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  1. Welcome

    Welcome to the M2Dev Wiki
    -> Formerly RewardMetin2
    Inside this wiki, you will find tutorials, references or documentation about the internals of Metin2.
    If you're new to the world of Metin2 private servers, check out the Basic Tutorials on M2Dev.
    A general overview about all topics in this wiki can be found in our Pages.
    The wiki is also open for contributions or changes, make sure to read the Contribution Guidelines, you can freely login with your M2Dev account. Keep in mind that your changes have to be approved by a moderator first.
    If you're looking for help, you can find it on one of these three channels :
    M2Dev Forum M2Dev Discord RewardMetin2 Discord
  2. Contribution Guidelines

    Don't post other people codes or releases unless you have permission from them. Keep your language without any abbreviations and/or use Google Translate to translate text from a language to another. Don't spam or add links to 3rd party websites without approval of the administrators. Try to be as readable as possible. Read the MediaWiki User Guide to understand Text Formatting and other important topics about formatting the texts. Your contribution will be assigned Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 release (Same applies for your modification of the sources that you could add) For excessively long texts (like a big query), you are allowed to post the content on a service like PasteBin. Creating spam pages and/or using bots will result your account of being blocked, lose ability to create an account from that IP, lose ability to create account with the same email, and edit your own talk page. The main focus of the wiki is detailing about the internals of Metin2, do not write about modifications made by other users.
  3. About

    The M2Dev Docs is powered by the M2Dev Community.
    You need to have an account on our forum to be able to contribute here.
    If you want to learn more about the development of a metin2 private server or just getting started, the M2Dev Community, its forum and the docs are a great place to start. Feel free to ask your questions on our forum.
    Please keep in mind, that all changes to this wiki need to be approved by the M2Dev Team.
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