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  1. displayjokes's post in Refine range for Blacksmith & Pyeong was marked as the answer   
    You can find it in Server source > game > char_item.cpp  by looking for BLACKSMITH_MOB and BLACKSMITH2_MOB
    Quick answer:
    Blacksmith up to 499 (included)
    Pyeong from 500 and above
    You should check it, as it can be changed easly so you don't get false information.
  2. displayjokes's post in [BUG] Guild Invite Not Showing was marked as the answer   
    Problem solved, as always i tend to fix my own problems after asking here, this one took me a while, but i managed to get it, a lot of search on source files and i found out this lines of code:
    (file: input_main     on: case GUILD_SUBHEADER_CG_ADD_MEMBER:)
    #ifdef ENABLE_LONCA_NPCYE_ATMA_FIX { if (!ch->IsPC() || !newmember->IsPC()) ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Lutfen sadece karakterlere istek gonderin.!"); return SubPacketLen; } #endif I believe that this piece of code is kinda wrong, since we are already checking what it needs to be checked, if character that is invited exists and if the character sending the invite exists.
    I believe that this code is trying to test if both of them are the same person, if this makes sense.
    Anyways if anyone has this problem it can be a solution.
  3. displayjokes's post in Shaman Healing - Attack Up No Effect was marked as the answer   
    Bug Fixed..
    Solution: Empty space before JEUNGRYEOK in skill_proto table.
  4. displayjokes's post in Insult * was marked as the answer   
    As MrQuin said, i don't recomend, because there are some words that include the insult words and will be replaced, here's an example:
    You want to switch Ass with: This is a fun game, I recommend it to everyone !
    Imagine somene saying, nah i'll pass that..
    It would change to: nah i'll p This is a fun game, I recommend it to everyone ! that..
    Anyways, it should be done in client source > UserInterface > InsultChecker.cpp in this function: void CInsultChecker::FilterInsult(char* szLine, UINT uLineLen)
  5. displayjokes's post in [binary]alignment-20000,can't dorp weapons and armor! was marked as the answer   
    server source > game > src > char_battle.cpp: void CHARACTER::ItemDropPenalty(LPCHARACTER pkKiller)
    Show that function please
    and check if you do have this: ItemDropPenalty(pkKiller);
    called on void CHARACTER::Dead(LPCHARACTER pkKiller, bool bImmediateDead
  6. displayjokes's post in Items not beeing saved on DB was marked as the answer   
    Problem solved, forgot to add transmutation in list of values to save on DB, so i was trying to save 6 values, but only declared 5, this on cache.cpp
  7. displayjokes's post in Item on inventory window no tooltip was marked as the answer   
    Fixed, both slots in the same position..
  8. displayjokes's post in New Bonus Bug On Item_Proto was marked as the answer   
    Fixed it, it was on dum_proto source, i had to put the bonus on the position 92 and it was on the 95 because of wolfman bonuses/resistances, i do not know why that affects that way, but that's the solution, you may now close the topic!
  9. displayjokes's post in Channel Stops Working was marked as the answer   
    Debug and found a solution, i do not know if this happens any other time, but, for now, i fixed it.
    It was a bug on do_ride function in cmd_general.cpp
    old code that was changed:
    new code i changed:
    Since i added more inventories i needed to check this right there!
    it was from slot 0 to 255 and 8 inventories like i have, are 360 slots. So, if i did not had a mount in inventory it would check slots higher than 255 and crashed the game.
    The same applied if i had the mount seal on slots higher than 255!
    Problem solved atleast for now!
    Thank you
  10. displayjokes's post in New Costume Type Bug When Equiped was marked as the answer   
    Okay, i do not know what really did it, but the problem is solved, was able to add the new costume item without any problems after 5/6 tries, always the same process, i changed the height from costumewindow.py on uiscript and it worked, i do not know if it was really that, because the other items were working on the same y value..
    Anyways, problem solved
  11. displayjokes's post in Change monster folder path was marked as the answer   
    Yess i did, i figured out now, on the new folder we want to add, on the .msm we only change the folder to the new one, and the model with the new skin.
    Everything else stays the same, pointing to the original monster!
    Problem solved!
    Thank you for your help!
  12. displayjokes's post in New Sashes Combine/Absorption was marked as the answer   
    Problem solved:
    You need to add the vnums for the new sashes here:
    Server source > common > vnumHelper: 
    static    const bool    IsAcce_Grade1(DWORD vnum)        {return 85001 == vnum || 85005 == vnum || 85011 == vnum || 85015 == vnum || 85021 == vnum;}
    static    const bool    IsAcce_Grade2(DWORD vnum)        {return 85002 == vnum || 85006 == vnum || 85012 == vnum || 85016 == vnum || 85022 == vnum;}
    static    const bool    IsAcce_Grade3(DWORD vnum)        {return 85003 == vnum || 85007 == vnum || 85013 == vnum || 85017 == vnum || 85023 == vnum;}
    static    const bool    IsAcce_Grade4(DWORD vnum)        {return 85004 == vnum || 85008 == vnum || 85014 == vnum || 85018 == vnum || 85024 == vnum;}
    in my case i added the 85021, 85022, 85023, 85024.
    And you will need to add here too:
    client > root > constinfo.py : search this: def IS_ACCE_ITEM(itemVnum, abs):
    add after:  
    elif itemVnum >= 85021 and itemVnum <= 85024:
            return TRUE
    And if you want to add more sashes, add the IDs you want!
    Took long time to solve this, god..
    Hope it helps someone!
  13. displayjokes's post in HELP Finding Weapons was marked as the answer   
    For those who also want, just search Schwarz Stahl on google.
    Thank you!
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