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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/15/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
  2. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello devs. I don't want to talk a lot about nothing, but I have to say what is this. With this little modification the party and the friend requests are cancelled automatically in seconds what you can change in the Open method. ( pyObj.Open(sec) ) Preview video: Make a backup before you are implementing it! And if you found a bug, please explain it. 0.) Open your uiCommon.py file and import chat module. 1.) Replace the whole QuestionDialogWithTimeLimit class in the uiCommon.py file with this: class QuestionDialogWithTimeLimit(QuestionDialog2): def __init__(self): ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) self.__CreateDialog() self.endTime = 0 self.timeOverMsg = 0 self.timeOverEvent = None self.timeOverEventArgs = None def __del__(self): QuestionDialog2.__del__(self) def __CreateDialog(self): pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/questiondialog2.py") self.board = self.GetChild("board") self.textLine1 = self.GetChild("message1") self.textLine2 = self.GetChild("message2") self.acceptButton = self.GetChild("accept") self.cancelButton = self.GetChild("cancel") def Open(self, timeout): self.SetCenterPosition() self.SetTop() self.Show() self.endTime = app.GetTime() + timeout def SetTimeOverEvent(self, event, *args): self.timeOverEvent = event self.timeOverEventArgs = args def SetTimeOverMsg(self, msg): self.timeOverMsg = msg def OnTimeOver(self): if self.timeOverEvent: apply(self.timeOverEvent, self.timeOverEventArgs) if self.timeOverMsg: chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, self.timeOverMsg) def OnUpdate(self): leftTime = max(0, self.endTime - app.GetTime()) self.SetText2(localeInfo.UI_LEFT_TIME % (leftTime)) if leftTime <= 0: self.OnTimeOver() 2.) Open your game.py file and replace each of these three methods to these: def OnMessengerAddFriendQuestion(self, name): messengerAddFriendQuestion = uiCommon.QuestionDialogWithTimeLimit() messengerAddFriendQuestion.SetText1(localeInfo.MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND % (name)) messengerAddFriendQuestion.SetTimeOverMsg(localeInfo.MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND_ANSWER_TIMEOVER) messengerAddFriendQuestion.SetTimeOverEvent(self.OnDenyAddFriend) messengerAddFriendQuestion.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAcceptAddFriend)) messengerAddFriendQuestion.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnDenyAddFriend)) messengerAddFriendQuestion.Open(10) messengerAddFriendQuestion.name = name self.messengerAddFriendQuestion = messengerAddFriendQuestion def RecvPartyInviteQuestion(self, leaderVID, leaderName): partyInviteQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialogWithTimeLimit() partyInviteQuestionDialog.SetText1(leaderName + localeInfo.PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN) partyInviteQuestionDialog.SetTimeOverMsg(localeInfo.PARTY_ANSWER_TIMEOVER) partyInviteQuestionDialog.SetTimeOverEvent(self.AnswerPartyInvite, False) partyInviteQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=True: self.AnswerPartyInvite(arg)) partyInviteQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=False: self.AnswerPartyInvite(arg)) partyInviteQuestionDialog.Open(10) partyInviteQuestionDialog.partyLeaderVID = leaderVID self.partyInviteQuestionDialog = partyInviteQuestionDialog def BINARY_OnQuestConfirm(self, msg, timeout, pid): confirmDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialogWithTimeLimit() confirmDialog.SetText1(msg) confirmDialog.Open(timeout) confirmDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda answer=True, pid=pid: m2net.SendQuestConfirmPacket(answer, pid) or self.confirmDialog.Hide()) confirmDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda answer=False, pid=pid: m2net.SendQuestConfirmPacket(answer, pid) or self.confirmDialog.Hide()) self.confirmDialog = confirmDialog 3.) Open your locale/xy/locale_game.txt and add these if these aren't exists: MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND_ANSWER_TIMEOVER Friend request was cancelled. PARTY_ANSWER_TIMEOVER Party invite was cancelled. Remove MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 line and change MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 with this: MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND %s added you as a friend, accept? At last take a look at your files and correct the net module calls and the True-False syntax. net <--> m2net, True <--> TRUE
    1 point
  3. Hi, everyone today I would like to share a fix which Webzen has made with you. The fix is about the target position. Ymir is not checking if the target is on horse or not. It would be useful for range attacks. Find this: D3DXVECTOR3 CActorInstance::OnGetFlyTargetPosition() { D3DXVECTOR3 v3Center; if (m_fRadius<=0) { BuildBoundingSphere(); v3Center = m_v3Center; } else { v3Center = m_v3Center; } D3DXVec3TransformCoord(&v3Center, &v3Center, &GetTransform()); return v3Center; } Replace with this: D3DXVECTOR3 CActorInstance::OnGetFlyTargetPosition() { D3DXVECTOR3 v3Center; if (m_fRadius <= 0) BuildBoundingSphere(); v3Center = m_v3Center; D3DXVec3TransformCoord(&v3Center, &v3Center, &GetTransform()); if (__IsMountingHorse()) v3Center.z += 110.0f; return v3Center; } Best Regards Ken
    1 point
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