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C++ Max Attack speed

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In char.cpp

int CHARACTER::GetLimitPoint(BYTE type) const


            min_limit = 0;

            if (IsPC())
                limit = 170;

and change the 170 as you want.


Its not work for me, more than 255+ bugg.

It is not a bug. You must change the attack speed's data type in packets like TPacketGCCharacterUpdate and TPacketGCCharacterAdd.

Edited by .Devil.
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In char.cpp

int CHARACTER::GetLimitPoint(BYTE type) const


            min_limit = 0;

            if (IsPC())
                limit = 170;

and change the 170 as you want.


Its not work for me, more than 255+ bugg.

It is not a bug. You must change the attack speed's data type in packets like TPacketGCCharacterUpdate and TPacketGCCharacterAdd.

Poorly written, it was about the error.

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In char.cpp

int CHARACTER::GetLimitPoint(BYTE type) const


            min_limit = 0;

            if (IsPC())
                limit = 170;

and change the 170 as you want.


Its not work for me, more than 255+ bugg.

It is not a bug. You must change the attack speed's data type in packets like TPacketGCCharacterUpdate and TPacketGCCharacterAdd.

Poorly written, it was about the error.

So.. what is your bug? I don't understand you and your problem, really.
You want to increase attack speed.. so.. I replied why more than 255 doesn't work. I don't replied why there are crash..

In any case, guys, you have to read about ani.cpp. If you want to decrease ninja's crashes try editing GET_ATTACK_SPEED's battle.cpp function.

    if (NULL == ch)
        return 1000;

	LPITEM item = ch->GetWear(WEAR_WEAPON);
	DWORD default_bonus = SPEEDHACK_LIMIT_BONUS;    // 유두리 공속(기본 80)
	DWORD riding_bonus = 0;

	if (ch->IsRiding())
		// 뭔가를 탔으면 추가공속 50
		riding_bonus = 50;

	DWORD ani_speed = ani_attack_speed(ch);
    DWORD real_speed = (ani_speed * 100) / (default_bonus + ch->GetPoint(POINT_ATT_SPEED) + riding_bonus);

	// 단검의 경우 공속 2배
	if (item && item->GetSubType() == WEAPON_DAGGER)
		real_speed /= 2;

    return real_speed;


    if (NULL == ch)
        return 1000;

	LPITEM item = ch->GetWear(WEAR_WEAPON);
	DWORD default_bonus = SPEEDHACK_LIMIT_BONUS;    // 유두리 공속(기본 80)
	DWORD riding_bonus = 0;

	if (ch->IsRiding())
		// 뭔가를 탔으면 추가공속 50
		riding_bonus = 50;

	DWORD ani_speed = ani_attack_speed(ch);
    DWORD real_speed = (ani_speed * 100) / (default_bonus + ch->GetPoint(POINT_ATT_SPEED) + riding_bonus);

    return real_speed;

But I think this is a wrong way to do this..
Another thing you can do it is to disable the speed hack. But the same, it is the wrong way. The "right" thing to do is, in my opinion, editing combo_%d.msa in /data/(pc|pc2)/(asssin|shaman|...), but for this you need to understand how ani.cpp works. I've never tried to edit these files, so this method is not tested.

Edited by .Devil.
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In char.cpp

int CHARACTER::GetLimitPoint(BYTE type) const


            min_limit = 0;

            if (IsPC())
                limit = 170;

and change the 170 as you want.


Its not work for me, more than 255+ bugg.

It is not a bug. You must change the attack speed's data type in packets like TPacketGCCharacterUpdate and TPacketGCCharacterAdd.

Poorly written, it was about the error.

So.. what is your bug? I don't understand you and your problem, really.
You want to increase attack speed.. so.. I replied why more than 255 doesn't work. I don't replied why there are crash..

In any case, guys, you have to read about ani.cpp. If you want to decrease ninja's crashes try editing GET_ATTACK_SPEED's battle.cpp function.

    if (NULL == ch)
        return 1000;

	LPITEM item = ch->GetWear(WEAR_WEAPON);
	DWORD default_bonus = SPEEDHACK_LIMIT_BONUS;    // 유두리 공속(기본 80)
	DWORD riding_bonus = 0;

	if (ch->IsRiding())
		// 뭔가를 탔으면 추가공속 50
		riding_bonus = 50;

	DWORD ani_speed = ani_attack_speed(ch);
    DWORD real_speed = (ani_speed * 100) / (default_bonus + ch->GetPoint(POINT_ATT_SPEED) + riding_bonus);

	// 단검의 경우 공속 2배
	if (item && item->GetSubType() == WEAPON_DAGGER)
		real_speed /= 2;

    return real_speed;


    if (NULL == ch)
        return 1000;

	LPITEM item = ch->GetWear(WEAR_WEAPON);
	DWORD default_bonus = SPEEDHACK_LIMIT_BONUS;    // 유두리 공속(기본 80)
	DWORD riding_bonus = 0;

	if (ch->IsRiding())
		// 뭔가를 탔으면 추가공속 50
		riding_bonus = 50;

	DWORD ani_speed = ani_attack_speed(ch);
    DWORD real_speed = (ani_speed * 100) / (default_bonus + ch->GetPoint(POINT_ATT_SPEED) + riding_bonus);

    return real_speed;

But I think this is a wrong way to do this..
Another thing you can do it is to disable the speed hack. But the same, it is the wrong way. The "right" thing to do is, in my opinion, editing combo_%d.msa in /data/(pc|pc2)/(asssin|shaman|...), but for this you need to understand how ani.cpp works. I've never tried to edit these files, so this method is not tested.

I think must change the client too

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