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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/19 in Posts

  1. Hello everyone, A lot of people might already know the issue. If you choose Arial as Font for Metin2, texts will be displayed in a weird way and with dots. There are a few reasons for this to happen and increasing font size fixes it, but no one wants huge texts everywhere and obviously, we wannt a nice font. Not a trial and error. So here's a partial fix for it. If you choose very small font sizes (e. g. font size 9px) in locale_game.txt it'll still look a bit off but it's definitely readable. With these changes, you'll have no problem with font sizes 14px and higher. Maybe someone wants to share different approaches or ideas. I think with these changes the problem is almost entirely fixed, no one needs size 9 especially with Arial.. First open your Binary source and search for "LOGFONT" (without "" of course). You'll find two matches where it's being used for initialization of new fonts: One in TextBar.cpp(CTextBar::__SetFont) and one in GrpFontTexture(CGraphicFontTexture::GetFont). And these are the two functions where we need to make some changes first. Under the line where LOGFONT is used, you're gonna add the following code: HDC hDC = m_dib.GetDCHandle(); if (hDC) { auto px = fontSize * 72 / 96; fontSize = -MulDiv(px, GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY), 72); } This code segment does two things: First it converst px -> pt, since LOGFONT expects pt. And on second, it calculates the correct displaying size according to the ppi and the cell height. This leads to the variable we need: The point size. Note that there's a minus, which means that we'll automatically choose the nearest possible size according to the specified font size. So everything's good here. Als note that you need add this segment to BOTH places where LOGFONT is being used for initialization. You have to change the name fontSize according to the files you edit. In TextBar.cpp the example above fits, for GrpFontTexture you just need to change fontSize to m_fontSize. Now change the following parts in both functions: logFont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS; logFont.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; logFont.lfQuality = NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY; logFont.lfPitchAndFamily = VARIABLE_PITCH; Note: You can also change logFont.lfWeight from FONT_NORMAL to FONT_MEDIUM or any other font weight if you wanna add up a mit more strength to your fonts. I just left it to FONT_NORMAL, which is fine. Also note that I chose NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY since anti-aliasing didn't make any change (not sure if Arial is even compatible, at least not those small font sized that I tested it with..). You can also change them to something like ClearType to do the job, that's up to you. I wanted to display the fonts just like they are, no mangling with them. But depending on your needs you can tweak a bit here. that's almost it! Last but not least, we have to change the way our adapter hDC does it's job. Especially since the above calculation for point size is only 100% true for MapMode MM_TEXT. And that's what we're gonna establish now. If you are in CGraphicFontTexture::GetFont, you can just scroll a bit higher. You'll see the initialization of hdC (function CGraphicFontTexture::Create). just below SetBkColor(hDC, 0); you can add these two lines: SetGraphicsMode(hDC, GM_ADVANCED); SetMapMode(hDC, MM_TEXT); Aaand you're done! That's it! Compile and enjoy! Best Regards Vanilla
    9 points
  2. Hello, many people asked me about some smaller dungeons. So here is the first one
    2 points
  3. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download
    1 point
  4. Yes it´s right.. You can have model where you want (folder) but must be in D.. Texture must be same as model in D but folder is "variable" just path from granny viewer.. If you want change path for texture check this forum for tool named "THC" this is texture changer..
    1 point
  5. Nice work @.plechito'
    1 point
  6. Looks great, good Job
    1 point
  7. still in progress, so dont judge me to hard. the second one offical model
    1 point
  8. "c++11" code, a little bit optimised maybe someone will be interested; void CPythonPlayer::PickCloseItemVector() { CInstanceBase * pkInstMain = NEW_GetMainActorPtr(); if (!pkInstMain) return; TPixelPosition kPPosMain; pkInstMain->NEW_GetPixelPosition(&kPPosMain); CPythonItem& rkItem = CPythonItem::Instance(); std::vector<DWORD> itemlist{ rkItem.GetCloseItemVector(pkInstMain->GetNameString(), kPPosMain)}; if (itemlist.empty()) return; for (auto &i : itemlist) SendClickItemVectorPacket(i); } std::vector<DWORD> CPythonItem::GetCloseItemVector(const std::string & myName, const TPixelPosition & c_rPixelPosition) { DWORD dwCloseItemDistance = 1000 * 1000; std::vector<DWORD> itemlist; for (auto &i : m_GroundItemInstanceMap) { TGroundItemInstance * pInstance = i.second; DWORD dwxDistance = DWORD(c_rPixelPosition.x - pInstance->v3EndPosition.x); DWORD dwyDistance = DWORD(c_rPixelPosition.y - (-pInstance->v3EndPosition.y)); DWORD dwDistance = DWORD(dwxDistance*dwxDistance + dwyDistance * dwyDistance); if (dwDistance < dwCloseItemDistance && (pInstance->stOwnership == "" || pInstance->stOwnership == myName)) { itemlist.push_back(i.first); } } return itemlist; // moving vector not explicit } void CPythonPlayer::SendClickItemVectorPacket(DWORD dwIID) { if (IsObserverMode()) return; CPythonNetworkStream& rkNetStream = CPythonNetworkStream::Instance(); rkNetStream.SendItemPickUpPacket(dwIID); }
    1 point
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