    Embed texts in graphics. Translating it into several languages is a disaster. So I had to change half of the UI
    Sometimes the shops and items in them disappear
    In some cases, items disappear after purchase (Mate unsigned int will never be negative!)
    Even once it happened that after the sale item I had item and yang and buyer dont have item and yang but I can't do it again
    Very inefficient with more shops. It can suspend communication with the server for a few seconds. Which causes a huge lag
    Weird / wrong QID execution. But it's easy to fix
    Sometimes players could not open a new shop
    Shops after purchase all items do not disappear from the map for everyone
    You can't click on the shop with the names hidden
    Probably with these shops you can kill the channel with an appropriate layer 7 attack (DB, GAME communication)




    so you're saying that the other 40+ customers who bought it and don't have any of the problems you invented ... uh .. listed are all crazy. Okay ahaha

    you are the idiot that some message above tried to put me in a bad light because I stopped giving him support since he bypassed the license check (your message count is a clear proof)


    Thanks for your review anyway, if you were a client (not blocked by me) you would have reported these bugs instead of writing random things here since the support is free. There are currently no unsolved bugs reported by 40+ customers who have it (including 3/4 live servers with 5k + on)

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    I bought the offline shop from this guy.

    Service 100% reccommended! He installed the offline shop and I'm using it on my live server.

    Players seems to like it, especially the auction function.

    Ikarus replies to PMs on Discord and is willing to help in case of necessity.

    The code looks very clean and well coded to me.

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    23 hours ago, FiszuSobieGra said:

    Yes i bought.


            case QID_OFFLINESHOP_ADD_ITEM:


    And I'm very angry at these shops. Because I trusted that I pay a money for something good and it is underdeveloped
    I have bought many systems and compared to other systems this one is not worth the money.

    And this is few things you fuck up with this shops.

    Embed texts in graphics. Translating it into several languages is a disaster. So I had to change half of the UI
    Sometimes the shops and items in them disappear
    In some cases, items disappear after purchase (Mate unsigned int will never be negative!)
    Even once it happened that after the sale item I had item and yang and buyer dont have item and yang but I can't do it again
    Very inefficient with more shops. It can suspend communication with the server for a few seconds. Which causes a huge lag
    Weird / wrong QID execution. But it's easy to fix
    Sometimes players could not open a new shop
    Shops after purchase all items do not disappear from the map for everyone
    You can't click on the shop with the names hidden
    Probably with these shops you can kill the channel with an appropriate layer 7 attack (DB, GAME communication)


    Support about possible bugs is free, Ikarus can fix whatever you want or modify the gui if needed, why spitting on this instead of reporting bugs to him that fix in 5 minutes?

    Anyway the piece of code that you posted doesn't mean that you bought the system, I can post more lines of that part and I have not purchased this system. So why talking shit? ?

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    7 hours ago, Evo said:

    Support about possible bugs is free, Ikarus can fix whatever you want or modify the gui if needed, why spitting on this instead of reporting bugs to him that fix in 5 minutes?

    Anyway the piece of code that you posted doesn't mean that you bought the system, I can post more lines of that part and I have not purchased this system. So why talking shit? ?

    I had some systems that were incompatible with his offline shop. I modified these systems for free while installing his offline shop :)


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    Trying to put people like martysama or Ikarus in a bad light does not make sense, for every idiot who behaves in this way, there are a hundred users willing to guarantee seriousness, professionalism and above all -quality-
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    • Premium

    Positive vouch for Ikarus, he is well known in the italian forums and also a good guy helping out where he can, he also always improved and thrived for more knowledge.

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    • Developer
    On 3/18/2020 at 3:45 PM, North said:

    Positive vouch for Ikarus, he is well known in the italian forums and also a good guy helping out where he can, he also always improved and thrived for more knowledge.

    Thanks for the review.
    You are also known for ur knowledge and for ur helping.

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    3 hours ago, Ikarus_ said:

    Thanks for the review.
    You are also known for ur knowledge and for ur helping.

    more info about encrypter and protection. please be sure to dont work m2bob or leaker and dont work injection and double check to dont work auto farm

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