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[PROBLEM]Syserr r34083

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Game.Rev 34083


SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 2

SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 2

SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 2

SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 2

SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 2

SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 2

SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 2

SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 2

SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 2

SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 2

SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 2

SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 2

SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 2

SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 2

SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 2

SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 2

SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 2

SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 2

SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 2

SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 2

SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 61

[This last error]

then folded CH1

close CH1

This is very important.


SYSERR:  DoRefineWithScroll: REFINE : Unknown refine scroll item. Value0: 1



SYSERR: Process: SEQUENCE 5d794800 mismatch 0xaf != 0x2f header 3

SYSERR: Process: SEQUENCE_LOG [uNKNOWN]-------------

    [003 : 0xaf]

SYSERR: Process: SEQUENCE 4fae4000 mismatch 0x6e != 0xb0 header 2

SYSERR: Process: SEQUENCE_LOG [WiNCH3ST3R]-------------

    [002 : 0x6a]

    [002 : 0x2a]

    [002 : 0x64]

    [002 : 0xf0]

    [002 : 0xfa]

    [002 : 0x4b]

    [002 : 0x51]

    [002 : 0x29]

    [002 : 0x5]

    [002 : 0x19]

    [002 : 0xad]

    [002 : 0xd1]

    [002 : 0x29]

    [002 : 0x7e]

    [002 : 0xd5]

    [002 : 0xd3]

    [002 : 0x9a]

    [002 : 0xbf]

    [002 : 0xb7]

    [002 : 0x29]

    [002 : 0x6e]



SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 3



SYSERR:  GetQuestStateIndex: QUEST wrong quest state file levelup.run



SYSERR:  UseMobSkill: No skill hit data for mob UNKNOWN index 0

SYSERR:  UseMobSkill: No skill hit data for mob UNKNOWN index 1

SYSERR:  UseMobSkill: No skill hit data for mob Setaou   index 0

SYSERR:  UseMobSkill: No skill hit data for mob Setaou   index 1


SYSERR:  pc_set_another_quest_flag: QUEST wrong set flag



SYSERR:  EquipTo: EquipTo: item already exist (this: #71012 Leader's Book cell: 8 Thief Glove)

SYSERR:  EquipTo: EquipTo: item already exist (this: #70043 Thief Glove cell: 8 Thief Glove)



SYSERR:  Click: CQuestManager::Click(pid=266184, target_npc_name=Campfire) - NOT EXIST NPC RACE VNUM[12000]



SYSERR:  Select: wrong QUEST_SELECT request! : 266267



SYSERR:  Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 3

SYSERR: Process: SEQUENCE 5ca27400 mismatch 0xaf != 0x2f header 3

SYSERR:  Process: SEQUENCE_LOG [uNKNOWN]------------- [003 : 0xaf]



SYSERR: Apr 15 04:06:17 :: Sync: no tree: UNKNOWN 307241 1223165 73



SYSERR: Click: CQuestManager::Click(pid=266271, target_npc_name=Exor - Khan) - NOT EXIST NPC RACE VNUM[34007]



SYSERR:  GetUniqueHpPerc: Unknown Key : fake5

SYSERR:  PurgeUnique: Unknown Key or Dead: fake5

SYSERR:  GetUniqueHpPerc: Unknown Key : fake3

SYSERR:  PurgeUnique: Unknown Key or Dead: fake3

SYSERR:  GetUniqueHpPerc: Unknown Key : fake1

SYSERR:  PurgeUnique: Unknown Key or Dead: fake1

SYSERR:  GetUniqueHpPerc: Unknown Key : fake6

SYSERR:  PurgeUnique: Unknown Key or Dead: fake6

SYSERR:  IsUniqueDead: Unknown Key or Dead : real



SYSERR:  Analyze: Handshake phase does not handle packet 3 (fd 31)

SYSERR: Process: SEQUENCE 5bd47400 mismatch 0xaf != 0x61 header 3

SYSERR:  Process: SEQUENCE_LOG [uNKNOWN]-------------[003 : 0xaf]



