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Everything posted by .Rise

  1. Hello, Is anywhere in client (or server) limit for sending packets per ms? Thank you.
  2. And could you help me please? As I can see, you know it very well
  3. Hello, thank you, but I have problem.. It happens, when I input: "b99eb0026f69810563989b2879181a00" Traceback of python script: Code: #!/usr/local/bin/python2.7 import struct print "Example of a key (Standard): b99eb0026f69810563989b2879181a00\n" string=raw_input("Insert the hexadecimal key: ") lista=struct.unpack("LLLL", string.decode('hex')) n=0 print "\nGenerator: \n" for i in lista: n+=1 i=str(i) i=i.replace("L", "") print "A" + str(n) + " = " + i Could you help me, please? Thank you!
  4. Hello, when I add 6/7th bonus and try to add it into chat using Glass of insight, I can not click on this hyperlink.. Syserr is clear. Could you help me, please? Thnaks.
  5. Hello, I am trying to add new button for visible/unvisible costume for weapon.. It is working properly using quest function: pc.weaponcostume() in another quest.. But when I click on button, It says in syserr of channel: Input: no quest running for pc, cannot process input : 1 There is my quest: quest weaponcostume begin state start begin when login begin cmdchat("weaponcostume "..q.getcurrentquestindex()) end when button or info begin if pc.getqf("weaponcostume") == 1 then chat("You chose visibility weaponcostume.") pc.weaponcostume(0) pc.setqf("weaponcostume", 2) elseif pc.getqf("weaponcostume") == 2 then chat("You chose visibility weapon.") pc.weaponcostume(1) pc.setqf("weaponcostume", 1) end end end end constInfo.py: QUEST_INDEX_07 = 0 weaponcostume = 0 weaponcostume1 = 0 game.py: "weaponcostume" : self.weaponcostume, "weaponcostume1" : self.weaponcostume1, "weaponcostume" : self.__weaponcostume_load, [...] def __weaponcostume_load(self, value): constInfo.QUEST_INDEX_07 = int(value) def weaponcostume(self, qid): constInfo.weaponcostume = int(qid) def weaponcostume1(self, qid): constInfo.weaponcostume1 = int(qid) uiinventory.py: self.weaponcostume = self.GetChild("weaponcostume") [...] self.weaponcostume.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__weaponcostume)) [...] def __weaponcostume(self): import event constInfo.weaponcostume = 1 event.QuestButtonClick(int(constInfo.QUEST_INDEX_07)) net.SendQuestInputStringPacket(str(constInfo.weaponcostume)) Client syserr is clean. Could you help me, please? Thanks.
  6. Ok.. it is solved now but there is another bug: when I am shopping and try to change channel (click on "OK"), after teleport it will refresh on chosen channel instead of staying, because I cant change channel while shopping..
  7. I tried your python part but when I change channel, channel info (under minimap) is still same.. How Can I fix it? Thanks.
  8. Hello, How Can I disable showing target bar on mob with specific vnum? I have already tried this in "def Open": if self.GetTargetVID() == 6 or self.GetTargetVID() == 34001: self.Hide() But it is not working.. Target bar is still showing.. Could somebody help me, please? Thanks
  9. You miss 'ENABLE_SHOW_CHEST_DROP' in your locale.
  10. That is weird.. You had to do something wrong..
  11. Have you edited safebox.cpp, tables, packets, input_db and client part also?
  12. Hello, I post below download link to files from another forum, where is tutorial for 6 page safebox with 270 slots, what is more than 255 so if you edit code, it is going to work with 600 slots. Good luck. DOWNLOAD
  13. Ok.. I have another code of this function.. Sorry..
  14. I have 100 points limit but I can use /con+ 363 and it goes over the limit
  15. Okay.. I did not now. EDIT: I tested it now and it ignores stats limits.. So not usable for players..
  16. Oh.. I didnt know that there is those commands.. But I hope it is not included in all SF and it will help somebody.
  17. Hello, I have created C++ code for adding more than 1 point of stat. I have made it only in C++. Python part is not included (you have to code it by yourself). Description: When you use specific command (/multiplestat arg1 arg2) your status (body) points will increase by value of arg2. It is bug fixxed (no known bugs). When you try to add more than is allowed by MAX_STAT, stats are increased to limit and left points will not be decreased. Usage: /multiplestat <st/dx/ht/iq> <amount> => st = strenght | dx = dexterity | ht = vitality | iq = intelligence Installation: service.h: cmd.cpp: cmd_general.cpp: locale_string.txt: I hope this easy code will help someone. Regards. (sorry for my english)
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