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Today I noticed it's possible to press esc button when quest is open, and i wan't to disable this, because when we press esc, it's choose the last option (select), and sometimes it's not good. In original gf client, we can't press esc when quest open, so it's not normal.

I'm using Test Client Für 40250


Thanks in advance.

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Open uiquest.py, then search for def OnPressEscapeKey(self): then remove or uncomment these:

		## µµÁßżˇ ˛¨ąö¸®°ĹłŞ, ESCąöĆ°ŔĚ łŞżÓŔ»°ćżě 
			event.SelectAnswer(self.descIndex, entire_questbutton_number -1 )		
			self.nextbutton = None
			self.prevbutton = None

This will disable that when you press ESC it won't choose the last button, but the 'Next' or 'Done' button (if they available). If you totally want to remove the ESC key, just write 

return True

directly under the definition.

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