SYSERR:  OnClick: OnClick Fail (QroFessiOnaL->Lazkowic) - pc is exchanging



SYSERR:  DirectQuery: AsyncSQL::DirectQuery : mysql_query error: Table 'player.change_empire' doesn't exist

query: SELECT change_count FROM change_empire WHERE account_id = 873

SYSERR:  DirectQuery: AsyncSQL::DirectQuery : mysql_query error: Table 'player.change_empire' doesn't exist

query: SELECT change_count FROM change_empire WHERE account_id = 873

SYSERR:  DirectQuery: AsyncSQL::DirectQuery : mysql_query error: Table 'player.change_empire' doesn't exist

query: INSERT INTO change_empire VALUES(873, 1, NOW())



SYSERR:  GetMoveMotionSpeed: cannot find motion (name HUKUMDAR race 502 mode 0)

(HUKUMDAR is the player)



SYSERR:  WarpSet: cannot find map location index 206 x 315300 y 1209200 name Exor

SYSERR:  WarpSet: cannot find map location index 206 x 315300 y 1209200 name Exor

SYSERR:  WarpSet: cannot find map location index 206 x 315300 y 1209200 name ZORA

SYSERR:  WarpSet: cannot find map location index 206 x 315300 y 1209200 name Exor

SYSERR:  WarpSet: cannot find map location index 206 x 315300 y 1209200 name ZORA

SYSERR:  WarpSet: cannot find map location index 206 x 315300 y 1209200 name Exor

SYSERR:  WarpSet: cannot find map location index 206 x 315300 y 1209200 name Exor



SYSERR:  UseItemEx: Item type NONE Fencing Brochure


SYSERR: Sync: cannot find tree at 1049559 24634 (name: Sokrates)


(Sokrates is the player)


SYSERR: Apr 15 13:53:11 :: OnClick: OnClick Fail (IIIIIIIIII->Zenda) - pc has shop

SYSERR: Apr 15 13:54:10 :: OnClick: OnClick Fail (IIIIIIIIII->shop2) - pc has shop

SYSERR:  SyncPosition: Too far SyncPosition Distance(44.643028)(Giant Desert Tortoise) from Name(3V3L3T) CH(962992,271480) VICTIM(964383,266801) SYNC(963098,271178)


(3V3L3T is the player)


SYSERR: operator(): Unknown skill attr type 0 vnum 140

SYSERR:  operator(): Unknown skill attr type 0 vnum 140



SYSERR:  IsUniqueDead: Unknown Key or Dead : real



SYSERR:  Process: UNKNOWN HEADER: 127, LAST HEADER: 0(0), REMAIN BYTES: 1295, fd: 31



SYSERR:  IsUniqueDead: Unknown Key or Dead : real

SYSERR:  Process: UNKNOWN HEADER: 127, LAST HEADER: 0(0), REMAIN BYTES: 1295, fd: 31

SYSERR:  Process: SEQUENCE 5f54f800 mismatch 0x71 != 0xd header 17

SYSERR:  Process: SEQUENCE_LOG [KoMaCi]-------------

    [008 : 0x87]

    [007 : 0xbc]

    [061 : 0xe7]

    [007 : 0xfb]

    [007 : 0x3c]

    [007 : 0x79]

    [007 : 0x6d]

    [007 : 0xaf]

    [007 : 0x3f]

    [003 : 0x60]

    [003 : 0x1]

    [007 : 0x36]

    [007 : 0x68]

    [007 : 0xe]

    [007 : 0x18]

    [007 : 0xf]

    [007 : 0x5b]

    [007 : 0x7d]

    [007 : 0xe3]

    [007 : 0x64]

    [017 : 0x71]

(KoMaCi is the player)


Thank you.

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Could you post the first log with the timestamps? It looks like an attack to me


but I do not think that you can attack.

Channel1 syserr, After the close of CH1:


This is the hidden content, please

This is the hidden content, please

Thank you for watching Shogun


  • Metin2 Dev 1
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up Shogun :(

Channel2 syserr, After the close of CH2:

SYSERR:  P2PJoin: member is not in same channel PID: 265441 channel 99, this channel 2
SYSERR:  P2PJoin: member is not in same channel PID: 266203 channel 99, this channel 2
SYSERR:  P2PJoin: member is not in same channel PID: 265860 channel 6, this channel 2
SYSERR:  P2PJoin: member is not in same channel PID: 265131 channel 6, this channel 2

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SYSERR: Apr 15 00:15:47 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "ÀÌ¹Ì µÐ°©ÁßÀÎ »óÅÂÀÔ´Ï´Ù.";

Just take this text and convert to your language after add it in your locale_string.txt

SYSERR: Apr 15 01:42:40 :: RunState: LUA_ERROR: [string "balik_tutma_yarismasi"]:78: attempt to call global `mysql_query10' (a nil value)
SYSERR: Apr 15 01:42:40 :: WriteRunningStateToSyserr: LUA_ERROR: quest balik_tutma_yarismasi.start letter

I think you don't have mysql_query10 function in your questlib.lua and lua does not know this function. If you don't sure, check it.

