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Sync: no tree: "Mob"

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Hi folks

Since I don't know how many times, I got a strange error...

First, Some monsters are walking in a linear way, passing trough objects, monsters, players (me) and walls... So, first, I was amused and I laughed about how my game was haunted but since I realised that it could be a serious issue I was barely amused...

Indeed, in addition of some death monsters out of nowhere (pretty weird) and some mobs walking trough everything, I realised that : first, some monsters were really hard to kill, then, some dungeons were purely impossible to do since we could'nt kill all the monsters (as the devil tower).

So, in syserr, I saw the following error, one for each mob bugged in game :


SYSERR: Dec 13 19:04:23 :: Sync: no tree: Soldat démoniaque 281648 681946 660000

So, let's decrypt the syserr (as I decrypted it) :

Sync: no tree: (<- name of the error) Soldat démoniaque (<- name of the mob, currently a mob in the DT) 281648 681946 (<- coordinates, x,y) 660000 (<- Map Index, currently devil tower + 00000 because it's a dungeon)

So If I take a look in the sources, I don't especially have the answer :

	LPSECTREE new_tree = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().Get(GetMapIndex(), x, y);

	if (!new_tree)
		if (GetDesc())
			sys_err("cannot find tree at %d %d (name: %s)", x, y, GetName());
			sys_err("no tree: %s %d %d %d", GetName(), x, y, GetMapIndex());

		return false;


Moreover, sometimes, the coordinates might be fucked up, as we can see with both of the examples, one in the DT, one in the Orkfield (in German... Valley or Seungryong in English I guess) :


SYSERR: Dec 13 19:02:58 :: Sync: no tree: Soldat démoniaque -2147237120 682913 660000
SYSERR: Dec 13 19:10:27 :: Sync: no tree: Combattant Orc élite 339897 -2147483648 64


So, as I touched anything about that, what could be the fix ? server_attr ? Coordinates ? Index ? I'm pretty lost

Have a nice day, and thanks ! :)

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2 minutes ago, .T4Ump said:

Maybe try %d to %ld :)

The format has not affected the function or something else.

The system will kill him in the game If the system can't find the sectree. It's only happening when you ride your horse (For the characters).

It's from my line.


	LPSECTREE new_tree = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().Get(GetMapIndex(), x, y);
	if (!new_tree)
		if (!GetDesc())
			sys_err("No tree %s %ld %ld %ld", GetName(), x, y, GetMapIndex());
			return false;
		x = GetX();
		y = GetY();
		new_tree = GetSectree();
		return false;


Kind Regards ~ Ken

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Do not be sorry, be better.

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I don't think changing the format in a string could really help me to solve the problem :/ Otherwise, thanks ! :)


Thanks Ken, But I don't know what should I do with your code (if only it is not a code already present in the sources), I just precise that the problem occurs even if i'm not riding a horse

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