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Everything posted by iShadoW

  1. found it, in chat_manage const DWORD* CHARACTER_MANAGER::GetUsableSkillList(BYTE bJob, BYTE bSkillGroup) const
  2. up, the same problem, maybe someone know, tysm
  3. works so god damn good, ty so much for your time
  4. Version of Files : XXX Hi i have a problem with the short textes, the appendtextline align long textes and all below them, but if the first bonus or the title is shorter it doesnt align GIF here is the part of code def AppendTextLine(self, text, color = FONT_COLOR, centerAlign = True): textLine = ui.TextLine() textLine.SetParent(self) textLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName) textLine.SetPackedFontColor(color) textLine.SetText(text) textLine.SetOutline() textLine.SetFeather(False) textLine.Show() (textWidth, textHeight)=textLine.GetTextSize() textWidth += 55 textHeight += 5 if self.toolTipWidth < textWidth: self.toolTipWidth = textWidth self.childrenList.append(textLine) if centerAlign: textLine.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth/2, self.toolTipHeight) textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() else: textLine.SetPosition(10, self.toolTipHeight) self.toolTipHeight += textHeight self.ResizeToolTip() return textLine def __AppendAttributeInformation(self, attrSlot, itemAbsChance = 0): if 0 != attrSlot: for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): type = attrSlot[i][0] value = attrSlot[i][1] if 0 == value: continue affectString = self.__GetAffectString(type, value) if app.ENABLE_SASH_SYSTEM: if item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_TYPE_COSTUME and item.GetItemSubType() == item.COSTUME_TYPE_SASH and itemAbsChance: value = self.CalcSashValue(value, itemAbsChance) affectString = self.__GetAffectString(type, value) if affectString: affectColor = self.__GetAttributeColor(i, value) self.AppendTextLine(affectString, affectColor) Thanks, Sincerly, iShadoW
  5. hi, when i make alpha channel like rgb and then delete the parts i dont want , in game the texture is tranparency any fix?
  6. Hi , i want to know how could i implement this system with buttons , i tried someting but doesnt work , cause i need to add some width , and use buttons , but there is an transparent board along inventory , and i dont know how could i put these buttons, and use the belt inventory too , but without transparent board wich can move the inventory
  7. :))))) , nice dude . BTW for the topic poster , dude test it by yourself
  8. But a fix for reset pergament , to give back the points that you put in skills 7/8
  9. yea mb , i see them in the folder but not in paint.net , but np ,
  10. i have a problem with db source, i add gaya , and cheque but when i create a character or i have one already , he;s part_main and part_base from db with no armor is 127 look and my code from db is this: queryLen = snprintf(queryStr, sizeof(queryStr), "INSERT INTO player%s " "(id, account_id, name, level, st, ht, dx, iq, " "job, voice, dir, x, y, z, " "hp, mp, random_hp, random_sp, stat_point, stamina, part_base, part_main, part_hair, part_sash, gold,gaya, cheque, playtime, " "skill_level, quickslot) " "VALUES(0, %u, '%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, " "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, " "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0 ", GetTablePostfix(), packet->account_id, packet->player_table.name, packet->player_table.level, packet->player_table.st, packet->player_table.ht, packet->player_table.dx, packet->player_table.iq, packet->player_table.job, packet->player_table.voice, packet->player_table.dir, packet->player_table.x, packet->player_table.y, packet->player_table.z, packet->player_table.hp, packet->player_table.sp, packet->player_table.sRandomHP, packet->player_table.sRandomSP, // packet->player_table.sHorse_appearance, packet->player_table.stat_point, packet->player_table.stamina, packet->player_table.part_base, packet->player_table.part_base, packet->player_table.gold , packet->player_table.gaya #ifdef ENABLE_CHEQUE_SYSTEM ,packet->player_table.cheque #endif ); and as well when i compile it tell me , there are too many arguments for format thank you.
  11. indeed is hard to make it right but , after you will entry on character and play and use skills and etc, you'll see after reboot your playtime loke 1978412 and align too , there is a bug too , this system have some bugs indeed btw , what does the sysser client says?
  12. wow dude this is awesome EDIT, the icons are corupted
  13. is works fine , but for begginers be careful you need to put [TAB] instead SPACE in python because is delicated . ty for this system <3 i put it first time , and i dont have any bugs
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