UseMobSkill: No skill hit data for mob BILINMIYOR index 0

This mob has a skill but it does not using this skill in game. Check your mob_proto if you don't know anything, upload original mob_proto.

DoRefineWithScroll: REFINE : Unknown refine scroll item. Value0: 1

Check refine_proto.sql if you don't know anything, upload original refine_proto.sql in your db

GetMoveMotionSpeed: cannot find motion (name Nakajima race 20364 mode 0)

Have you got Nakajima .msa files in your data? If you don't sure, check it. it does not exist, take from your client.

DirectQuery: AsyncSQL::DirectQuery : mysql_query error: Table 'player.change_empire' doesn't exist
query: SELECT change_count FROM change_empire WHERE account_id = 873

If you don't have change_empire.sql in your db. Upload change_empire.sql in your db after test it again.

SYSERR: Apr 16 16:13:40 :: Process: UNKNOWN HEADER: 178, LAST HEADER: 0(0), REMAIN BYTES: 785, fd: 88

Which you are using binary version and game revision, tell me.

Kind Regards


  • Love 1

Plain logic saves lives.

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On 18.04.2014 at 1:15 AM, HaveBeen™ said:

SYSERR: Apr 15 00:15:47 :: locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "ÀÌ¹Ì µÐ°©ÁßÀÎ »óÅÂÀÔ´Ï´Ù.";

Just take this text and convert to your language after add it in your locale_string.txt

SYSERR: Apr 15 01:42:40 :: RunState: LUA_ERROR: [string "balik_tutma_yarismasi"]:78: attempt to call global `mysql_query10' (a nil value)
SYSERR: Apr 15 01:42:40 :: WriteRunningStateToSyserr: LUA_ERROR: quest balik_tutma_yarismasi.start letter

I think you don't have mysql_query10 function in your questlib.lua and lua does not know this function. If you don't sure, check it.

UseMobSkill: No skill hit data for mob BILINMIYOR index 0

This mob has a skill but it does not using this skill in game. Check your mob_proto if you don't know anything, upload original mob_proto.

DoRefineWithScroll: REFINE : Unknown refine scroll item. Value0: 1

Check refine_proto.sql if you don't know anything, upload original refine_proto.sql in your db

GetMoveMotionSpeed: cannot find motion (name Nakajima race 20364 mode 0)

Have you got Nakajima .msa files in your data? If you don't sure, check it. it does not exist, take from your client.

DirectQuery: AsyncSQL::DirectQuery : mysql_query error: Table 'player.change_empire' doesn't exist
query: SELECT change_count FROM change_empire WHERE account_id = 873

If you don't have change_empire.sql in your db. Upload change_empire.sql in your db after test it again.

SYSERR: Apr 16 16:13:40 :: Process: UNKNOWN HEADER: 178, LAST HEADER: 0(0), REMAIN BYTES: 785, fd: 88

Which you are using binary version and game revision, tell me.

Kind Regards




thank you HaveBeen™

  • Love 1
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up :(

Channel2-3-4 syserr, After the close of CH2-3-4:

SYSERR:  P2PJoin: member is not in same channel PID: 265937 channel 5, this channel 2

SYSERR:  P2PJoin: member is not in same channel PID: 265325 channel 1, this channel 2



Which you are using game revision? 


Kind Regards


  • Love 1

Plain logic saves lives.

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up :(

Channel2-3-4 syserr, After the close of CH2-3-4:

SYSERR:  P2PJoin: member is not in same channel PID: 265937 channel 5, this channel 2

SYSERR:  P2PJoin: member is not in same channel PID: 265325 channel 1, this channel 2



Which you are using game revision? 


Kind Regards




Game.Rev 34083

Channel4 syserr, After the close of CH4:



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