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Everything posted by Traceur3RUN

  1. I have shitty computer but compiling is 2h -/+ it depends how many i have open programs
  2. how i can do the same on serverinfo.py like metin2 official have
  3. Hello, anyone can share dump_proto for mob_proto and item_proto? there my two files: ww.rar
  4. Hello, how i can remove index from pack. and move it to c++ like: Index = { PACK * patch1 * metin2_patch_dss_box pack/ metin2_patch_costume_soccer pack/ metin2_patch_easter1 pack/ season3_eu pack/ metin2_patch_mineral pack/ metin2_patch_w20_sound pack/ metin2_patch_ds pack/ metin2_patch_5th_armor pack/ metin2_patch_w20_etc pack/ } there is function from Initialization: bool PackInitialize(const char * c_pszFolder) { NANOBEGIN if (_access(c_pszFolder, 0) != 0) return true; std::string stFolder(c_pszFolder); stFolder += "/"; std::string stFileName(stFolder); stFileName += "Index"; CMappedFile file; LPCVOID pvData; if (!file.Create(stFileName.c_str(), &pvData, 0, 0)) { LogBoxf("FATAL ERROR! File not exist: %s", stFileName.c_str()); TraceError("FATAL ERROR! File not exist: %s", stFileName.c_str()); return true; } CMemoryTextFileLoader TextLoader; TextLoader.Bind(file.Size(), pvData); bool bPackFirst = TRUE; const std::string& strPackType = TextLoader.GetLineString(0); if (strPackType.compare("FILE") && strPackType.compare("PACK")) { TraceError("Pack/Index has invalid syntax. First line must be 'PACK' or 'FILE'"); return false; } #ifdef _DISTRIBUTE Tracef("알림: 팩 모드입니다.\n"); #else bPackFirst = FALSE; Tracef("알림: 파일 모드입니다.\n"); #endif CTextFileLoader::SetCacheMode(); #if defined(USE_RELATIVE_PATH) CEterPackManager::Instance().SetRelativePathMode(); #endif CEterPackManager::Instance().SetCacheMode(); CEterPackManager::Instance().SetSearchMode(bPackFirst); CSoundData::SetPackMode(); // Miles 파일 콜백을 셋팅 std::string strPackName, strTexCachePackName; for (DWORD i = 1; i < TextLoader.GetLineCount() - 1; i += 2) { const std::string & c_rstFolder = TextLoader.GetLineString(i); const std::string & c_rstName = TextLoader.GetLineString(i + 1); strPackName = stFolder + c_rstName; strTexCachePackName = strPackName + "_texcache"; CEterPackManager::Instance().RegisterPack(strPackName.c_str(), c_rstFolder.c_str()); CEterPackManager::Instance().RegisterPack(strTexCachePackName.c_str(), c_rstFolder.c_str()); } CEterPackManager::Instance().RegisterRootPack((stFolder + std::string("root")).c_str()); NANOEND return true; }
  5. from source. not from loccale.cfg #EDIT just change to LocaleService_LoadConfig(); in Userinterface.cpp sory im realy idiot xD thanks, solved
  6. i remove this line LocaleService_LoadConfig("locale.cfg"); from UserInterface.cpp
  7. how do you mean? like this: https://www.google.pl/search?client=opera&amp;hs=zOl&amp;biw=1280&amp;bih=914&amp;tbm=isch&amp;sa=1&amp;ei=mVJtW6PGFc7GkwXo36qgDA&amp;q=otclient+&amp;oq=otclient+&amp;gs_l=img.3..0i24k1l10.13443.13443.0.14529. Only when you no have selected lang. Later you change it in settings game option.
  8. Hello, how i can remove locale.cfg and something like this do //old LocaleService_LoadConfig("locale.cfg"); LocaleService_LoadConfig("1012 0 pl"); //new void LocaleService_LoadConfig(const char* fileName) { NANOBEGIN FILE* fp = fopen(fileName, "rt"); if (fp) { char line[256]; char name[256]; int code; int id; if (fgets(line, sizeof(line)-1, fp)) { line[sizeof(line)-1] = '\0'; sscanf(line, "%d %d %s", &id, &code, name); MULTI_LOCALE_REPORT_PORT = id; MULTI_LOCALE_CODE = code; strcpy(MULTI_LOCALE_NAME, name); sprintf(MULTI_LOCALE_PATH, "locale/%s", MULTI_LOCALE_NAME); } fclose(fp); } NANOEND }
  9. Hello i need MultiLanguage Like as GameForge now have.. concat there by pm me. Thanks.
  10. oh, i found my mistake. now works. but one message how to add std.count each second ? like when you logout 9..8...7...6..5.4..3..2..1
  11. if(version != date) it stupid idiot fix because how to connect to game with this? just edit binary to again timestamp and thats all. and you also need change in client binary to work it right? because i do and nothing happen
  12. Hello, what is different betwen this PAWN S_PAWN KNIGHT S_KNIGHT 1 15 0.16 11 2500 1 15 0.208 11 1923 1 15 0.24 11 1667 1 15 0.4 11 1000 and this PAWN S_PAWN KNIGHT S_KNIGHT 1 15 0.16 11 2500 1 15 0.208 11 1923 1 15 0.24 11 1667 1 15 0.4 11 1000
  13. Hello, how i can 1,add monster spawn 2.radom monster spawn group because when you kill like wolf then sometimes resp hungry wolf how to do this with another group of monster like when you kill spider then spawn radom group dog or wolf or spider
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